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Relentless Night Cough/Post Nasal Drip

19 years ago


I am desperately seeking information/advice about how to deal with my cough. I've had maybe 10 total hours of sleep sleep so far this week; fatigue is taking its toll and I simply don't have the time or energy for this anymore.

DH got sick with the flu last week and kindly passed it along to me. Started with the usual symptoms - fatigue, congestion, fever, aches, etc.

Current status is that the fever is gone, but I still have some sneezes and very plugged ears and post nasal drip that feels like someone poured a bottle of Elmer's glue down my throat. It just will NOT go away. I've tried everything- NyQuil, Sudafed, gallons and gallons of hot tea with lemon and honey, chicken soup, hot steamy showers, salt water gargle, baking soda, turning up the humidifier, sleeping sitting up, etc. Everything. Some of these treatments provide very brief relief, but typically just enough that I can get to sleep. Every time, I wake up a few minutes later coughing and hacking and gasping for air. All the snorting/nose blowing/spitting/hacking I can manage doesn't even budge the lump of mucus at the back of my throat. My throat is so raw from coughing that my voice has been nearly inaudible for days. My tounge has canker sores from all the cough drops. (Don't know why I have trouble with the canker sores and cough drops, but I have my whole life.) My stomach and ribs ache from all the violent coughing. I've had to cancel client meetings all week because I can't really talk, and I'm so tired that I'm not exactly at the top of my game anyway.

I've had trouble with night coughs my entire life. I've been to countless doctors; usually they just hand me a bottle of cough syrup with codiene and that used to put me to sleep deeply enough that I slept through the coughs. However, it also makes me vomit and have horrible nightmares, so I won't take it anymore. Plus it doesn't really solve the problem--it doesn't make me feel better, it just makes me feel stoned.

A couple of years ago, I was on vacation and developed a bad cough and DH called a doctor into the hotel. He basically said I'm experiencing very bad post-nasal drip; the mucus is just hanging out in my throat, creating a constant irritation/tickle that is exacerbated by laying down. His prescription was lots and lots of hot fluids. He said there is no real treatment but loads of liquids and time.

I am trying to be patient with this but I am falling way behind with work which is creating stress and possibly future financial stress if I start losing clients, and I'm afraid that my lack of sleep is making recovery even more difficult. I just want some rest! I'm not normally a sickly type, so I feel very whiny and impatient for even writing this. I'm wondering if anyone has any brilliant ideas or a miracle cure.

Each year when I get this I lose perspective at some point (like now) and panic and think I'm never going to rest again. This year, though, it really does seem especially hard to get relief for even a few hours.

Oh, finally, I live in a cold climate and I was a light smoker for about 10 years; quit a year ago. (Thought quitting would help this but it appears to be getting worse. Thinking about taking up smoking again. JOKING!)

I know there are much more serious illnesses out there and people here enduring real suffering; I'm not confusing this with those issues...just seeking some ideas/guidance/similar experiences.

Thanks so much for reading this and for any help you can offer.

Comments (74)

  • vieja_gw
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    In my post earlier I mentioned "Fisherman's Friend" cough drops ... only thing not prescription that I have found tht really stops my cough ... not those flavored sugary cough drops being sold. The drops I found in WalMart contain capsaicin (found in chile peppers) & has a mild chile-like "tang" to it but very mild. I also use Zostrix cream on sore joints too & it also has capsaicin in it (just keep it away from the eyes!)& works on shingles pain.

  • marathon4ever_hotmail_com
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've had a chronic cough since running a 5k at midnight on 1-1-1992 in about 10 degree weather. I also have a chronic ear problem that has required two surgeries in the past to correct mastiodistis. I have been incorrectly diagnosised with exercise induced asthma that I argued with since sometimes I wasn't exercising, I had the pulmonary tests to elimiate asthma.

    Every year, with the cold weather, I get a cold that progresses into brochithis. I get the antibiotics, cold syrup with codine aka like everyone else in this post. I don't run anymore so I don't have that but now I get sick more often.

    So it appears that I should go back to the ENT to check why I have this chronic post nasal drip. When I was running, my friends would have running noses, but not me. It would go straight down into the lungs so I would have to hack for a half hour or so afterwards.

    I currently have a very bad cold that just won't stop since the 1st of this year and am very sleep deprived. Last night while lying awake, I thought that the Claritin in my medicine cabinet would help but wasn't sure if it was safe to mix with the Musinex DM and Nightime nyquil I already took. All of the previous postings are the same, the tickling in the throat that leads into massive coughing. My coughing is also pretty violent and my body aches from all of the trauma.

    As far as allergies are concerned, my youngest daughter moved back "temporarily" with her three dogs (two long haired dogs) and cat since the 6th so I thought it might be a contributor.

