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i really think i have the final layout design here!

13 years ago

please any critiques will be welcomed!

my worries:

1. island will feel too small (30X60 with 18" cabs and 12" overhand for seating along the bottom aisle)

2. aisle between corner of freezer and island is too tight

Most exciting part I cant wait for is to go from 28" X 32" window over sink to 48" X 84"!

I uploaded my layout and an inspiration kitchen

Comments (48)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great inspiration kitchen. I can see why you're excited about increasing the window size. There is no substitute for natural lighting.

    You didn't express concern about no reasonable landing zone for your refrigerator freezer. When the door to the freezer opens, you'll be much further then 40" from the island corner, not even the middle of the island. The frig distance will be likely around 80". IMO this will need to be adjusted.

    The island may be more in the way of cooking then being too small. It looks like you have a fair amount of countertop w/o it.

    Would you be willing to make a pennisula along your back door entry (obviously the wall oven would need to be adjusted)? Can you explain the entry/exits from the kitchen and whether they can be adjusted?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hmmm didnt think about LZ for fridge/freezer. drat! i just made this new layout with narrower aisles and centered the fridge/freezer on bottom wall. i measured and it would be about 63" from center of fridge to island corner.

    i am worried i wont have enough cabinet space. right now there is a pantry on the entire wall where the fridge/freezer is in the drawing.

    i keep thinking about a penisula but feel like i am trapped if i put one there. and with EIK table in front of french doors, it feels a little redundant...

    but please, keep up the advice!

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    Comments (22)
    Okay--reporting back the results, so far, of my extreme measures taken in eradicating 'Southern Blight' on several of my hosta! The one-eyed crown I removed from the 'Golden Sculpture', unearthed and removed all leaves, cutting the crown back severely, and soaked in a bleach solution for an hour and then changed off the water every two days--is doing great! The remaining eyes, in the original pot show no evidence of the 'blight', with that eye removed! I did spritz full-strength bleach on the soil surface of those left in the pot, as well. So far, the one-eyed crown is producing 5 additional eyes and three of them are already sending up leaves. So far there is no sign of the 'blight' on this one, (these eyes) either! Now--the 'American Icon' that I also dealt with severely, and did not unpot, but in this case I just sprayed straight bleach on the base of the petioles, and surrounding soil, and left it on for a couple of mins. before pouring on a good amount of water--so far, so good! I've also sprinkled corn meal on the soil surface and watered it in well! The 'S&S' and 'Titanic' I treated in the same way and also have added corn-meal fairly heavily and watered in--so far, so good! Lost almost all the petioles and eyes on those, but one eye (that was decimated) is sending up a small leaf! They did get repeated straight bleach sprayings after pouring on the 10% solution seemed to not be working! The 'Alex Summers' planted in a raised bed--I removed on Thursday and also removed all the soil and soaked over-night in a 10% bleach solution--I have rinsed and soaked a couple of hours in plain water and potted them up, divided with cornmeal also heavily applied. Every leaf is turning a bright orange! On the one pot of 3 eyes I have just, today, cut the petioles back severely. I've left them planted to see what comes of it! The other two eyes are potted and I'm letting them play out the dying off of the leaves, in hopes they will also reflush! I started out with one eye of this one, from Hosta Direct, and had 5 eyes this year--3 summers later!!! I really am not very hopeful about those two! The roots looked so fragile when I removed them from the bleach water!! I've also done the same thing with another hosta that has shown the nematodes--my 'Maui Buttercups'!!!! I'm just sick about that one, especially! I started out with one eye two summers ago, and now I had three this year! It was looking so good! I also dug it up yesterday--removed all the soil, all leaves (cut them to the crown) and separated all three eyes and soaked them overnight in bleach water! They, too, looked fragile this morning! I've potted them up--set them apart from all other planting areas and will keep a close eye on them for a couple of years. I did test a leaf in the water, (that was also soaked in bleach last night) as I do with any nematode infestation and there seemed to be no 'nematode' life evident, today! How far reaching was the bleach in effectiveness on the nematodes, remains to be seen. And, will the hosta in both situations, having been soaked overnight in bleach 8-10%, survive and thrive--will also remain to be seen! Oh, I got the idea to bleach for nematodes from 'Pietre'! :o) I'll keep you posted--whether you want to know or not! ;o/
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    Comments (6)
    Yes, GE Cafe matches much better, but having compared them side by side, the Samsung is much nicer and seems sturdier. Gets much better reviews as well. Samsung is at least a closer look than the Kitchen Aid fridge I first looked at. . . As for Bosch, I like the size of KA better, gets solid reviews, liked it in the store, and use one now that is terrific. Thanks!
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    Final Layout (I think!) Love to hear your comments!


