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Condensate Drain Help!?!?

11 years ago

Hi - Sometimes I hear a water "gurgling" sound that seems to be coming from the base of my gas heater, where there appears to be a couple of rubber hoses going into the drain. When I hear this sound, the heater doesn't fire up the glow plugs, and the gas won't ignite. If i shut down and wait and try again, maybe on the 2nd or 3rd try, it will fire up correctly. Must be some kind of a drain issue, but I would like to know if this is something I can figure out and remedy myself. Since the A/C condenser sits on top of the heater, is the condensation coming from this unit? Is the issue that it is not draining fast enough? i know these heaters have checks and balances in place and if everything isn't just so, it won't activate. anyway, thanks for any help!

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