    BTW- my daughters twins (3 yrs old) are also sick and their pediatrician found an ear infection that was causing their coughing problem.

    Net-Net it looks like I have ENT and/or allergist to visit next. The primary care guy didn't do it for me.

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    Hi - Original poster here. I was digging around the net about post nasal drip and noticed that some people had some success with nasal irrigation. Basically you stand with your head over the sink and gently pour or spray a weak salt water solution in your nose. The water and all the gunk that's making you cough come out your nose into the sink. I tried it on myself using the infant nose aspirator to see how it worked. Not exactly pleasant but not horrible either. After much prodding, I persuaded my daughter to try it. We were amazed at the difference it made. (We were also amazed by all the stuff that came out of her head.) Her coughing and gagging have decreased by 75%. If you have post nasal drip, I suggest you try it.
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    A couple stupid little things might help: new toothbrushes. Always get new toothbrushes after a sickness. Sterialize the humidifier. Run the toys the kids play with through the dishwasher. It's not impossible to have them be reinfected by weaker versions of their own germs. Also, there does seem to be something that is going around in this part of the country that's really hard to kick. And kids are different; and older child just might be immune to more and the another child more susceptible. No telling why. Everyone's body and immune system is different--and with twins they might be passing it back and forth between each other. If your doctor's not worried and they seem to be thriving otherwise, I wouldn't worry too much. My personal preference is not to give much medication to small kids. The body does have ways of ridding itself of germs as inconvenient as it may be. But if your doctor says OTC is good, go with that. You just have to feel your way through this stuff. Good luck!
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  • lh00
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When I got a bad cold last week, the post nasal drip caused extreme itching in my throat and terrible coughing spells, especially when I lied down at night and tried to sleep. Neti pots, medicines, etc only help temporarily (or not at all).

    In desperation, I came up with an interesting solution that got me a good 7 hours of sleep: sleep with the FOOT of my bed elevated 6" and without a pillow, so my sinus is LOWER than my throat. No more PND into my throat, no more coughing!

    Can't vouch for any problems that might occur when sleeping on this reverse incline (too much blood rushing to your head?), but I was so desperate for a good night's rest, I was willing to try anything.

    Good luck! Hope this helps.

  • brenna_sanches_salve_edu
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It is such a relief to see this thread. I've been fighting with one of these awful coughs at least twice a year for as long as I can remember, once lasting a whole four months, and no diagnosis I've gotten has helped in the slightest. I've nearly lost a job over it because of how debilitating my coughing fits can be, and I am having so much trouble in college right now--two or three hours of sleep maximum a night, having to run out of class every fifteen minutes to cough, and too much medication making me restless makes it hard to study! I feel like a zombie and I don't know what on earth to try next.

    I tested positive for allergies to dogs, cats, and dust mites when I was very little. My doctor has also suggested I might have asthma, but I highly doubt it. My lungs are perfectly fine until I develop this cough.

    Sudafed seems to work a little, but Delsym, Robitussin (both CF and DM), and Mucinex don't help at all. My doctor has also suggested using Chloraseptic spray or Magic Mouthwash to numb the tickle in my throat. Nasal irrigation helps, but I am afraid to do this too often--I heard it isn't safe to do this more than twice a week, but I do this twice a day out of necessity.

    I have two home remedies that oddly seem to help a little, at least enough for me to stop coughing during a fit: the first is alternating swallowing a little bit of honey, followed by a sip of hot water. The second is to suck on a whole clove, which takes away the tickle and works better than any cough drop.

    The only other thing that seems to help sometimes is giving up the cough meds for a night and turning to a bottle of champagne instead.

    With so many of us suffering, I can only hope doctors figure out something soon! But it's nice to know I'm not the only one having such a hard time with this cough.

  • mdelladonna_yahoo_com
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    All you need is the alergy medicine "nasonex" not sure of the correct spelling.. but just 2 sprays in each nose and after two days you'll never cough again.. I can't believe your doctors haven't told you this.. this is the worst cough in the world and I feel so bad no one has told you this easy fix.. good luck

  • nazirabid_yahoo_com
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am suffering from post nasal dripping since long time and i have no insurance and no govt help,and no job now, even thogh i paid my taxes 35 years in us,please help me to give me some idea how to fix this problem,i am 61 years old and have not slept properly since 3 years,i can only pray for you and you will be awarded by God.

  • ds_farrell_yahoo_com
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    FOUND THE CURE (for me, you try now!!)
    Every night before bed:
    1. Rinse nose w/neti pot with saline solution
    2. On-going prescriptive use of Nasacort 2 spray/nostril
    3. Afrin 2-3 spray/nostril (can only use MAX. 5 nights per ENT)
    4. Suck on Fisherman's Friend lozenge (use repetitively thru nite if have coughing spasms, but spit out before going back to sleep so don't choke)
    5. Sleep propped up in sitting position.