    Comments (8)
    Alas, there is not room for the range in the corner as shown in your link. It's lovely though! If you look at her island it is angled as well. Here are my only two other options as I see it: 1) keep existing layout, but get a single door fridge that opens to the cabinets to the right (currently have side by side; everything from fridge lands on cooktop) I was actually leaning towards this option until this weekend when I appliance shopped. However, even though I'm starry eyed over the pro range, I do question whether that's too much fire power for me. I'm a simple cook! 2) Move the cooktop over to the peninsula. This was my original thought. I would still have a DD which I actually don't mind and a larger cooktop. It spurned the thread "Kitchen Triangle too large??" That would put 11 feet between the fridge & cooktop. Actually, in the above "final" layout its 11' from fridge to sink. That may be too large also! HELP!!!!
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    Comments (7)
    Congrats! Doesn't it feel good and comfortable when thoughts and imagined images finally fall into place? That range corner looks primed for some real drama. We await the ideas for it. It's not too late to insert either side of the range in your plan... a carved wooden oversized salad spoon and fork set, ...or a macrame plant hanger, ...or a gingham check teddy bear and white goose wallpaper border. But then, I suppose you will be impertinent enough to come up with your own idea.
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  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A peninsula won't work if you want a separate table. There won't be enough room.. Perhaps move the island closer to the table so as to give yourself more aisle space between it and the cooktop but still leave it at 6' long. You don't have DW marked but it should probably go on the left side of the sink. Do the fridge and freezer have to be beside each other? What about putting the fridge where the cooktop is, and then put the cooktop where the freezer is and skoot the freezer down. By doing that you bring the fridge closer into the work triangle and near the sink for prep work.

    I don't think you have enough room for seating along the bottom of the island. (well, I know you don't have enough room). That area is part of your work triangle path from the cooktop to the fridge and part of the entrance way to the DR and you only have 39" of space. People need sitting space and then walking around space to get up or sit down in the stools.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I was just wondering how often you use your ovens? Unless it's almost daily I would switch the fridge/freezer and the wall ovens. Having the fridge/freezer closer to your prep space will save you a lot of steps every day. It would also solve the problem of the island being in the way of your work triangle.

    One other question - how is the cooktop vented? Is the laundry/mudroom in the drawing on the other side of that wall?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    yes DW is to the left of the sink. husband only wants one thing out of whole kitchen renovation and that is this giant fridge/freezer. i threw out the 48" thermador as an option and was rebuffed.

    i do use ovens daily. i would like to switch fridge/freezer and ovens but i feel it will cut down so much on natural light as far as new window goes.... i just remeasured switching the ovens and fridge/freezer. it would leave for a 57 inch long window. maybe still good?

    yes laundry room/mudroom/dogroom/half bath is on the back side of the cooktop wall. the cooktop vents up. currently has a chimney configuration if that helps.

