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american drew vs. huntington industruy furniture

16 years ago


This is my first time being here..

Also, this is going to be my first bedroom set in 10 years of marrage.

I have been searching almost 1 year for the bedroom set.

I found american drew-J McClintock - Home searies.

Our local shop only carries one king bed, 2 BACHELOR CHEST, 1 oval mirror. All together the cost is 1,900. I need to buy the dresser separately. I think it will cost around 2,000.

So entire bedroom set is going to around 4,000.

Now, the huntington bedroom set...

All sets are going to be 3,400.

Here is my problem.

My bedroom size is just 14*14.

It will fit everything except dresser.

For American drew, the dresser is 68 inch wide, but my bedroom allows 64 inch. So the dresser will stick out little bit towards the main door. (however, it will not disturb anything.)

For the huntington, it is great set, however it is kind of too dark and huge.

What do you think?

The american drew or huntington?

The dealer told me that I cannot buy american drew in that price in any other place. Because they are missing one dresser they are selling it cheap.

Is it really cheap price?

Thanks in advance.