  • shaebrown
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Try benadryl its best cough syrup i have seen ever you will feel relaxed in 3 days.
    its dosage is :- 3 times a day

  • queenB2
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    May I repeat what others have said, thank you!! I finally know I'm not alone! I can relate to most everything that everyone has written, with the exception of those of you who have found relief. I�m afraid though that I've got most of you beat. I've suffered with post nasal drip and a chronic cough for at least 15 years and am truly surprised that I haven�t actually coughed-up a lung yet.

    I have been to a holistic doctor, allergists and ENT�s; pulmonary function tests are always fine and I have taken allergy shots 3 different times (although my reactions on the allergy scratch test are always pretty mild, and yes dust mites are at the head of the list). I've had sinus surgery (so now I can actually breath), taken most antihistamines, decongestants, cough medicines and nasal sprays on the market. I've had chest x-rays and a MRI. All fine.

    Colds and sinus infections hold on forever. But this year I got a new twist. With my last two, 3 week colds, which of course turned into sinus infections, I had a discharge that tasted/smelled so foul... well, I'll just leave it at that. I was told that I had a bacterial infection, which I got rid of after 2 rounds of antibiotics, each.

    Currently I take an acid reflux medicine, antihistamine, Singulair, an 8 hour cough suppressant; X-Clear and still I wake up in the middle of the night with an unrelenting cough. I cough in the morning, afternoon and evening. Before meals I use Ipratropium Bromide Nasal Solution to numb my cough reflex so that I don�t have an unending coughing fit when we go out to eat.

    I�ve been on yeast free diets, wrapped my mattress & box springs, given-up my feather pillows, got rid of my curtains & rugs and use allergen filters in my household vents. Thinking back over the years the only relief I've had was during summer droughts, and when I stayed 2 weeks in a college dorm with tile floor, wood furniture & nothing else. Guess I should start pricing bubbles. But instead, next step is to see a pulmonary specialist.

    I don�t mean to discourage any one, if anything the posts here have given me some new directions to explore. We are all different, and hopefully what doesn�t work for one might work for another. Isn�t that the point?

  • realitytarmac
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Garden Web Readers,

    I have been suffering from a chronic cough that started a few months after I moved from the states to Germany. It has been going on now for almost three years. It�s the worst in the mornings and at night, I also have random attacks during the day as well, basically whenever I am awaken. It feels like something is tickling the back of my throat and I have to cough otherwise I cannot breathe. I often cough so hard I feel like I have to throw up or I do throw up. I am having problems sleeping and I am so fed up with my coughing fits. Some months are worse than others, sometimes I do not cough for a few weeks but then it comes back.

    I have been to many doctors and they almost always tell me it�s psychological, which I know is bull. I have had a blood test done which came back fine. I drink hot liquids, suck on lozenges and do not smoke. I had an allergy test come back positive for pollen / dust mites, so I wonder if it�s being triggered by those allergens.

    When I lived in the states I often had to cough even though I was not sick but nowhere near as bad as it is now.

    I have read through the posts here and am pretty sure I suffer from post-nasal drip. I am heading to the doctor�s again next week for about the twentieth time, maybe I will get some correct answers then but maybe meanwhile someone has some advice for me?

    Thank you!

  • ms_eeyore68_gmail_com
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I also have recurring bouts of post-nasal drip that cause severe coughing, almost exclusively when lying down. I have seen an ENT and was told that my adenoids were gone, I had no wax in my ears, but no allergies. (I know I have had problems with seasonal allergies in the past but they have improved though the years oddly enough)

    The problem for me now is that my new doctor has just informed me that I am never to take antihistamines again because they would worsen another health problem. Right now I am home recovering from major surgery which has triggered the PND again. During my recovery my intestines have just about stopped working which has led to unbelievable pain. So I am terrified of taking any kind of narcotics like the only cough syrup I have in the house. But as I'm trying to get much needed rest I can feel the drip getting worse, but the coughing is very painful to my already abused and beat up body. I can't bear to cough any more. Plus I fear if the coughing gets too strong it will rupture internal stitches or dislodge the sling inserted to support my bladder. It's the second sling I've had since the earlier one apparantlay was dislodged. I need a quick solution to this problem.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • dlbk
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Add me to the list! I got a bug June 3, woke up the following AM with clogged sinuses and laryngitis. The laryngitis lasted over 2 weeks and the cough is still going. I went on Zithromax, then Prednisone, using Hydrocodone cough syrup (w/codeine) as it's the only one that quiets my cough. Now PND is driving me crazy.
    One suggestion I didn't catch, scanning through all the replies was a homeopathic solution. My acupuncturist (who also specializes in homeopathy and TCM) gave me Rumex crispus. I just started taking it, so will post again with an update. He is also using acupuncture to relieve the sinus issue.

