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Black Walnut question, very "colorful" source?

11 years ago

We are looking for unfinished wide (5"-6"-7"-8") black walnut. A kind of black walnut that is not quite what it seems most folks are looking for in a black walnut floor. We have not, as of yet anyway, had any success in finding some black walnut flooring similar to what we saw several years ago in a very old house somewhere up in the high country of SW Virginia. We were told that this flooring was cut and milled when and where nothing went to waste and that this was walnut flooring that was "from the tree" and not from any sort of lumber that had been graded for color or "quality".
IMNSHO, though I doubt most who might see such a floor might agree with me, an absolutely stunningly gorgeous floor.
What we are looking for is black walnut that has from almost white to almost black and every imaginable shade in between. Sort of like an extremely variable and colorful hickory or maybe a maple floor. The more color and contrast the better. The floor will not be stained, just sanded and clear coated with something like a WOCA oil finish and then pretty much left alone. That walnut is fairly soft is an added bonus in my opinion.
Patina, you know.... We both like a floor that looks lived on.
Anyone know of where we might find such a walnut at/from?

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