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Amazon question

14 years ago

This is definitely not a complaint, in fact I couldn't be more happier if I tried!

But for the past month or so whenever I order something from Amazon, I pay no s&h, and I get the 2 day shipping! I mean it's here in two days.

I have an Amazon credit card, but I've had that for a couple of years now.

One of my gifts to my son and his wife when they had their first child, is that I will buy all diapers for them. I've been ordering a case a month from for about $37/month.

Now Amazon has the automatic "renewal" for such orders where they send it automatically every month without me doing a thing. Not only that, the same case of diapers are only $23 or $24. Huge savings.

Do you think because I have an automatic order going with them that's why I'm getting free S&H along with the two day shipping?

Anyone want me to order something for you? lol Talk about saving money!

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