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SS Support --- Nov 29 - Dec 5

20 years ago

GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments (53)

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lynn, yes, my name is Donna. Middle name Marie, and for years some of my friends would call me DeeMarie--very New Jersey Italian American, don't you think? LOL

    QOD: OK Raeanne, you asked for it! My 'keychain' weighs about 4 pounds. We start out with the huge Altima key with appropriate lock mechanism. Then we proceed with the rubber American flag keychain with the back that gives my car dealers' phone number (it's a lease so I need the phone number handy for maintenance). We proceed to a large pink ribbon breast-cancer key ring, followed by an old clear plastic key ring with a dime melted in the middle (it's about 30 years old--came with our home; I assume the dime was in case you were away from home and needed to make a call???). This is surrounded by store tags for A&P, Shop Rite, Stop & Shop (grocery); Maria's Homemade Pasta Shop, CVS Pharmacy ExtraCare card, and a Perfect Fit Men's Wearhouse card (because DH does not want to carry it!). NOW the keys: home front door, home back door (that's what's attached to the "dime" keychain) office, and 2 keys which I think belong to my BILs home, but I'm not sure. LOL! No wonder my shoulder hurts from carrying this purse around!

    Thanksgiving was a nice holiday for us. We went to BIL's and I only needed to bring the beverages....bottles of wine, SNapple, ginger ale, coke, flavored seltzer, birch beer. He supplied beer and all the fixings. There was 13 of us, and MIL behaved for most of the afternoon into the evening. DH decided he was going to position himself next to her, so he could give her the "enough of that" eye contact. It appears to have worked!

    This weekend I did most of my holiday shopping. Awoke at 5:30am on Saturday to go through all the sale flyers, and started out in the order of when stores 6:45am. Was home with bags and bags of stuff by 11:15am. Now I need to get Tikanas' gifts and some gift certificates for the rest of my list. Not bad!

    Saturday evening, I make some of my cookie dough (3 different kinds), and those are wrapped, bagged, and frozen. I'll begin the baking around the 20th. DH was at a bachelor party, and he told me there were some nudie girls there. Whooa Hooo!!! He was one of the oldest there. The groom is only 27, so I'm sure his friends got most of the attention from the "dancers"! The wives knew all about it; in fact, I put about $50 in singles in his pocket before he left....the old guy has to have a little fun, heh?

    Gotta run and get some work finished around here!
    Take care, eat healthy, and NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    DeeMarie~ 50 bucks buys a LOT of fun here! I always tell DH before a bachelor party, "You can look at the menu; just don't order!"

    Lynn: Your Thanksgiving sounded bittersweet (((HUGS))), But I'm GLAD YOU FOUND A BOAT! I know how much you love boating! YAY!

    QOD: I have a large round jailer type key ring. I hang it over the door knob when I arrive home and NEVER lose my keys! On it:

    a small day-glo tag that says, "Keys I haven't lost yet!" (my kids gave me that),

    a key to the house,

    a little key to the security gate for the property we hold up north,

    my truck key & truck electronic entry device,

    and I have a couple of plain silver key rings in case I have to hold onto someone elses keys for some reason.

    Not much on my key ring really. I'm going for the boring-est key ring prize. :)

    I gotta go clean my garage. It frosted here this morning and I have to get my truck in there, so I'm going to Half Price Books to sell my lots of boxes of books in the garage and moving my exercise equipment to another bay.

    Check in!

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    SS Support Mon. Oct. 30 through Sun. Nov 5


    Comments (29)
    Hi! I have so much to say to get everyone updated on myself but I only have time to say that my oldest DS & DDIL gave me a DGD on Aug. 26. She is a BEAUTY! I cannot get enough of her. She lives in Dallas. Milkdud's birthday was overlooked. I had her name & was in Dallas at the time. We got together & had some fun. Welcome Lime Coke! Jen~I'd love to have pics of the girls. I know exactly what you mean about passing up the trip. I got an open-ended trip to Dallas & then begged Dave to come & pick me up. I didn't want to get on the plane again. That is when they kept changing all of the rules & I was afraid that I would bend one. I definitely got on here at the right time. I was hoping that I hadn't missed the talk for Christmas. Please include me. Tikanis~I am absolutely SO proud of you. We need to get on the phone & talk to each other again. It has been way to long. NH Suzanne~Loved the pic of your rooster. He is very pretty. I will address everyone else later. I don't mean to leave anyone out. Just have a lot going on. Take care. Oh, Milkdud, had a DGD, a month after I did and they both have the same name but different spellings. Isn't that cool? Patti
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    SS Daily Support, Mon. Nov 6 - Sun. Nov. 12, 2006


