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Maple Board Flooring.

17 years ago

I had a portable saw mill cut me some maple boards from trees I cut. My neighbor did the same but a few years before me. He planed his boards, did not tongue and groove and laid a beautiful hardwood floor in his old farmhouse. He nailed boards to old floor using clamps to keep the pieces tight. It isn't a perfect job but looks darn nice.He had a pro sand them etc. I want to do the same with mine and put on floor in small bedroom.I have used my jointer and planer but just can't get them to same exact thickness. Yes there was some bowing and warpage and I have tried my best with jointer. I have cut then in 2" strips so I can pull them together. Will a belt sander even them up once I have laid them. Should I glue and nail or use screws.I know it won't be perfect but want it to look half decent. Any advice most welcome.
