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Curious about This Forum

15 years ago

Hello Fellow Dieters!

From reading the posts it seems as though a very nice bunch of old friends gather here to chat...BUT...I don't see much posting regarding diet?

I can't see where people talk very much about what they are eating and whether or not it's working for them? Are you all losing weight regularly? Do you find posting here helps you to keep losing weight?

I'm starting a new diet regime today and thinking of posting here because I have enjoyed posting on other areas of GW. My kitchen renovation is finished now, my DR is redecorated, and I'm getting away from renovations for a bit. With a new kitchen to play in I've been perusing the cooking forum. I don't plan to stop cooking, in fact I plan to enjoy my new kitchen by expanding my repetoire. But at the same time I have to get really serious about losing weight.

Did the South Beach Diet back in the summer, lost only 10 pounds the first 2 weeks, then slowly gained it back. So eating more meat was not the answer for me. My plan now is to try and cut in half everything I normally eat. Just eat half as much. I track my foods using The Daily Plate on livestrong.com, but I'm going to post my progress here as well. No idea how I'm going to do but I always start out hopeful! :)

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