    Comments (21)
    Good Evening. All went well with DH Surgery. He is home and comfy cozy. The dr. came out and had the stone with him. It was big. So now that drama is over with, thank goodness. Besh - I am still in Florida with hopes of moving to Tennessee. Our home is up for sale but as it is everywhere, the market is slow. So we are being patient. I no longer have the link for pics Marci, if you could e-mail me it again I would appreciate it, plus I could send you some pics to post of my beautiful fur babies. None of me yet, as I am huge. I just cannot seem to get it together. I love food and use it as a crutch I think. When I am eating all the wrong things, I am comforted in some way. I say to myself, oh you had a bad day, its ok to eat this huge bowl of ice cream, or candy or cake, whatever. hahahaha. It gets to the point that if I break a nail I gotta have a banana split...hahahaha just kidding. But I have noticed that I get happy when I am chomping. We went to Ohio a couple weeks ago for my parents 50th wedding anniversary and had a great time, but when the pictures came back, I was horrified to see myself in them, so I am hoping I will use that as a kick in my butt to get motivated. I did buy a dvd called brazilian dance workout. I'll let you know how it is. DeeMarie - I am sending peaceful thoughts to your friend. Take care everyone --- Magickitty
    ...See More

    SS Support Mon. Nov.13th through Sun. Nov. 19th


    Comments (32)
    Good Morning. Besh - sorry about your friend. I had an immediate member of my family attempt suicide and it was a very traumatic experience. I can relate to your friend and his family. Very deep issues. Suzanne - Your night out to the theatre and dinner sounds like my kind of night. Where is BJ, I haven't read a post from her. I pretty much caught up from my mia months. QOD: We will have a low key Thanksgiving. My DH's mother and sister are visiting us now since Wednesday and they leave the day prior to Thanksgiving, so we have been having special dinners and going out to eat quite a bit. So I may just make soup and salad for Thanksgiving dinner -- hahahahhahaha. I made a turkey breast yesterday and it was YUMMERS. I hear them in the kitchen now making a italian cookie/biscuit my MIL used to make my husband when he was younger. Oh such happiness -- brings a tear to my eye. GMWAS (Gag me with a spoon). (wink wink) I know my DH is enjoying every minute of it. We drove to he east coast of Florida on thursday and went to a Bloomingdales. I love it. We do not have any here on the west coast(at least that I know of). So my husband bought me a Dooney and Burke purse (which he did a year ago this time when they came down for a visit) So you can bet your bottom dollar that I am hoping this is a yearly thing. Patti - my parents also celebrated their 50th anniversary last month. My husband and I threw them a party at a party center in Ohio (where I am from)and had 130 people there with a band. It was quite a challenge organizing it from Florida. Plus my mom gave her input I took a lot of deep breaths and went forward the entire time. I had a blast. A good time was had by all and it was worth all the effort and aggravation just to see how happy it made my parents. We even had my cousin who is an Catholic Deacon renew their vows. Not a dry eye in the joint at that point. Man this is a long post. I better save some for tomorrow. Take care everyone..... Lynn
    ...See More