    FYI the main entrance/exit to the house is thru the back yard french doors on the left.

    blfenton: no island seating on the bottom even with option #1?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You have an 18" passage between the corner of your table and the wall(?) where you show the ovens. If I"m seeing that right... obviously VERY narrow.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You are trying WAY too hard to squeeze in an island when a peninsula coming out from where you have your double ovens would work so much better. You could even have seating comfortably if it shifted a bit more towards the window. Get rid of one of your pantries and put your oven there and utilize the laundry/mud room space wiser to be able to add additional overflow storage there.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Perhaps are you choosing appliances that are difficult to size in your kitchen. What about going with a regular 36" wide frig, and having a range instead of the cooktop/wall ovens. If you did use a frig in place of the wall oven, you could have the entire old freezer/frig area as pantry or cabinets and additional countertop area.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    remodelfla: there is plenty of room to walk all around the table. i just put that in at the last minute so it isnt to scale.

    yes the fridge/freezer buggers it all up. he just loves them and i am trying to make them work....i thought about ovens where fridge/freezer are, cooktop to left of the sink and fridge/freezer where cooktop is but then the corner area will just be a loss.

    i like the ideas from everyone. more things to keep thinking about! (just when i thought it was done with design.....:)

    so you dont like flip-flopping the fridge/freezer and ovens? will just lead to a smaller window (but still a nice size one....)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have the huge fridge/freezer in my kitchen and it did take a bit of work to fit it in but it was so totally worth it. I like to keep lots of frozen stuff on hand since I seem to have last minute guests all the time. I can see your concern about the smaller window, but it would still be bigger than what you have, and with the french doors on the other side I think that would be lots of light.

    You also say the french doors are the main entry to the house. Does everyone then go through the kitchen to the mudroom? In that case you need a much bigger aisle below the island or to remove the island altogether. Your inspiration kitchen shows all your elements in an L-shape. If you used a similar layout you could put your 15" pantry back on the bottom wall and really open up that walkway.

    I'm sure you have stared at graph paper long enough to make your eyes bug out (I know I did). Most of us can't get everything we want in our kitchens. Have you ever tried mocking up your plan and walking around it pretending to prepare a meal? I know this sounds crazy (and I won't even tell you what DH said when he came home and found me doing it) but it really helped me to come to terms with the limits of my space, and to accept options I didn't think I would like.

    Good Luck.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Have you allowed for the 3" total overhang of countertops (1.5" on either side). If not this would shrink your some of your aisles further. 33" is getting tighter.

    Perhaps you can identify better your absolutes from mere wishes. Appliances, venting, windows, aisles, seating etc.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'd keep it like your inspiration pic. put the wall oven(s) on the end of the cooktop run. move cooktop 'north' - toward the corner area more. Your ovens would also then have landing space next to them and across from them on the island.

    possibly move sink to the left more? with fridge part where you now have ovens. that's providing the fridge and freezer are / can be separated.

    Then have freezer where it is now on your LO - with pantry = food storage area. I'd put a counter top area to the right (east) next to the freezer (for sorting, filling, emptying, cleaning it). Possible prep type sink there? would be a good area there to fix cold drinks (ice) and that'd keep it out of the prep/cooking/cleaning area.

    Do you plan on having a mw? this counter top area (under upper cab shelf?) would be a good place for it unless you use it often in cooking.

    the counter area there would be more shallow -right? add floor to ceiling shallow pantry area next to it (across from island). This would also give more space for walk area between island and lower wall cabs/pantry/freezer area.

    This should also give you more space on the outer side of the island for seating. have a curved/rounded area on the 'east' outer end of the island for seating. should be room for at least 2 - where someone can sit to talk to the cook or person cleaning up.

    Make what changes you think would be helpful on graph paper - to scale and repost.

    The large window you want will be awesome!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    do you think (like in my inspiration pic) that i have enough room to do both double oven and cooktop on same counter length? i am doing 36" cooktop.

    we dont really use the mudroom. it is just the laundry and dog area (there is a door that goes outside from there and we just take the dogs for a walk in and out there). it has a half bath but with the big dogs, we just send guests upstairs to our main bath. eventually it may be changed and opened up which might then need a bigger aisle as it would be used more....

