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Does peninsula seating make sense in our kitchen? Layout help

12 years ago

We are thinking we should try hard to work with what we've got for our kitchen remodel, and not mess with the main support walls in our house running down the center...(I posted a few days ago that we had been considering opening walls up to expand into the current LR or DR.)

We desperately want to get more counter space, while hopefully still fitting our family of 5 (3 young kids) in the kitchen to eat most meals.

I prefer a table, but thinking some sort of peninsula seating might be the best compromise. We will have to take down the 1/2 wall separating the FR from KIT and the FR will shrink a little. This disappoints me but a neighbor did something similar we saw and we agree we could deal with it to get a better kitchen.

I was thinking 4 stools on FR side facing into kitchen and one on end, but I don't like how that arrangement would feel like sitting at a diner counter!

Im attaching a very rough layout I sketched out and we mocked this up tonight pushing our current kitchen table up against the 1/2 wall and arranging 5 chairs around it. We like the feel, it feels more like eating at a table since we'd be sitting 2 across from each other.

Does it make sense to have seating on the inside part of a peninsula? I figure at least on inside part Id try to get backless stools so I can tuck them under and use the counter there. I worry about the dead space it seems to create, but wonder if I can put a door on the family room side of the peninsula to access a cabinet on the part where theres no stool?

How wide would the counter area have to be here for ample leg room all around? If theres chairs all around, do I support the counter with base cabinets or just leave it open, supported with legs or something?

Any other layout ideas that you think could get us seating? I just saw a picture of a much narrower "U" design, with banquette bench and table booth attached behind it. Would that work better, do I have room? Or just a tight "U" with a regular table between the FR and KIT?

Any help so greatly appreciated, thank you!!

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