    SS Support, Mon. Nov.28th thru Sun. Dec. 4th


    Comments (42)
    Donna - DeeMarie forgot to tell you that she is our resident motivator, butt kicker and cheerleader! I am one of the priviliged that got to not only meet her once, but twice and she has a beautiful smile and sparkle in her eyes that warms your heart immediately. Just some more insight to some of the people here, we have busy busy Jen who made us all aunts and uncle with 2 precious girls since we have known her, Tikanis although relatively new in comparison, fit in all too quickly - she is adventurous and has a warped sense of humor (that's why I like her), I don't think you met Patti yet, no matter what she is facing she remembers each and everyone of us (WHERE are you Patti & Dave?), there is also Gretchen from the windy city and she blows in just long enough to catch up and then disappears (very busy at work, etc.) but we miss her. Which reminds me Lynn hasn't been around in quite a while, I hope all is okay with her. I haven't kept track of who was mentioned, but I am sure there are others I haven't mentioned - but everyone here has something unique to offer and that's why this place is so special. I am getting sappy in my old age. Jen - I was the one to leave all my friends behind and I never thought they could be replaced - well they can't - but fortunately you find new friends and still have your old ones. I stay in touch with my closest old friends, but not on a regular basis (as they are ALL computer illiterate LOL), but when we do talk or get together, it is like we haven't missed a day. It does get better. Tikanis - Someone asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I couldn't think of anything - I said I felt I had all I needed and didn't want anything. I felt just like you said, thankful and grateful for what I do have. I love the gingerbread house making party with DD - those are the things I like to do. You found yourself a great place to work. Menu: B - Smoothy S - 3 bagel chips (I had an uneasy stomach from the night before) L - 2 eggs Christmas Realtors Party: S - Appetizers before dinner, shrimp & scallops wrapped in bacon, vegie skewer, deviled egg D - 2 Beef fajitas with no tortilla NO alcoholic beverages, plenty of water The night before, I thought I had 3 glasses of wine, which was bad enough, but my DH said that the waiter and a friend filled my glass at dinner more than once - so who knows how many I had and we ate very late, so we had drinks on an empty stomach. I paid dearly for it yesterday, bad headache, uneasy stomach and exhausted. I wasn't a whole lot of fun last night - but boy you should've seen me the night before. The next day a casual acquaintance, kept telling DH that he had no idea how funny I was - I don't have a clue what he's talking about - but I sort of remember it had something to do with an air guitar. Too Much Information!
    ...See More
  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi guys!

    I just finished my Christmas decorating! It feels so good to have it done and now I can sit back and enjoy. I love sitting in the living room at night with just the tree and window lights lit. It seems so peaceful and calm. Then I put on a favorite X-mas CD and relax. Doesn't take much to make me happy! LOL

    QOD - I have an angel Wendell August(a local forge)key chain and the car remote on a round ring. Then I carry store cards for Giant Eagle, GNC, Ace hardware and Vitamin World plus my mini health card. I carry my house key, two cars keys, my parent's house key and my sister's house key.
    I have a separate Penn State key ring with all my school keys.

    My Thanksgiving was nice. I only had to bake and take pies to my MIL's and my sister's houses. We ate spaghetti and meatballs at MIL's house on Thursday and the traditional turkey and stuffing at my sister's house on Friday. DD was home for a few days and it was nice having everyone together.

    I got lots of my shopping done over the weekend! I really only need to get a few gas cards, come gift certificates to Panera and finish ordering some things from Amazon. DD still needs to give me some ideas, but other than that, I am done. I only have to work until the Tuesday before Christmas, so I will probably save my baking for the few days before Christmas. And DH and I are going to a Christmas party on Saturday. He will be on vacation, and for once, we can go somewhere together!

    Patti and Joanne - Can't wait to hear all about your meeting. I hope one of you can send me a picture for the album.

    Our heat pump compressor just bit the dust. The repairman told us last time he replaced it that we needed a new heat pump and it wouldn't be worth fixing again. So I guess I am getting a new heat pump for Christmas! In the meantime, we have no heat. Thank goodness we have a wood stove. Now where are those hot flashes when I need them?? LOL

    DS just offered to help me put the Christmas boxes back in the attic, so I had better go.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    Just a minute to check in. Very busy day today.

    QOD: Strange question Raeanne!! I have a beautiful Wendall August key chain that Marci gave me last year. It's very pretty and has two horses on it. (what else would it have!) I only carry my truck key and the keys to my horse trailer. I have NO idea where house keys are as we don't lock our house or anything around it. I couldn't put my hands on a house key for $100!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    What is Half Price Books? I have been cleaning out bookshelves and have lots of books to do something with. Our library doesn't want them!! I would like to give them but it seems that it's more trouble for people/organizations than it's worth. Selling them wouldn't be bad either.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I will come back later & tell you what is on my keychain. LOL

    The minute that I saw Joanne, I told Dave, "There she is!" I knew it right away. She was so delightful. Her DSIL, Helen, was there along with her DB, & DH. We all had a delightful meal at Olive Garden. I think that we talked for about 2 or 2 1/2 hours. She has me for Christmas so she gave me my gift & saved some postage! LOL I was glad for her. The whole family was fun & I wouldn't mind getting together with them again anyday! The men all had a great time talking. Joanne's DSIL's twin lives here. Not really but she looks exactly like the president of the resident's association. It was uncanny. We neither one thought to take pictures. Sorry about that. I hope to meet many more of my friends one of these days. This is a great group.

