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Need help picking out bedroom furniture

12 years ago

We are interested in redoing our bedroom and buying a new bed and furniture. Our taste is very clean and streamlined. We are concerned about a few things and would like some opinions.

The bed is the Colette Bed from Crate and Barrel www.crateandbarrel.com/furniture/beds/colette-bed/f1480. We love the bed but want to make sure it would look nice and compliment the furniture.

The bedroom furniture is Henkel Harris - the Today collection


We would be getting 2 matching nighstands, the triple dresser and the bowfront tall chest with the saber legs and velvet bronze hardware.

We saw the Today collection in person, and it seems very plain in a solid color. We had also seen it in a two tone, and it looked really nice but we are afraid that is trendy and we will get sick of it. However, the two tone we would get are very close in color so it does not have too much of a contrasting look (coffee color casing with hazelnut drawfronts). We are not sure if this is the way to go. And if I do, do I get all of the pieces in the two tone or just get 2 pieces (the dresser and chest) and get the 2 nighstands in solid coffee.

Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