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What is the actual distance between the wall by the double ovens and the half wall to the living room. I had mentioned that a peninsula wouldn't work because by the graph paper you have about 4' but now you mention that it's not to scale. Anything else not to scale? (It's not nice to play mind games with the kitchen planners.) :)

    Re-measurements need to happen taking into account counter overhangs. What is the actual size of the room? I think you and DH need to prioritize your need/wish list.

    If the fridge/freezer is non-negotiable then other things may have to change - size of window, or range rather than cooktop and wall ovens, island overhang etc.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I do think that the peninsula idea is worth exploring. The gigantic fridge and freezer are really cramping the design though. What about placing the freezer in another area like the mudroom? Also, a 36" range instead of a cooktop and wall ovens would still be an upscale look and give you a nice capacity while giving you 30" of counter space back.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    okay i just measured again....108" from bottom end of cooktop counter to the back wall. so 84" of workable space. 84"-36" (cooktop) - 30" for double ovens = 18" left, 9" of space on each side. just seems too squished and not the recommended amount of space from NKBA. (altho inspiration kitchen seems about that!)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    the wall from double ovens to half wall is 108". sorry for the not to scale on that part. the mini wall right next to double ovens has plumbing in it and cant be moved. peninsula is starting to look better and better.....

    wall to wall from window wall to bottom is 156"
    from right wall where cooktop is to wall next to double oven is 187"

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I apologize, if I'm repeating an earlier idea...but why not use the inspiration picture, except put the wall oven on the back wall? Have a pantry on one side and a landing area, on the other. Maybe use a fridge like the one in your inspiration picture (much better location by the sink) and put the freezer in another area :)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    if i gave up the island idea, that would solve everything, wouldnt it?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I wish I had a program I could draw in but I no longer do. What if you were to do a modified G shaped but from the right end. Do a lower peninsula there about out 5' and then come in about 40" to form the G. You could fit 2 stools there. That would keep the eating area more open. Give DH his frig on the bottom partial wall and with wall ovens and landing in the middle. Put in a freezer drawer and place a regular freezer in the pantry. With what you save on not needing a fancy freezer will pay for the freezer drawer. If you could move the window/sink over left, then you could also fit the cooktop on the same run. I don't know if any of this makes sense so I'll stop there!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    i can picture what you mean

    somethings got to give i guess. he loves the fridge/freezer together. i love the wall ovens and the window. we both love more than the island i guess.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Your fridge/freezer combo has grown since the 42" CD built-in model that you showed in an earlier thread. Do you really need that much fridge/freezer space?

    Did you determine that the ideas I posted for you in that earlier thread wouldn't work for you? In case you don't remember them, here they are again,



    I think I voiced this last time: your kitchen isn't wide enough to allow for large appliances - ovens and fridge/freezer column - on opposite walls with sufficient aisles between them and the island. Something's got to give.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Personally, I think your original plan would work just fine (for me) if you (a) broke up the fridge/freezer placement, to move the fridge (only) to where the double ovens are and (b) moved the double ovens to the current fridge/freezer/pantry stack.
    I'd make the freezer area: Freezer, pantry, pantry (or just double-wide pantry), ovens so that these are across from the island. It will also net you the fridge close to the sink which you'll like if you tend to work fridge->sink->stove.

    Although nice, I don't care nearly as much for the peninsula layout as your original; wouldn't be able to live with the DO, 9" cab, cooktop, 9"cab, corner configuration - in fact, I'd remodel on account of it ;-). I think your first configuration is closer than you think. Swap oven for fridge and you've got it. Just my opinion.

