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HELP carpet carpet carpet

10 years ago

I have been overwhelmed by the countless of selections of carpets, fibers, pads and choices for carpet but cannot find the right fit for our family, so I am turning to the experts for advice...

We are looking for a safe (natural products or close to it) selection of carpet with small children and no pets. We initially wanted all natural options for carpet understanding that hardwood be as natural as it can get but we we're still looking for the softness of carpet. Wool was the natural option but the maintenance we have heard can be daunting with small children and spills of liquids and apart animal like smells and the constant shedding. That would drive us nuts with wall to wall wool. So we opened up our search and found some low voc green label options that are nylon triexta that we liked. Smartstrand and shaw been the top because of their softness but heard issues with wearability of smart strand and having to deal with specific type of vacuums was just not something we wanted to do.

Are there any suggestions/recommendations for carpet that people have experience with in homes with small children that can be "safe" and natural (loose term since most non animal carpet are petroleum based product)

Not sure what are better fiber options...nylon over polyester?

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