got the Advantech, now what?
17 years ago
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- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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Got my bins,Got my worms,Got my cocoons, NOW What!?!
Comments (5)Thanks Vagas and Tclynx. I had the cocoons in a plastic bag w/o air or food. Just worm doo and cocoons which aren't that recognizable to me yet. I could not imagine leaving them in the plastic bag vagas, so I prepared a bed of peat moss/a couple cups of cornmeal/ and a couple cups of wellllll rotted bagged cow manure that has been laying out in the weather for about 3 years/and a few handfuls of small shredded paper to break up all that dirt looking stuff. Well Mixed and damp. I poured the plastic bag of worm cocoons out onto this mixture in the bin and covered it with a layer of dry shredded paper. I did put some drain holes in the bottom, and I did put another container w/o holes under that to capture any liquid excess or baby worms that might fall through and of course the brick to keep the upper plastic container from falling down below the air holes. And I did put a soaked piece of cardboard box down in my bin to cover the holes for the babies to lay on,first thing. I did that about 3 days ago with the cocoons and I don't see any babies yet, but since I am still afraid I will damage them if I put my hands down in the mixture to look, that doesn't mean they aren't there, I'm sure. In the meantime, I am down to opening and looking at the worms only about 3 times a day and that IS a struggle for me. I put the 3 containers together like Vaga said. The worms are awfully skinny and aren't moving too fast just yet. It has been only about a week and a half since I put them(1000) in there and NOW I can see that they are eating the bedding up and pretty quickly. So, Friday, I set the second prepared container that makes the tiered bin on top of that W/Oa brick (The worms around outside are all laying under heavy stuff so I figured the small weight of the container could be helpful) and I put about 1/2 lb or less of kitchen scraps and coffee grounds and of course shredded paper in it in case they wanted more to eat. They really are skinny. I have never seen such skinny little worms. I am sure they must grow (red wigglers)bigger. Anyway, Today when I looked at them, I DID find that they are migrating up into the food...or at least about 20 of them have so far. Out of fear that they would attempt to escape and inadvertantly commit suicide, I placed the whole 3 layer bin in a large black garbage bag leaving it open and loose in case they try to explore outside the box while I am gone. That way, I won't find them dried up on the floor or step on them. Once I saw that they weren't trying to get away, I took the bin out of the bag. Not one fatality due to escape...not one worm in the bag either. =o) So, I am learning not to sit and prowl through their bedding to see what they are doing.....all the time. Just nervous about them I guess. Trial and error is the way of life, I suppose. I will either get more worms, or they will not do well for me. Thanks so much for your input. It helps to know that you guys are out there willing to share the information with me. =o)...See MoreSo I got sweet potato sprouts.. now what?
Comments (2)It can be as simple or as complicated as folks want to make it. I just snap them off the potato and bury them about half way down in the moist soil. If they are really long just snap them in half or thirds and plant. Water it as needed until they root and you see new leaf growth. Simple. Done it for 50 years and always get sweet potatoes. :) No need to even cut the potatoes in half or put them in water. They grow sprouts all on their own without either. Many discussions here about this - some with pics. The search pulls up over a hundred discussions on growing sweet potatoes. The shoots will grow in just about anything. Whether or not they will produce potatoes all depends on giving them good soil to grow in and room to spread. If you want to root them first then moist potting mix works better than water as the feeder roots will develop in the soil (only water roots develop in water). Dave...See MoreI got seedlings, now what?
Comments (5)Thank you gdinie :) I hope so too. My family kind of shakes their heads at me about this. But I tell them my schedule for this bed to be worked on and implemented in for this plant phase is 2018, so starting these seeds now makes perfect sense. I got a lot of gardening going on all the time, so planning out some beds a year or three ahead like this is actually kind of nice and relaxing. And really.. for a bit of friendship, postage, and patient time- I will be getting what around here would cost potentially several hundred dollars or more in landscaping costs. And the friendship, postage, and patient time are far better spent for me....See MoreWe've got the Cabinets in...Now What??
Comments (0)Hi All, I'm seeking you talented folks help. Looking forward to hearing what you guys think about our kitchen remodel and how you see this finished out. We are traditionally transitional lol , We like Simple and Tasteful, Warm VS. Cool. Not looking for farmhouse or modern. So far our ideas are - Any others are welcome!! Cabinets - White Dove or Simply White or Alabaster Walls - Edgecomb Gray, Granite - Alaska White on Island side, Absolute Black on Stove side ( to save $$ so don't have to buy 2 slabs) Total kitchen is 65 square feet of Countertops, Stainless Appliances, NO ideas yet for Backsplash which will be in back of stove area and also on wall behind wall next to bar. I was pondering floating shelves there (maybe not white) Backsplash color and style? Flooring, Lighting, hardware, faucet???? L Shaped Bar/Island and counter run - Window on right will be a door to patio. This was part kitchen part very large pantry. View of back of L Shape Bar/Island - 24 inch Desk top at tend under cabinet Measurements are not exact on this but gives idea of layout Thanking you in Advance!...See MoreRelated Professionals
Chelsea Flooring Contractors · Costa Mesa Flooring Contractors · Fort Pierce Flooring Contractors · Lacey Flooring Contractors · Town and Country Flooring Contractors · West Bend Flooring Contractors · Brentwood Tile and Stone Contractors · Franconia Carpet Dealers · Augusta General Contractors · Bound Brook General Contractors · Bryn Mawr-Skyway General Contractors · Irving General Contractors · North Highlands General Contractors · Rolling Hills Estates General Contractors · Woodland General Contractors- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 17 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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beach_roseOriginal Author