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Need advice on 2 systems

10 years ago

Hello everyone. Thank you for reading and hopefully responding to my situation.

I live in Northern VA in a 4000 sq ft house. Built in 2003, but we bought in 2011. Replacing 2 York systems: 3.5 ton 10 seer AC and 80K 80% propane (but switching to Nat Gas probably w/i 12 mos) downstairs and basement; 2.5 ton 10 seer York Heat Pump upstairs.

So far 2 companies with 1 more coming in a few hours to quote Trane. First 2 both Bryant:

Company 1
Quote #1
Evolution Extreme Hybrid System
280ANV048 4 ton
315AAV060110 80% eff
CNPVP4821 evap coil
Extreme Touch thermostat (I think this means the high end connex)

280ANV036 upstairs
FEHANF002T Air Handler 10 htr pk
Extreme touch thermostat

Net $20,500.

Option $2
Evolution 17 187BNA048
315AAV060110 80%
Evo Touch thermostat

Evolution 16
Evo Touch thermostat

Net $16,800

Company #2
Evolution/Preferred "Hybrid"
225BAA042000 15 Seer 3.5 ton Preferred HP
315AAV048090 80% Evolution Furnance
Saber Genius UV light
Honeywell IAQ thermostat

225BNA030000 15 Seer 2.5 ton
10Kw htr pk
Saber Genius UV light
no special thermostat according to quote

Net Total: $16015

Both top rated companies. 10 year labor on Company #2 is $750 each system. Haven't asked Company #1 yet. Which is the better buy? Evolution Extreme seems much too high end for someone like me. And I don't plan on being in this house past 10 years. Both companies seem nice and knowledgeable but no Manual J's done. First company kept talking about Evolution extreme and never hinted that you could do Evolution furnance with Preferred Heat Pump, so I appreciated that from company #2.

Also interesting that Company #1 went to 4ton/3ton while Company #2 stuck with builder's original 3.5ton/2.5 ton.

What do you guys think? Thank you so much for your input!


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