    Oh, and nice move with the extra wide windows! Best thing about any room is windows ;-)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    FWIW, if a 42" FF works for you, then here's a vote for Lisa_a's plan also. This is an infinitely comfortable layout.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    the giant FF is the only thing DH has voice a strong opinion about. he *really* wants those buggers. lisa_a yes thanks i remember and i did throw out the option of 48" CD thermador and got vetoed. i guess if i am getting everything else my way, i have to let him have something :)

    brain still churning!

    i guess i didnt ever think about the landing zone near fridge. i am still trying to figure that need out. i may have to try and cook like lululemon suggested so see how it would work!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Is that fridge/freezer combo a CD model? I'm assuming they are and estimated depth at 27" (could be less, varies from mfg to mfg). I also estimated a 33" cab for your DO. That also could be less, it depends on your cab construction (frame-less vs face-frame) and oven specs.

    Anyhoo, here's another idea for you to mull over.

    It gives you all the appliances you want, an island, floor to ceiling pantry storage (est at 13" deep, 12" cab plus overlay doors) and two 36" wide windows flanking your cook top. The sink, DW and trash are in the island, handy to baking projects and meal prep and table. This plan also gives you landing zone near ovens (island or to their right) and near R/F columns. This plan also puts all the kitchen activity in a central hub area, leaving the aisle on the other side of the island for traffic through the kitchen.

    A 48" aisle between cook top perimeter and island should allow for enough room for working without tripping over each other. You could possibly cheat 3" from the aisle between island and pantry storage to make the island 30" wide (go with 27" deep cabinets for more storage).

    You could also add a prep sink in the corner near the R/F columns but watch the door swing so that no one at the prep sink gets butt-smacked when the freezer door opens.

    My aisle widths are counter to counter or counter to appliance, assuming 27" deep R/F columns and 1.5" counter overhang.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    i thought about a similar plan but with sink and cooktop on same run of counter but with double ovens on bottom pantry wall....

    yes the F/F are CD-26.5 with handle

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That idea has merit with a slim (18") island similar to the one in this kitchen:



    [traditional kitchen design[( by san francisco architect Mahoney Architects & Interiors

    I'll draw that up later, along with another idea I have for you.

    Do you or your husband realize how much visual impact 64" of SS F/R will have in your kitchen? That's almost twice the width of the standard fridge. That's a lot of SS, which could be overwhelming, especially since your space isn't particularly large. Or were you thinking that you'd panel them? That might make them less of a presence. Separating them - which I think someone suggested above - may also make them less imposing. IMO, it would be a good idea for you to do a visual exercise to get a sense of their size before you proceed much further. Hang a sheet or a big sheet of cardboard on a wall in your kitchen to mimic their full size. Live with it for a day or two. Hopefully, that will help you decide whether you go for form (paneling, breaking them up) or function (having them next to each other).

    I found a pic at that shows what 64" of SS fridge/freezer looks like (in a much larger kitchen than you have).



    [modern dining room design[( by boston architect Siemasko + Verbridge

    And here's a kitchen with them paneled:



    [traditional kitchen design[( by dc metro kitchen and bath Bradford Design LLC

    I didn't find many photos showing 64" of R/F but I also didn't look for long. Searching through may also help you get a sense of how they might look in your kitchen.

    Have you considered going with a 48" range instead of 36" cook top and double ovens? You don't get two full size ovens but if you don't need a 2nd full size oven, that switch gives you a bit more room to play with. The bulkiness of a 48" range may also help balance the 64" R/F.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    thanks lisa_a for posting those pics! i did hang up butcher paper to see what it would look like. :) along with giant cardboard boxes on the ground to mimic island and if clearance is sufficient. :) if its on pantry wall, it wont have a huge impact as if it were on cooktop or double oven wall.

    so here is my DHs question....
    "if the main problem with the original layout is that we have no landing space for fridge we are already doing that now with no problem. we dump groceries on kitchen table or on far side (right) of sink now. but in new layout with an island, we will actually be closer that we are now!"