    Staying away from all dairy products is definitely helpful as they increase mucus production. I used to have to clear my throat constantly when I was younger, and thought that was just the way it was. Then one day I went into a health food store and was talking to the owner and asked him if he had anything for my gummy throat. He asked if I consumed a lot of dairy (which I did) and suggested I try cutting back. I stopped using milk on my cereal which I usually had every AM, then cut back on cheese and other dairy products. The results were almost immediate and one of the most amazing improvements in my health. I haven't had cow's milk (I use soy milk, frozen yogurt, etc.) in 20 years and have totally eliminated the gummy, throat-clearing issue. I only have a problem if I get a cold or bug, as I have now.

    I stay away from nasal sprays as I've read terrible accounts of what they do to the nasal passages when used regularly. Try using a Neti pot - it really works. It does take a time or two to get the hang of it, but in the long run your nose will thank you.

  • gmhdiamond2_yahoo_com
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have a cough 9 months now.I feel liquid drops from my nose to my throat,then it starts itching me which cause me to cough so much until my entire chest and body hurting,I have seen numerous doctors,all giving me cough syruph the most recent one is Robrissun DM,
    I have also used anti biotic.

  • enjoyingspring
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I started with my cough on May 16th and still have it. Had an xray of my sinuses and they are infected. I have lost my sense of smell and taste because of this. I am now on antibiotics. Hope this goes away, it is very frustrating.

  • Christie_C
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Have any of you considered being tested for Whooping Cough? Unbelievably, I have just found out after 6 weeks of cough & various antibiotics that I've had Whooping Cough all this time. Mild cough during the day. Violent cough from 8pm-6am (lying down triggers it). Like many of you, cough causes me to nearly vomit &/or nearly pass out. Ribs ache, chest muscles sore, giving myself hemmorhoids from all of the coughing. Cold foods also trigger cough for me. Originally thought it was sinus-related, but nothing in there despite FEELING like there's PND (swelling makes it feel like it's clogged with mucus). Albuterol inhaler provides relief enough for a few hrs sleep, though need to pop in a few cough drops overnight, too. Now on Zithromax & Prednisone.

    IMPORTANT: If you test positive for Whooping Cough, your child's pediatrician may want to administer treatment to your children, too, depending on their age(s) & immunization history.

    Apparently, Whooping Cough is going around. I must thank my girlfriend who brought her kid to my house with Whooping Cough, later insisting that he "shouldn't have been infectious after 48 hrs on antibiotic." Oy.
    FYI, by the time we are adults, effects of childhood vaccines are decreased. My dr recommends that I boost-up after I've gotten all better & immune system is back up in full force.
    Best of luck to all of you. Hopefully the early posters aren't still coughing, 6 years later.

  • raytiean56_yahoo_com
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I developed post-nasal drip after catching my third sinus infection in three years (from smoking, a big regret). I've tried all the saline solutions, the over the counter products, antibiotics, Claritin-D and so on. What I've found works best is Flonase but without shaking it. I don't know why but when I've used Flonase after shaking it as directed, it didn't work and oftentimes made things even worse. But after using Flonase after it's settled for at least 24 hours, it's done wonders in clearing up my throat, relieving my cough and allowing me to sleep at night.

  • dwynn97669_aol_com
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'e been reading thru the post and I've had the same problem for years, saw all types of Drs, had all the test, I mean all and had the sinus surgery with no help. I've been an RN for about 30years and figured they really don't know what the problem really is until I read an article in Mayo clinic website that fungus causes sinus infection, PND etc. I kept cleaning my sinus out with the kosher salt, baking soda twice a day but also added GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT, this cost about $8.00 online, it's an antibiotic, antifungal. I put 2 drops in a 2oz bottle(poured the nose drop liquid out)and fill it up with the saline solution so after I clean out my sinuses I use the nose drop twice a day to begin with, you will notice the mucous will finally turn white instead of green or thick yellow, when I get the PND at night I use it before bedtime. I have a site on Fb called "Your Health" sense I retired I thought I'd do some teaching on different disease processes there. I had gotten so tired of all the antibiotics because within a couple weeks the sinus infection was right back along with the post nasal drip.

