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Inside condenser..can I do this?

16 years ago

I make my home in a grand old turn-of-the-century schoolhouse. My wife and I utilize approximately 3k sq. ft. of the available 15,000 sq ft. In considering a new heat/ac system for our space, one leading option has been a heat pump system. My building contains an underground gymnasium; A windowless concrete "box" approximately 60'x40' with a ceiling height of 16' (38,000 cu ft.). We have some nasty weather here in Minnesota, yet throughout a recent week of outside temps ranging from zero to -20, the gym temp never fell below +32f. In the hottest days of summer, the gym remains cool. I have always thought that a heat pump condenser operating in these more friendly conditions would offer a distinct advantage. But would the air become super-chilled or super-heated or would the underground mass regenerate the heat and cold? Noise isolation / drainage do not pose a problem. My sincere thanks. Dave

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