    (he is getting to the point of being sick of the planning and is just about at the throw-his-hands-up-in-the-air-with "dowhateveryouwant"....but i think that is normal :)

    i truly appreciate all the input! you are all giving me so many things to think about.

    will go on houzz right now. someone also posted with the huge fridge/freezer. that is such a lovely kitchen. wish mine was just a tad wider to look like this one. sigh.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The R/F does work best, sightline-wise, placed against the bottom wall but then the island acts as a barrier island (between R/F and sink), which isn't a good idea if you can avoid it.

    I understand why your husband said what he did about fridge landing space. But honestly, just because you've lived with something that is less than convenient doesn't mean you should continue to deal with a less than ideal situation after you spend a good chunk of money to remodel. I'm sure there is a solution. We just haven't found it yet.

    Are you doing a cook top or a range top? Range tops are deeper so they would cut into your aisle clearances more than a cook top.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    yes he thinks like a man. :)

    a barrier island isnt the *worst* thing for me. they seem to be in more aesthetic kitchens as opposed to working kitchens and ours will definitely be a working kitchen. but i dont think it is a dealbreaker for me.

    we live on an island and have a lovely field behind our house. i want to maximize that window space for the lovely view. i also hung the sheet up to mimic the F/F on the window wall and it just felt too closed for me.

    we are doing a cooktop (not rangetop)/double ovens for a few reasons, half the cost of the comparable range. and i hate to bend over to peer in the ovens.

    he did say "fine get the 48" thermador if thats what you want" last night but i want to try and work the fridge he wants so he feels like its partly "his" you get what i mean?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, I get exactly what you mean. I'm going through similar conversations with my hubby (we're remodeling 2 bathrooms now but plan to do the kitchen this spring).

    Live on an island - count me just a tad jealous. ;-)

    So maximize window space, check. But does it need to be one large window? The following plan (and one I posted above) gives you almost as much window (72" versus your 84") in 2 sections. You might be able to do more but I allowed for window molding, wider vent fan, etc.

    Anyhoo, here's another plan to mull over, a variation of one you posted above:

    I kept the R/F on the bottom wall, flanked by pantries as shown in sjr5232's remodeled kitchen (your link above) but I stretched the island to give you landing zone and added a prep sink so that the island isn't a barrier between R/F and water source.

    I also swapped clean-up sink and cook top so that the island's longest side is across from the cook top. If your kitchen will be, as you wrote, a working kitchen, then you'll enjoy the larger expanses of counter in the working portion of your kitchen. At least I find I need more counter space to prep and bake than I do for clean-up (except at holidays, of course, when it seems *every* pot and pan has been used and needs to be cleaned).

    I kept the aisle between cook top and island at 36". Rhome410 has 36" between island and range top in her kitchen on purpose because it's keeps prep area and cooking zone close together.

    I elongated the island from what you had because you have the room and because I think a longer island helps balance the large R/F columns. Plus you could use the additional storage since you're giving up uppers to gain a large window. It would be about the same length but a bit narrower than the island in sjr5232's remodeled kitchen. It would be closer to this island (but with a prep sink):



    [traditional kitchen design[( by san francisco architect Mahoney Architects & Interiors

    I just figured out how to give you more window. Shift the cook top towards the corner Susan by 12.5". You'd have a 30" bank of drawers between cook top and corner Susan and 53" of cabinets between cook top and DO. Then you can expand the windows flanking the cook top by 6" each, which gives you a total of 84" of window, same as you have in your plan with the sink on the window wall. The only uppers you'd have in your kitchen would be on the sink wall. Run them straight to the window wall.