  • var_epost_hotmail_com
    12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I had the same problem and went quite a few years without any relief. It turned out to be moderate to severe allergies to almost everything but mold. However - trees, grasses, weeds, dogs, cats, dust mites as well as oral allergy syndrome all instantly turned positive once I had a skin prick test. I am a candidate for allergy shots but, decided to try medication first. I now take zyrtec, flonase and singulair and after about a month, the symptoms went away. It comes back every so often if the pollen count is very high for an extended amount of time but the cough medicine with codeine helps for those times. I also get ill off of narcotics. I've discovered I need to take tiny doses spread out in order not to have nausea. It took me awhile to realize it was allergies because I never presented with what most people consider typical allergy symptoms. I never had itchy eyes or skin or a drippy nose. Just the post nasal drip which caused the persistent tickle at night. I hope this helps somebody. I needlessly suffered and I hate for anyone else to do the same. Take an allergy test and in the least, rule it out.

  • Rdhdwmn
    11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've had this miserable post nasal drip and rib-hurting cough for over 4 years. After seeing my primary doctor, who is an internist, ENT, had an upper GI to rule out cancer (I have acid reflux), allergy tests, etc, etc. they couldn't find anything that was causing it. Prior to this PND and cough, my doctor had changed a couple of my prescriptions. I started reading the paperwork that came with the meds, and discovered that one of the MAIN side effects was a really bad cough...hmmmm. So when I asked my doctor about that, he said "oh yes, that can happen." Well DUH... So he changed me to two different meds, and the coughing was cut in half. BUT, I still have the cough, mainly at night AND the PND. So here I am, with the rest of you, trying to discover how to get rid of this more-than-annoying problem.

  • sameboat
    11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh Rdhd I so feel for you. Please check out my post in the link below and ask your MD if this will help you, too. Page down to the Jan. 10 post where I say the meds are helping. I will check back here to see what your thoughts are and if you want I will give you a list of exactly what I was taking and the dosages. It really worked. It really, really worked! I was going out of my mind with coughing and sore all over. It was definitely all stemming from my sinus. I hope this helps you.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Here's the link to my GW post

  • oldrnwhyzer1
    11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ME TOO!! It started with allergies, that turned to Asthma, and now every time I get the slightest cold or allergy season starts, the drip and hacking cough go on for weeks (once, almost 12 weeks). I too have done all the meds, and sprays, and herbal teas/lemon, honey, etc. As many have said here... NONE of them work for very long, in fact most Medications actually intensify it. So do my inhalers, I have the worst attack after a spray or two of that. Someone mentioned taking Imodium. Makes sense, because after way too many years of this, I finally found out that 1. GERD can cause coughing, so Zantac, or Imodium can and will help keep it away. Also, if you take High Blood Pressure Meds, ones like Hydroclorothiazide can also have a side affect of coughing... this after taking it for over 20 years!! This time, the honey, lemon and hot water are working the best. I also got an all natural sinus saline spray called Xylitol (?). But, again, after a few days, the affects diminish. Would love to know more NEW ideas... so keep sharing!!

  • cheerful1_gw
    11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have it and it's making me crazy. Been taking Dayquil/Nyquil, vitamins, fluids. I took a day off from work, which was not nearly enough. Feel like I can't focus on anything. Hoping it does not turn in to bronchitis.

  • senorita1
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I can't stop reading these posts! after a long bout with pneumonia at the time Sandy hit NJ, was finally over it 5 months later, then developed another bad cough on and off with PND. been to pulmonologist, but fine pulmonary tests and was taking asthma meds but didn't help. to an Allergist next, and NO allergies. have reflux and he put me on a short trial with nasal spay "Patanase"and Acophex. this is after taking zantac, dymista spray & mucinex. my heart goes out to all of you with similar problems. it's so tiring! going to try the netti pot. btw, I get really hoarse after coughing and generally sound hoarse all the time.

  • sameboat
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Keep up with the netti pot. Here's a trick my allergist taught me. It sounds gross but hear me out. After doing the netti pot, take a pea-sized drp of KYon a q-tip. I know, I know, gross. But sniff it just into your nostril. Not down into your lungs but just into your nostril so it lubricates your airway. You will find that your nose feels better and doesn't dry out or bleed. Between the netti pot and antihistimines, your nose can get pretty dry. I hope you are feeling better!

  • Saty13
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've heard it's possible to be ALLERGIC TO COLD WEATHER, and I absolutely believe it based on my own experience.

    I know you're drinking loads of hot liquids, but you also need to completely STOP DRINKING NON-WARM LIQUIDS. In other words, avoid all drinks served with ice (like a Coke), all drinks that come out of the fridge (like orange juice and cold milk), and even avoid drinking water from the tap because it's probably on the cold side, especially in the winter. Drink your water hot with lemon and/or tea or however you can stand it. Do this throughout the winter, fall and even spring.

    For me, COLD WEATHER and the associated winter DRYNESS is the THE major culprit causing never-ending post nasal drip. Don't let your throat and neck area ever get cold. Wear a warm scarf around your neck, even when you don't feel it's super-cold outside. If you're in a relatively cold office or house, put on a scarf and sweater and even a hat if necessary. Always stay toasty and hydrated. You're trying to trick your throat and sinuses into thinking that it's not winter!

