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30' cabinet 30' sink

16 years ago

I told my KD I wanted a 30" sink as one of my first requirements. He made my sink cabinets 30" wide. I went to the grantie place yesterday and the 30" undermount sink won't fit in the cabinet because it would need 31 1/2".

I thought he should have know that.

But anyway, does anyone have a close to 30" sink in a 30" sink cabinet?

I started searching and found a sink that I thought would fit on Elkay since outside width was 29, but it said it requred a 36" cabinet (I think because of the drain on the side). I'll keep looking - but if anyone has already had success it would save me time.

Here is a link that might be useful: Here is the link to the elkay sink I thought would work, but it says the minimum width of the cabinet is 36

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