    Can you recess the R/F into the stairway wall? Did I already ask this (having deja vu)? If so, then you'd gain about 2" to use in the aisle between R/F and island. I'm assuming this is a main path so it would be nice to make it a bit more generous.

    btw, the aisle dimensions are based on R/F at 26" deep, aiming to include just the boxes and doors and I might have overestimated their depth a tad. I didn't figure we needed to include the handles in the total depth since the handles don't run the entire width of the R/F.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    in your magic, can i have a seat or three at that island or am i asking for the world? :)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hahahaha, if I had that kind of magic, I'd conjure up 2 extra feet for my kitchen! ;-)

    You can add one seat at the end of the island, across from your table. I would not add seats along the long side because you really don't have the aisle clearance to do that. Recs are for 44" aisles so that people can walk behind seating on one side and 60" aisles with back to back seating (pretty sure that latter rec is correct, having a brain fart moment and can't find my notes on that). We get by with only 40" between table and island but there aren't any appliances or cabinets opening into that space. That's not your situation.

    If you add a seat at the end, you'll need to scoot the trash and prep sink down to allow for 15" of counter overhang. Don't extend the island (see my comment above about aisles for back to back seating). The cabinet run at the end of the island would shrink from 58" to 44.5". Add in the 1.5" counter overhang and you'd still have a lovely stretch of 46" of counter to prep on across from your cook top.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What I don't like about the plan posted at 1:56 is the site-lines from the living room. As there is only a half-wall between it and the kitchen what you will see is 64" of stainless steel fridge/freezer from the LR. If, like the plan posted at 14:59, they are on the bottom wall (agst the staircase) they are closer to the table and DR. They island is a bit of a barrier from the stove but not bad. If you prep on the island and then cook from left to right at the range you're got a bit of a walk but you have indicated that you don't mind that. One thing I would change about that is to put the trash closer to the other end of the island so that it is nearer to the clean-up sink and so do double duty as a clean-up trash as well.

    The way the fridge/freeser wall is set up might not be aesthetically pleasing. You have 2' cabinetry (pantry), 5'4" of stainless steel, then 2' cabinety (pantry) I'm concerned that the proportions may be off. The pics that Lisa a posted at 13:03 shows the fridge/freezer at one end and that might look better. Then you would have 4' cabinets, then 5' FF and put a cabinet panel at the end. Put the FF at the LR end which also gives you a more direct route to the FF from the cooktop. Or if you can switch the two that might be better.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    blfenton: this was my inspiration for the centering of the R/F

    i love sjr5232's kitchen!

    lisa_a is this your job or love or both? you are very very good :)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh OK> That is one big fridge/freezer unit. You must love your DH very much. :-)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm not sure that paneled fridge/freezer example Lisa posted is the twins you are looking at. Looks more like SZ or another standard built-in to me.

    I don't like the twins. I admit my bias and let you decide for yourself, but I would think about replacement and resale when you box in a limited choice option. People seem to chose them to save money now, but I'd be concerned about it becoming a very expensive change down the road.

    If you are creating a working kitchen, keep working on your layout until you get the best function you can. The headaches are worth it.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    well he gets his big R/F and i get my modernaire hood with rivets and straps. :)

    this is our forever house so i am not worried about resale for now but it is a good thought for others, lascatx

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    murpharoo - I sheepishly (and stupidly on my part) owe you an apology. Turns out (this is the stupid part) i have the same fridge set-up as you want except on a smaller scale.

    My set-up goes - doorway into dining room / 24" pantry / 36" SS french door fridge / 9" pull-out broom closet / 15" counter with upper and lower / doorway into dining room. And, the worst part is that I really like the set-up. My kitchen isn't as big as yours - it's only 20' x 10' (plus eating area and sitting area) but it can hold the configuration.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    blfenton: would love to see a pic :) no apology necessary. my R/F is 64" so i have you beat a bit!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm not a kitchen layout guru, but I kind of like your original plan in many ways. Although there isn't a landing spot by the fridge, it is not too far from the island to use as a landing spot, and there is a straight line from the sink to the fridge without going AROUND the island. Also, I find it convenient to have the fridge close to the table, to get milk, condiments, beverages, and lots of other last minute items from fridge that need to go onto TABLE, not necessarily prep -- and then back into the fridge afterwards. Good luck figuring out what works best for you. Looks like all of your options are pretty nice, though.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    thanks legallin! yes i was thinking the fridge near the LR so everyone can get in it without getting in my way would be good too. lisa_a has come up with nice tweaks which may work too. thanks everyone!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am doing a similiar layout (but I would kill for a mudroom like you have). I have no design expertise, but I will tell you what I have decided.

