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Mannington Adura - Any Recent Opinions?

17 years ago

I have read everything that has been posted on these forums about Mannington Adura but just wondered if there are any new opinions. We are considering it to replace carpet in our family room. We like the look of wood but can't use hardwood or laminate because that room has the only door into the backyard and gets daily dirt/moisture tracked in by our family and three dogs. Realizing that nothing is going to look exactly like real wood, are there any Adura patterns that are more realistic than others? What about scratch resistance - the dealer says that she has had no complaints about scratching, but I have read some reviews saying that it scratches terribly. Are lighter colors better for not showing scratches than darker colors? Would appreciate any input.

Comments (221)

  • 7 years ago

    We love our floor and we have the Loctite as well. We've had no trouble whatsoever - just make sure to leave the recommended space between the tile on the wall which I believe is a fourth of an inch and make sure your floors are level to within the manufactures recommended guidelines.

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  • 7 years ago

    This is exactly what we have as well!

  • 7 years ago

    Juleabird14, your photos helped me make the final decision to get Dockside Sand! Thank you for posting the photos, they were very very helpful!

  • 6 years ago

    Helpful thread, thanks! Those of you who have Adura glue-down planks -- how have they held up over the years? Considering Adura Distinctive glue-down in med-light shades. Thanks!

  • 6 years ago

    I will never use anything by Mannington again. I have the Adura Georgia Spalted Maple. It has been down about 5 years and is cupping terribly. It scratches easily. The corners chip. A representative from the company came out within the first six months of installation, took a piece for “testing”, said it met manufacturing standards and refused to replace anything. According to the company, this was one of their high end products at the time. One of the worst mistakes I have ever made.

  • 6 years ago

    I too would never purchase anything by Mannington again. The Adura flooring looks just okay in areas unaffected by sunlight or traffic, but the portions exposed to sun continue to expand and cup. In addition, in areas of our house with higher traffic, connections between planks have broken loose. I can lift the edge of one of the planks beneath the chair in my office and will have to resort to the adhesive to glue that plank to the adjacent plank (as described in materials explaining how to replace a plank). All of this despite the fact that our flooring was professionally installed on new underlayment. Problems began showing up just months after completion of our renovation. Mannington sent an inspector who determined that the problems we were experiencing were NOT covered under warranty. But research indicated that Mannington had changed the warranty AFTER we purchased the product.

  • 6 years ago

    Momx3 David Cohn - Ugh sorry to hear your experiences, thanks for sharing. :/ Are they saying your installations were at fault? If you've changed your flooring or will change, what will you use instead? Thank you both!

  • 6 years ago

    We went with the Mannington Adura because we have a small dog and were afraid to go with real wood. We will suffer with the Adura for now. Eventually, we will likely tear it all out and replace it with real wood.

  • 6 years ago

    Well, I am new to The Adura. It was highly recommended by four different independent flooring stores in two states. Our contractor was very pleased that we had picked a Mannington product, and of the sample floors I travelled around with while making decisions, it seemed far and away the best. Now installed—I shall anxiously see how it goes.

  • 6 years ago

    I’m very happy with the Adura Max. I’m not sure how Adura and Adura Max differ.

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Adura is a straight vinyl floor. Adura Max is a Engineered Vinyl Plank. It has a vinyl topper with a wood plastic composite core. Max is an excellent product.

  • 6 years ago

    Chrisntine, I put an area rug over most of it to cover it up. They simply said it was not covered by manufacturers warranty - did not blame installers.

  • 6 years ago

    Momx3 sorry I've never heard of cupping that wasn't blamed on the installation. Was it under a lot of direct sunlight or did they say why it wasn't covered by the warranty?

    David Cohn what did they change in the warranty?

    Sorry to hear your bad experiences.

  • 6 years ago

    We don't get that much "direct sun" in the Pacific Northwest. But Mannington said that was the cause and that it was therefore not covered by the warranty. If you use the Internet Wayback Machine site, you can find an earlier version of the Adura warranty. The entire section about direct sunlight appears to have been added some time after the Adura product was first released. The early versions of the warranty do not include that wording. But of course, Mannington reserves the right to revise its warranty.

  • 6 years ago

    Wow sorry. Looks like the other manufacturers now have similar language in their warranties too. :/ I thought the direct sun was less an issue if the planks are glued down but sounds like it still caused cupping for you. Sigh, the search continues. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  • 6 years ago

    Davewg Is the vinyl in your picture the natural or dark spalted Georgia maple?

  • 6 years ago

    Many thanks to all who have posted pics of your beautiful Adura Max floors. Special thank you to julieabird14 and Clara McClure for photos of your Adura Max Dockside Sand floors. We are really liking the Dockside Sand for 1200 sq ft in our home, but want to see a sample of Adura Max Tribeca Timber (8mm) locksolid as it is a lighter color which might work better for us. I can't find a sample anywhere-online or at dealers. Today I called We Ship Floors and was told it's new and they don't have samples either. So, I guess I will wait a few weeks and hope someone gets samples. Good thing I'm not in a hurry for it.