    Lynn~We met in Orlando but Tampa is about as close for us & we go fairly often to go to the VA hospital. That is about once every 3 months. Right now they have "Phantom of the Opera" playing there & I'm desperately wanting to go to it.

    Shout out to everyone! I'll be back. Patti :)

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Half Price Books is a large book seller in the US. We have a lot of them around here.

    I have attached the link for the book buyer in case there's not one in your area. You can fax him a list of books or call him.

    They usually pay a reasonable price for books and at least I get something for my trouble! It's easier than selling them through or on

    Last time I went in with about 4 file boxes of books and got $30. And the process is painless: I drop the books off, go have a coffee, and come back in 20 minutes. They tell me what they'll offer me for my books and I always say YES! Done deal.

    Patti! Your visit sounds wonderful! Glad you guys had fun!

    Lynn! I'm emailing you through this site for your address. Hope the email reaches you!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Cash for Books!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Birth date: 8/19/

    favorite scent: I don't wear perfume but like LIGHT essential oils and bath sprays

    Favorite artist: Ansel Adams photography

    Favorite type book: Mysteries, biographies a little bit of everything! (occasional trashy romance)

    Favorie author: That's a hard one but I want some Patricia Cornwell...

    Favorite online store: LL Bean, Coldwater Creek,

    Favorite national chain: Trader Joe's

    Favorite colors: Green, earth tones ( but i like to wear red)

    Hobbies etc.: Avid gardener, gourmet cooking, reading,

    Occupation: Homeschooling Mom, Critical care RN, home health nursing supervisor and Life Coach.

    Collections: unusual seashells, heirloom veggie seeds.

    Decorating style: Eclectic!! Crammed a 3 bdrm house ful of stuff into a small condo ( temporarily).

    Favorite season: fall, spring, winter, summer in that order.

    Favorite musician or musical group: OOH... That's hard to say... I like classic rock, some country... Would love some Norah Jones

    New hobby or interest: kayaking, growing grapes

    Personality: Intense, driven,funny,loving, loyal, adventurous, glass 1/2 full girl.

    Where I would travel: Greece! All over the USA to start...

    Where would I live?: Here is very good, but I also think I'd love a house by the shore and I fell in love with Colorado....

    Anything else my partner might want to know? Home and family are very important to me. I love my cat, Oreo,... he NEVER argues with me : ) I miss my Mama....

    Qod: very interesting! Double ringed key ring, detachable, with a slide out message holder with my resolutions/mission statement, which says: 1) be a good steward with friends and funds 2) get in shape 3) rebuild our families lives.

    Very nice but small Thanksgiving here! I am happy to hear that you all had a nice time to. I gave thanks for having found this group!

    Patti and Joanne, I hope that you had a wonderful time together!!

    See ya tomorrow!!


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. Birth date - 8/11/52

    2. Favorite Scent - Vanilla and Rice Flower and Shea from Bath & Body Works.

    3. Favorite Artist - I don't really have a favorite artist but I admire good photography.

    4. Favorite Type of Book - I read all kinds of books. I don't like fluff, but I will read almost anything else. I like books that make me think and books with characters that I can relate to.

    5. Favorite Author - Barbara Kingsolver

    6. Favorite Online Store - and Barnes 'N Noble at the moment

    7. Favorite National Store Chain - Kaufmann's (May Company)

    8. Favorite color or color combination - blue or blue/green/beige

    9. Hobbies or special interests - Reading, sewing, quilting, crossword puzzles, watching movies, walking and exercising.

    10. Occupation - Preschool teacher

    11. Do you collect anything in particular? - I love unusual Santas or snowmen ornaments. (I have a collection of handmade wool ornaments.) And I started a collection of clear crystal fruit.

    12. Describe your decorating style. - Eclectic, comfortable, warm and cozy.

    13. Favorite Season - Spring or summer

    14. Favorite Musician or Musical Group - Beatles, Jackson Browne, Dave Matthews, Norah Jones, and John Mayall.

    15. Is there a new hobby or subject you would like to learn more about? Can't think of anything right now.

    16. Describe your personality in 10 words or less. Conscientious, loyal, organized, nurturing.

    17. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go? Tuscany, Italy

    18. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Near the beach.

