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Are Heat Lamps Passé? (XPost Bathroom Forum)

14 years ago

We're building a new home in upstate NY, and looking for ways to take the chill off our large bathrooms during the lengthy cold seasons. We're investigating four options; perhaps there are others we're overlooking?

  1. Install an R40 IR heatlamp fixture outside the shower -- instant heat. There are still a variety of fixtures on the market for this lamp but they use a lot of electricity and seem so 1970.

2) Install under floor (electric) heat zones just in the bathrooms. It seems we'll be in and out of the shower before the floor wd warm up.

3) Install heated towel warmers--also electric (though I know they can be plumbed into hydronic systems).

4) Install small fan-assisted in-wall heater adjacent to the shower, to quickly warm up that area. Not sure how close will be okay w/codes.

Thanks for feedback. Appreciate if you have any mfr/model suggestions. --Mark

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