    This may sound a bit weird, but if you must spend time outside in the winter -- even for 10 minutes -- try to sip on a warm liquid while you're outside. This is important because breathing in the cold winter air is signaling to your nasal passages that it's winter and so they go berserk and completely overreact!

    Always have a humidifier -- even on your desk at the office. I love the hot air humidifiers -- not the cold air one. Vicks makes a good and cheap one that is widely available.

    Good luck!!

  • nancyjay406
    9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My issues do not seem to be accompanied by post nasal drip. It just all of a sudden was in my chest, that raw feeling, then debilitating coughs to follow after about a week. Why I am so worried now is that the coughing is so severe that I cant breath in air while coughing. This would wake me up all through the night. Also the coughing is so dry and unproductive and violent that my bladder just cant take this pressure. I went to the hospital for three days because of the shortness of breath. but they found nothing, but did give me antibiotics, and a number of other things that just dint work on any of it.

  • Debbie Coetzee
    9 years ago

    I know this sounds ridiculous, but rub vicks on the bottom/soles of your feet - it works miraculously!!!!!

  • c_wood18
    8 years ago

    When using a NETI POT you MUST USE DISTILLED WATER. People have gotten very, very ill from the bacteria in tap water. I can't stress enough how important this is...christine

  • cacocobird
    8 years ago

    I have asthma, and was coughing quite a bit. My daughter suggested drinking pineapple juice. I drank a small around, and it helped a lot. Google pineapple juice and cough for a lot of info on this.

  • erinf1025
    8 years ago

    Hey there hacking bud! I've dealt with this same issue for years. It's persistent post nasal allergy drip precipitated. This life long bane has been with me science childhood; ramping up in certain seasons and piggybacking on the dregs of colds and flu. I've been on Claritin, Singular and Flonase simultaneously for year; only to take the edge off. Then there was three years of allergy shots. I do believe the immunotherapy did hold for quite awhile. Still and all, when I get like this it's all seemingly upper respiratory with horrible coughing spasms.

    My primary care physician called mine Reactive Airway Disorder and then progressed to call it Well Controlled Asthma. Appearantly if Reactive airway disorder persists 6 months it gives way to the Well Controlled Asthma diagnosis.

    For the last year or two as a maintenance regime to keep this at bay I've been prescribed Claritin, Singular, Advair disc inhaler twice daily, along with the fast as ting rescue inhaler as needed. These seem to control the spasmodic coughing.

    You think gagging ang throwing up is all; think of other functions that could give way with an over worked diaphragm. Can you say, "Depends".

    inquire of the Reactive Airway Disorder. Adding the Advair to my daily regime has helped.

    Well wishes,


  • erinf1025
    8 years ago

    Also to cut the mucous Muscinex DM and definitely the nasal saline in a can. I prefer that to the Neti pot because I worry of potential contamination.

    the canned nasal saline is over the counter in the cold/ allergy/ sinus aisle.


  • angie Henderson
    7 years ago

    Hi I know this is a long shot but did you ever find a cure for your post nasal drip I'm suffering terrible and I came across your post while searching for a solution



  • dan_auto
    7 years ago

    I've had the relentless cough from time to time at night and lost a lot of sleep. I've tried a lot of remedies with little effect. The thing that worked for me to get it under control was to position my humidifier next to my bed where I could inhale the steam directly while falling asleep and throughout the night as needed; meaning I would put it right next to my face and inhale the hot humid air directly for as long as was needed. It's not just about having a humidifier in the room. I would of course stay far enough back so as to not fall off the bed or scald my face with the steam.

    I also recommend a few drops of Oregano Oil (diluted to 20-25% oregano 75-80% olive oil) taken under the tongue and Peppermint Oil directly on the tongue as needed to improve sinusitis issues long term.

  • mariyn_n_john
    7 years ago

    I have used OTC "Fisherman's Friend' cough drops for a simple but persistent annoying cough. Very simple but it works for me.. .. has menthol & capsaicin (chili peppers!) in it.

  • Jessica Lynn
    7 years ago

    Sweet Baby Jesus thank you so much for that update. My daughter and I get sick every single October and cough nonstop (current situation). We have been sick for three weeks and we have BOTH been to the doctor numerous times. She said it was bronchitis mixed with seasonal/environmental allergies, but we both have a lingering dry cough and I have PND that makes me gag at times. We are taking Flonase; I take Zyrtec and she takes Claritin. We have tried Sudafed but I didn't want us to have to take it every day. It seems never ending. I have bought us air purifiers with HEPA filters and I just purchased mattress covers and such. Glad you are finally feeling better, and thank you SO SO much for the advise.