    I have my one kitchen window in the same spot as yours and I too wanted a nice big span. I decided to go with a bay window which will give alot of light, but the angle will make it a bit less wide.

    Can you move your doorway to the DR to the right a bit so that the doorway will align with your kitchen aisle and create a corner of doors with your mudroom doorway? Can size of mudroom doorway be reduced as well?

    I would put a wall mounted bench along your half wall for table seating. This will give you more space as you do not have to allow room for chairs to push back against the half wall. Also, it will be easy to get in and out of a single bench, so the dreaded "stuck in the middle" drawback shouldn't be an issue. This configuration may allow you to get a slightly wider table and you can easily push the table against the wall when you need to.

    I dwelled alot on fridge placement. My KD insisted that left of the window was the only place for a fridge. Ultimately, while I like the convience that placement offers for proximity to sink and kitchen table, I did not like that this focal point spot in my kitchen would contain a big box. In my layout, the eye is drawn to the sink wall as yours will be. Be sure you are ok with this placement.

    Lastly, I too wanted to go with a cooktop and wall ovens, but I did not like the layout limitations that came along with this. I decided to do a 36" range instead. Why not do a 36, or even 42" professional range. It might work better for your layout.

    Good luck!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    dilly, thanks for the update! it sounds great, i cant wait to see the finished result of your kitchen! do you have the layout so we can see it? i can definitely move the DR door to the right and thought about putting the double ovens recessed into that wall into the DR, but am happy with them to the left of the sink. tell me more what you mean about this "corner of doors".

    i would love to do a banquette. we are considering getting rid of half wall and opening up the whole space into one long room with EIK table being the separation point. so havent decided that one yet. a bench is a super great idea tho. b/c the L shaped banquette would feel too closed.

    yes i too dont want to walk in from the front door (or really where our guests will come in) and just see the massive expanse of fridge the moment you come around the corner. i want the "feature wall" as Candace likes to say be the west facing window looking out over the meadow.

    we considered a nice range. but for what we wanted, it was half price to go with cooktop and wall ovens vs range. (and then i can use those "extra funds" to get my gorgeous modernaire hood!) but i grew up with wall ovens, grandmother, mother etc. i love just looking right in as opposed to bending and peering and yanking out the heavy stuff.

    its so fun designing all the parts. and to think i began this last aug and wanted it done by Dec. glad i am taking my time and not in a rush!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I haven't posted my latest layout yet. I spent alot of time trying to make it all fit but the aisle widths were nagging me (as well as trying to squeeze a cozy sitting area in the room), so I talked to an interior designer and we decided to make the space a bit larger since its a kitchen extension. I still have alot of the same limitations as you in terms of appliance placement and existing doorways, so our layouts are essentially the same.

    I really like Adh673's kitchen and my final layout will be similiar. I'll link to it, its one of my favorites.

    As for the range, I ended up buying a 36" Verona range for about $3,000 and I don't think I could get a double wall oven and 36" gas cooktop for that price. Plus, wall oven cabinets are expensive, so I might save a bit there. Of course, I have always had a range, so its what I am used to.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Adh673's Kitchen

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ohhhhh love adh673's kitchen! it is very similar to what i am thinking of layout except R/F is more towards living room.

    cant wait to see your layout!
    next, i need help with the mudroom is essentially unfinished and the dogs are back there while we are at work and one likes to gnaw on the drywall....ahhh!