  • PRO
    6 years ago


    The launch is taking longer than expected.

  • 6 years ago

    Funny thing is, I called Mannington when I couldn't order a sample from their website because it said out of stock. Their customer service rep said nothing about it being new-just had to order a sample from one of their retailers. I'll try again in a few weeks. Thanks, WeShipFloors.

  • 5 years ago

    Kittie, what did you eventually install? Any pics?

  • 3 years ago

    Mannington Adura is impossible to clean unless you get down on your hands and knees with a scrub brush. We had it put in a year ago and are planning to rip it out and replace it. Don't buy it.

  • 3 years ago

    We will eventually tear ours out and replace it with something else also. We have been terribly disappointed in this product since we put it in. It completely deteriorated in my office where my desk chair regularly rolls over it. I've had to cover that area with a plastic protector. But the worst is still in our living room and dining room, where it buckles and warps when the sun shines on it.

  • 3 years ago

    We just filed a claim with the manufacturer. Terrible flooring. We would have been better off with cheap linolium.

  • 3 years ago

    We've had ours for over 12 years now and love it. No problems at all. I wonder if they've made it cheaper over the years.

  • 3 years ago

    We filed a claim just months after installing our Mannington Adura flooring. Mannington sent an inspector, who naturally sided with the manufacturer. We therefore had no other recourse than to live with the crappy flooring. It's not that replacing it would be that difficult. But we would have to remove the baseboards throughout eight rooms plus closets in order to install new flooring properly. I refuse to just add a quarter-round to our existing baseboards.

  • 3 years ago

    Would love to hear experiences with the various quality levels of the Mannington Audra. The Audra flex is the glue down, the Audra rigid is the solid core to reduce indentation, and then there is Audra Max. I have read good things and bad things about this flooring through the many years of comments on this thread. I am personally considering the Mannington Audra Dockside in Sand and am thinking of the rigid core or the max. I am wondering if the negative comments are from the glue down. I would be grateful for feedback on the experiences of those with the different types of Audra. As well as photos of the Dockside Sand installed.

  • 3 years ago

    I have had Adura Max Dockside Sand for about four years now-2700 ft^2, one level, proprofessionallly-installed continuous floating (no breaks, meaning nothing to break or disrupt the visual impact. Bathrooms, kitchen, bedrooms-It has held up beautifully to humidity, water splashes from sinks/tubs/showers, and urine thanks to several incontinent eldery dogs. Great Pyrenees is 115 lbs and zooms through the house daily with no scratches. I would buy the exact same floors again in an instant. New house has beautiful oak hardwoods, but I miss not having to think twice when the Chi Pin misses the puppy pad or big dog slops water all around the dog dish.

    The house has a lot of natural light-floor to ceiling windows, french doors, and a six-foot ceiling window in the kitchen. I never protected the floors from direct UV light, the kitchen got hours of sunlight on the floor every day, and I have not noticed any fading.

    It’s almost bullet-proof, but small furniture casters will dent and scratch the LVP-a large, heavy, castered coffee table dented my floor before I put floor cups under the wheels.

    My one and only small caveat is that the matte finish shows footprints and smudges-I’d mop with Bona Cleaner, the floor would start to show footprints/smudges in just a few days. That said, the visual impact of the matte finish is stunning and I would purchase it again.

    I still own that house, and will go over in the next week or so to take photos so the folks here can see how good it looks after four years.

    I’ve had it installed in several small office buildings, and it has held up very well except in a few instances when floor pads were not used with wheeled office chairs.

    Hope this helps!

  • 3 years ago

    Where can I find photos you mention? I am considering adura max on 2nd floor of a vacation rental directly on soundfront and am worried about comments regarding sun, cupping, etc.

  • 2 years ago

    I instralled a dark mannington Audra floor in Februrary. It got so scratched and dirty within 8 weeks, despite daily sweeping and proper cleaning. I filed a clain and had it replaced. we are on floor #2. I chose a different color - lighter this time -- still not sure if its holding up. And we are going on 4 weeks waiting for them to pay my installer . I would never get this product again and only replaced it with the same brand as it was being replaced for free.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    I consider this product to be ABSOLUTE JUNK. We installed a dark Mannington Adura floating vinyl plank flooring over new underlayment throughout our house in 2015 as part of a whole-house renovation. We went with vinyl plank rather than laminate due to pets. In our living room and dining room, where the floor gets a small amount of direct sun exposure for 2-3 hours per day, it continues to buckle and curl anywhere it is in direct sunlight. For now, we've covered those areas with carpet runners. In my office, it became scratched when I slid a cardboard box that weighed around 20 pounds, and where I sit daily in a rolling chair, the flooring beneath the chair completely deteriorated within months. The joints and several entire planks broke. That area of flooring is now covered with a plastic mat because replacing planks in the middle of the floor is just too much hassle. We complained to Mannington within weeks of our original installation. They sent an inspector (that they hired) who determined that the material was not at fault. But when we compared the original warranty (at the time we purchased the flooring) with the one they sent us during the inspection, we found that the wording related to sun exposure had changed (and of course, the warranty gives them the right to make changes at any time for any reason). We will eventually replace every bit of the Adura flooring, but have not done so yet, because doing so would also entail redoing all of the baseboards. The Mannington Adura flooring was an EPIC FAIL in what was otherwise a wonderful full-house renovation.