  • Lorrie Miskiel
    6 years ago

    Oh my. All of you sound like me. I get this horrible cough about once a year but this year I had the flu then developed bronchitis then had a sinus infection all within a month and a half. Now stuck with this lingering cough again. Been to the ER 3 times and Dr's office twice. Have missed numerous days if work because I work around food. (Can't be coughing on everyone's food). I've had 2 rounds of antibiotics, 2 rounds of Prednisone, 4 bottles of prescription cough meds with codeine, Zyrtec, benadryl, Chlortabs, Mucinex, Delsym, Alka Seltzer, cough drops, hot tea, soup, a Nettie pot, a humidifier, hot showers, Vicks vapor rub and anything else imaginable that may help. I'm game to try anything even Imodium. Oh I forgot to mention the inhalers and nebulizer. Well I could definitely be classified as a drug addict by this point, lol. If anyone finds any relief please let me know before I either hock up a lung or lose my job

  • maifleur01
    6 years ago

    You might ask your doctor if you have whooping cough. I worked with a woman who never developed any immunity to it and had it over and over until a chance conversation about grandchildren came up. I have early COPD and build up mucus plugs in my lungs. I find that if I hum the alphabet trying to bring the vibration deep into my chest it will make it easier to cough out and spit out into a tissue the plugs. Be very careful about the prednisone be certain if your doctor suggest another round that you remind them that you have already had two rounds. Each person's body is different but when I had the week apart double dose I gained 40 pounds within the next two months while dieting. Only now thirty years later have I lost the weight but for years my peasant shaped face had a fullness in the neck which my various doctors told me was a side effect of to much prednisone over a short period of time.

    Placing you hand on your upper abdomen and pressing firmly but gently can help ease some of the spasms when I start coughing and can not stop. This has been on my mind because my seasonal allergies flared this past week with resulting plugs.

  • Lorrie Miskiel
    6 years ago

    Maifluer they thought I had whooping cough about 5 years ago but turned out just the same post nasal drip that I'm experiencing now. I'm in South Georgia and the pollens always aggravate me a few times a year. My Dr wants to send me to a pulmonologist but I don't have insurance and haven't won the lottery if you know what I mean. The first dose of Prednisone I took was 10 days and the second round was just 3 days. That stuff is evil in my book with the sweating, insomnia, mood swings and weight gain. I'm just about at wit's end trying to find a solution.

  • maifleur01
    6 years ago

    I had to breakdown and take an antihistamine last Friday night because I was so tired and my nose was running so much. If you have any try taking one to see if it does anything. Now that I am older because of the supposed relationship between Benadryl and dementia my doctor does not want any of his older patients to take it. However for this type of problem it is the only thing that works for me at this time of the year. Other types will work for some things but not the spring crud. The way I am hacking, dry cough, today I probably will take one of the others but piggyback it later in the night when I wake up hacking. When younger I had allergy colds all year. Finally a doctor who was also a research physician suggested that my body might be fighting itself. So rather than the normal cold stuff, he was worried it might start effecting my liver and kidneys, he gave me a script for several days of Benadryl. You needed a script back then. My continuous cold went away by the time I finished the bottle.

  • Lorrie Miskiel
    6 years ago

    I take benedryl, zyrtec and chlortabs every single day. If not, my sinuses would be a total mess. I'm 50 and not worried about dementia. I figure Ive got to die of something. Might as well try not to be miserable while I'm still alive. The only way I've gotten rid.of this cough in the past was for the weather to turn cold. I do believe that will be a while till that happens.

  • Lorrie Miskiel
    6 years ago

    I have found a little relief with adding 60 mg of Sudafed to my nightly routine. It seems to keep me from having that choking feeling when I lay down. Most people can't take Sudafed before bed though. Keeps them awake. Doesn't really effect my sleep. That dang cough effects my sleep though!!!

  • maifleur01
    6 years ago

    Just a suggestion. The coughing may be caused by a build up of gas in the stomach. The other day my stomach felt a little queasy so I started to drink a can of pop. All of a sudden my stomach felt like it was twisting and a series of huge belches came out. My hacking cough also stopped for a couple of hours. Last night the same thing happened. I normally do not drink pop except with pizza so I do not know what would happen or if drinking it would give relief to someone who drinks pop all of the time.

