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I'm pulling my hair out!! Mattress Q again!

13 years ago

I know this comes up now and then--but can't find a "recent" thread.

I need a new mattress badly, models have changed over the years, updated and made better. I have gone thru 5 -yes FIVE- mattress brands/models in the past 6 years. I won't say which ones YET, but I want input from your own experience plz. I literally am losing it! The last was was wayyyyyy too soft,created a sunken valley and got too much sweat in it from husband. I am sooooooo over this @#*@ and sleeping on the couch is starting to make me a witch (actually the rhyming word) I don't care about husband's style of sleep, he uses other bed (a couch half the time) so bed for ME!!! ok , I want to know what you guys honestly think, have, hate from past,etc. H E L P! (and I have noticed bed mattress salesmen are getting to be like car salesmen !) will spend big bucks if need be. I HAVE to sleep an entire night thru due to job and sleep disorder! brought on by job (major jet lag and pulled muscles often,bruises) again HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Advice????

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