  • 2 years ago

    I do not recommend this product

  • 2 years ago

    Agree! I'm on my SECOND of this floor since February. (Mannington replaced the first one, although they took 4 months to pay my installer). I'm filing a claim on this one and asking for a refund of all costs. It is absolute garbage.

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    There are two types of flooring being discussed in this thread, Adura and Adura Max. I see several different complaints above. I am going to address some of them.

    No one and I mean NO ONE warranties a click lock floor under roller chairs. The warranty specifically says this is not covered. The locking system will not hold up over time. The floor will get trashed regardless of the brand. Glass chair mats should have been purchased by the homeowner on the front end for where the roller chair is used.

    Adura is a straight vinyl product. To my knowledge it has never been approved for direct sunlight. That stuff moves around a lot. I can only imagine what a dark color would do in front of windows.

    As far as scratching goes, all floors scratch. No one warranties against scratching.

    Alan Ward

  • 2 years ago

    The original Mannington Adura click lock floor spec current at the time we purchased the product did not address rolling chairs nor sunlight. Those disclaimers were added AFTER we purchased the flooring (and that purchase was made more than 8 months prior to installation; with materials stored on-site until installation). But since Mannington "reserved the right" to update its documentation, we were stuck with the wrong/poorly performing product and had no recourse other than to live with it and eventually replace it at our own cost.

    The scratches I can live with. As you correctly point out, all floors scratch. But the warping/curling of the floor anywhere it receives even the smallest amount of direct sunlight, and the total and rapid deterioration of the joints in my office due to my rolling chair were totally unacceptable and were never disclosed in the literature available at the time of purchase.

    The company we purchased from (online) even tried to help us. Mannington rejected all efforts to reach any sort of resolution.

  • 2 years ago

    It would be nice if the posters giving positive reviews or complaints could let everyone know if the product was Adura max , ridged regular Adura . Each company makes crap or good floors.

  • 2 years ago

    Dont do it!!! Avoid a mannington audra floor at all costs!!!!! I have one in the kitchen. In 3 months it aged 10 years and the company won't do a darn thing about it. Its is a piece of garbage. Choose another company!!!

  • 2 years ago

    what does it matter what kind of "audra" it is? They all are awful products -- do not do it -- save your money!

  • last year

    @WeShipFloors Thanks so much for your two cents! We are currently looking at getting Adura Max Swiss Oak Almond, or Adura Max OR Rigid Regancy Oak Gilded Gold. Do you have any opinion on Max vs Rigid? It will be in living room, family room, kitchen and upstairs hallway. I feel like I mainly want sturdy for pets, slight sheen (to hide footprints based on reviews), and realistic looking. My husband is convinced the Rigid spc is a better product. Thanks so much! Love all your help and advice.

  • last year

    Rigid us for extreme weather conditions. I used the Adura Max and love it. No scratches. Wears well. Great product. I don’t recommend for upstairs even though it has an underlayment. Unless you are already used to downstairs noise from pergo or tile. If you do put it upstairs. I’d research adding another underlayment well rated for a soundproofing barrier. The underlayment isn’t enough for an upstairs application. For downstairs irs great. Very quiet.

  • last year

    PS. I have the Adura max dockside. In driftwood color

  • last year

    Adura rigid would be good for a sunoorch or a vacation home in extreme weather eg AZ in summer if you don’t leave AC cold while you are gone or cold winters if you don’t keep heat very warm or on.

  • last year

    @WeShipFloors I also noticed the Max is 8mm thickness and heavier, while rigid is 5.5 mm thick. Not sure how that affects things.

    @kaycreighton1 thank you! Initially we were just looking at Max. the stairs themselves we are carpeting and thankfully the hallway/loft upstairs is mainly above the garage, so not TOO worried about a lot of noise. From what I've read Max is still more soundproof than Rigid as well right?

  • last year

    Sara I didn’t check the sound ratings on Rigid.

  • last year

    Hopefully the pattern you select is goid. Mine shows no dirt. Even I I did scratch it you wouldn’t notice it.

  • last year


  • last year

    Good. Lol. Good luck. Mannington is a quality product. My contractor says it clicks in better than any he’s seen

  • last year

    It’s not cheap but it’s quality

  • last year

    Online it says rigid is better for indentation resistance especially in heavily used rooms. But it’s not as good for sound dampening. Maybe use rigid in kitchen and max upstairs ?

  • last year

    Nit sure if they can be linked together. Doubt it