  • inkarchives
    6 years ago

    For the first time sin my life i was able to stop the hacking fit caused by Post Nasal Drip last night. I took 2 benadryl. My nose stuffed up and i walked around because i would. Hoke laying down. Walking helped clear my sinuses idk why enough for me to start blowing my nose. Then i kept drinking hot mint tea and my sneezing started. My nose clogfed and unclogged my coughing would start and i grabbed 1 extra strength Cepacol cough drop broke it up and sucked on a small piece moving it near the back of my throat to numb the area a bit. Once that was done I made a large cup of Ginger Honey Crystals Tea. Sipped on that while I sucked on one Therabreath Dry Mouth Lozenges. I kept moving it towards the back of my mouth.. Within 2 hours os sitting up sippinf tea and that Lozenges the tickle in the back of my throat STOPPED!! Praise Jesus. I slept the rest of the night no coughing fit and no tickle. I just woke up my nose stuffed but no tickle and no cough. As soon as i can breathe through both nostrils im goinf to use my Neti Pot with 2 saline packets per nostril. This always clears my nose and i will take 1 motrin as motrin is a muscle relaxer and stops stuffy nose by stopping the swollen blood vessels in your nose allowinf you to blpw tour nose. I truly hope this helps someone else.

  • maifleur01
    6 years ago

    A piece of hard candy will work about as well as all of those lozenges and are less likely to have digestive upsets in the next couple of days. Be very cautious with teas if they give you a tickle. It may be a sign that you have an allergy to them. A tickle is fine but if the throat starts feeling like it is swelling you may need to go to the ER. I did not have to make that trip to the ER but now know another plant that I am allergic to.

  • Sydney Knight
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I’m going to tell you what really helped me...and it is simple... I had the same nonstop, dry, beyond annoying cough that wouldn’t let me sleep at all! Before bed, I took a hot steamy shower and breathed in the steam. As soon as I got out, I slathered Vick’s rub on my chest and husband did my back. I also put some all around my nose. I added a few drops of eucalyptus to give it more of a punch. This regime, along with the humidifier going all night allowed more sleep than I had the previous nights . I woke up coughing up stuff but it really seemed to break up the gunk in my chest and at least calm the coughing reflex so I could sleep! I’ve been doing this every night and every day is better than the last. I hope this helps somebody!!

  • truthalways3_jj
    6 years ago

    I am also not sleeping well from alergies and anxiety. I only sleep a couple hours a night for weeks. I know how you feel. Try reaching out to God for help. He loves us so much

  • dongrave
    5 years ago

    Goddamn it all! Would SOMEONE OUT THERE FIGURE THIS OUT???? I NEED TO GET SOME SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!

  • HU-184794210
    5 years ago

    One thing that everyone can begin looking at is this: Biofilms.

    Biofilms are these gnarly, sticky mats of congealed mucus where candida, bacteria, and other pathogens hide out. If you have reoccurring infections or infections that simply will not go away, then you likely have a biofilm in the infected area.

    Candida behaves much like a biofilm in this it is systemic and can spread all throughout your body.

    In order to get rid of biofilms in your nasal pasageways you need to be ready to go to war.

    The latest remedy, which people are swearing by that works, involves baby shampoo of all things. It's a 'surfactant' I believe is the word. And you use it in nasal irrigation: 1/2 table spoon of it in water, mix it with a neilmed rinse kit, use the saline packet that comes with it, and follow the normal directions.

    You can follow it with an allicin rinse as well. Allicin is the extract from garlic and has been shown to help breakdown and eliminate biofilms. You basically break open and pour one capsule (do not use the empty capsule) into the mix, add the saline packet, and use as directed.

    I believe that's it.

    In the meantime you'll want to think about fortifying your body from biofilms and candida (candida infections can be denoted by fungus growth in toenails, thrush on your tongue and throat, sinus infections, chronic fatigue, depression, dark circles under eyes, and many more). Grapefruit seed extract is really good for this. Buy somme Nutribiotics Grapeseed extract and pour a few drops in water in the AM and PM and drink it down. Also, any kind of citrus fruit extracts you can add to it. Agrisept L could be one of the greatest products of all time for breaking down biofilms in the body. This is just about an all in one anti fungul, bacteria, candida (yeast), and more.

    It's late and I'm getting choppy on the keyboard so be sure to google all of this stuff on your own to make sure I'm not missing steps, etc.


  • Bluebell66
    5 years ago

    One thing chronic coughers may want to look into is silent reflux. It's basically acid reflux without the typical reflux symptoms. Another thing to check is an irritated vagus nerve. My silent reflux, along with an allergy event (like hayfever) or a cold or flu, can irritate my vagus nerve and I start having a dry cough that has lasted from a few months to a year at a time. Finally a doc figured that out and suggested one 10 mg dose of amitriptyline daily that finally helped get rid of the cough. But every time I get a cold or have bad allergies, I'll get the chronic cough again, so then I go back on the amitriptyline. My ENT now prescribes the meds, but I was originally diagnosed by specialist Dr. Jamie Koufman in NYC. She has lots of info on her web site (google her).

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