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matching metal exterior doors to wood trimmed kitchen

14 years ago

We've come to the impasse I feared. We had to replace our old very-expensive-when-purchased-by-two-young-marrieds solid oak firedoor to garage because a dork claimed it no longer met fire code (learned much late it would have met code just fine) so for sake of budget, we bought a metal replacement door. Now, I've got Moby Dick staring me in the face in my kitchen-lobby corridor and it's seen from all directions. DH says it's time to make a decision about painting it because he wants to get started installing the oak trim.

There will be NO other painted trim in the kitchen or lobby.

What have the rest of you done to paint metal exterior doors to match the wood trim in a room?

If you buy paint to match oak, how do you choose which shade of the multi-colored wacky grain wood is best--the lighter, the darker, or the most common color? Do you try to faux wood grain the paint? OR, has anyone just painted the door to match the walls?

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