    19. List anything else your think your partner might want to know about you. I would love a unique ornament to remind me of the giver. All my ornaments have a story or memory behind them (that is why it takes me so long to decorate my tree! LOL).

    Now I need to go back and read my answers from last time to see how well I know myself! LOL


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning....

    QOD: funny thing, I had a fob with my name spelled out in those white square beads with black letters and it just I have just the car door/lock/opener that comes with the car and car key, house key, Albertsons tag(grocery store) and ABC Liquor tag (for sepecial occassions LOL)and the video store tag. Thats it. I guess I am in the boring classification also.

    DeeMarie - my middle name is Marie also.

    How about another QOD: What is your middle name?

    Patti - I would be interested in meeting up with you....maybe after the holidays.....Let me know.

    Take care - Lynn

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi everyone!

    Lynn-I had a white bead fob with MOM on it - mine broke too!

    My middle name is Jo - I was named after my dad's 2 best friends. One has since died and I have lunch once a year with the other - he lives 40 minutes from me and he's very cool! TMI!, I guess, on the middle name question. lol.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    So BJ, I guess that white bead fob was "WOW" when read upside down?..................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    QOD - Rae, hence the Raeanne, since Rae was already taken and I wasn't in a very creative mood when I signed on here LOL.

    BJ - so nice that you meet with your namesake. I l ike DeeMarie making the WOW connection. You are definitely a wow mom.

    Apologize for the spacing, using a broken keyboard.

    Going to get my gray covered up and off to lunch with DD.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    DeeMarie - How do I obtain your address for the exchange????

    Thanks - Lynn

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Lynn, just sent you an e:mail with my addy!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lynn~We can meet up. Just let me know.

    QOD~My middle name is Elizabeth.

    Besh~Please, please, please don't go out & buy anything for yourself until after Christmas. You never know what you might get! LOL I truly think that I have a nice Christmas planned for you. ;)

    Shout out to everyone! I want to watch the "Gilligan's Island" reality show tonight so I'm in a hurry. Patti :)

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    QOD: My middle name is Suzanne!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Rabbit, Rabbit!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ...and RABBIT, RABBIT to you too, Suzanne-Suzanne!!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning....... Hope everyone is doing well.

    Tikanas - I emailed you thru this site, so please check to see if you got it.

    BJ and DeeMarie - I will check my e-mail at home tonight to get your messages.

    A guy I work with and his wife, just had a baby girl on sunday night and they moved to a new place on Tuesday, last night. So my husband and I and another co-worker helped them move and clean and set up some of the house so that she can come home today from the hospital to a livable home. It did not take too long to clean, the previous owners really left the house in great shape....go figure. Nice of them. I have just always heard horror stories of the condition homes are left in. So we were expecting the worst and got the best... I love it when that happens. anyway...It made me feel good to have helped. They are a great young couple.

    I am going to practice on making some Irish Soda bread tonight..... some with raisins and some with craisins. Wish me luck..... I want to perfect it by the time I go back to Ohio for x-mas.... My dad just loves the stuff and I want to make it for him. My grandmother made it all the time for all of the family. So when she passed away, so did some of the best rolls and bread receipes. Bummer.

    Well....have a great day!!!!!


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Rabbit, Rabbit Day!!!

    I had so much fun making Joanne's tacky Christmas ornament last night, but I am worried that part 2 of MADDIE's little plan is that I will end up getting it back LOL.

    Suzanne - I sent your package out yesterday, you should have it by tomorrow - I also included the charms you wanted. The lady gave me a discount on them, since I was buying so many.

    I tried on summer clothes last night and am so totally disgusted with myself and allowing myself to gain back all this weight. I give myself a good pep talk each night at bedtime, but it's not working. Easy to talk the talk when I'm not staring at some funky foods. At least I will be packing light this time.

    It is rainy and dreary here today, wished I could've stayed home snuggled up with a good book.

    Have a great today.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    And I am worried that my tacky ornament to Maddie won't be tacky enough! LOL

    Don't you hate trying on "summer" clothes Raeanne? It makes me sick. When are you leaving?

