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Need advice on thru the wall HVAC for finished office in garage

17 years ago

Hello. I am new to this but have been struggling with something I know nothing about. I am building a 35x25 garage with a 10x25 finished space to act as an office. I live in Columbus Ohio and temperatures of 0 in the winter over night is not uncommon. My question is that I need to find a way to heath this area. Obviously this space will be well insulated but I need a HVAC system capable of keeping it warm in the winter time. I have done some research on thru the wall systems with a heat pump built in to take care of the resistance heating. Also I have seen some cheaper models with just heat and cool. Should I opt for the heat pump models since it gets cold in my neck of the woods or would a normal heat/cool unit work. I am only looking to heat and cool about 250 sq/ft so it is a pretty small space.

Any help anyone could offer on this topic would be great.

Thank you all.

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