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ...hmmmmm.........I got all of Tikanas' things except for the tacky ornament....not sure if I should make it or try to look for some ideas......nah....she'd think I'm nuts........oh, wait! it should be MADDIE's idea of 'tacky', so I guess no matter WHAT I come up with, it should be OK. LMAO!!!!!!!!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    DeeMarie - I found a lot of tacky ornaments at the Dollar Store, but decided that one of my homemade ones would be much tackier LOL.

    Suzanne - I leave Saturday early AM - they are calling for snow - I just hope it happens after I board the plane.

    Lynn - what a nice thing to do for your co-worker. The people that purchased my house commented on how grateful they were that I had left it so clean - that made me feel very good.

    Just another 45 minutes here and then off to run a trillion errands.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lynn~ That was really, really nice of you to clean house for the new momma and baby! What a nice surprise for her! Good luck on your soda bread. Last year, I made an English shortbread for my friend from England and had her over for afternoon tea. She was delighted, since she really was homesick! Your dad will be so pleased about your thoughtfulness!

    Tacky ornament shopping is done! My 16 y.o. DD helped me out on that one. I think I have a winner. We died laughing over it.

    We almost went for a white Christmas ball with Princess Diana's photo on it; under her picture was:


    "Princess Diana"
    "1961 - 1997"


    Gad! But even THAT was too tacky for me - who thinks of this stuff?

    We SKIPPED over:

    clothes pin reindeer,
    styrofoam cup Christmas bell,
    juice can lid-decorated-with-ribbon picture frame,
    sparkley decorated jar lid with a holiday scene in it,
    dog sausages wrapped in red dangling bows,
    white doilies on a ribbon with Christmas card cut-outs glued to them,
    yarn wrapped around popsicle sticks God's eyes,
    and pipe cleaner candy canes.

    So, I hope we came out with a good one. Get ready, Lynn!

    Raeanne, I hate trying on summer clothes - especially SHORTS! But next in line would have to be swimwear. I love a good sarong!

    Well, I gotta pull myself together for a school play at 11am today.

    All for now!

    Make this day a good one! And listen to your body before you eat! It may just be thirsty!


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi All!

    There are a couple of "newbies" here who are not so sure of our Christmas Packages. I know it's a free for all and that we need to send a tacky ornament, but are there any other guidelines? How many items? Is there a $ amount?

    I spoke to Lynn and we are a little confused... (wouldn't want to get it "wrong!") LOL

    Back later... gotta get busy here!


    Ps QOD: Jeanne

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    As far as I am concerned there are no real guidelines. It can be WHATEVER you are comfortable doing. I try to send an ornament that is indicataive of where I live and include some other little things that are unique to my area. The tacky ornament thing is new this year!!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    QOD - My middle name is Lea.

    When I went to look for a tacky ornament, I was worried that one person's tacky would be another person's treasure! LOL But I think I found something that anyone would consider tacky! Now I just need one more thing for Gretchen and I can get her package ready to mail.

    Tikanas - I agree with NHSuzanne - we ususually send an ornament and/or something personal along with a few other Christmas goodies. If you have any postcards or pictures of your area, you can stick those in too. $ amount is ususually what the other person is comfortable spending, but I would say around $20-$25 total sounds right.

    Raeanne - I could have started my own tacky ornament collection from the dollar store if I had kept everything I ever received from my preschoolers. We have 3 dollar stores 5 minutes from my house and 2 more 10 minutes in the other direction. I seem to get a lot a stuff from the dollar store as Christmas gifts from my preschoolers. (I know it is the thought that counts and I don't mean to sound ungrateful - but after 18 years I don't need more stuff from the dollar store!!! LOL) Now I use it for one year and then give it away to Good Will or a church bazaar.

    The repairman finally came today and fixed our heat pump. The good news was that it could be fixed instead of needing to be replaced. The bad news was that a MOUSE had made his home inside the heat pump unit and had chewed through some wires. Result - one fried mouse and no heat! I asked DH how we could keep more mice from getting in there and his answer was, "Get a better cat!" My cat can't even catch a bug and she is scared of her own shadow. We wanted to name her Chickensh*t when we first got her and we should have, cause she still is a chickensh*t!! LOL

    Patti - It sounds like you and Joanne had a great time. Since you can't go to French Lick, I am glad that you got to meet her and that you and Lynn might be able to meet too.

    I need to go get dinner started.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Rabbit, rabbit everyone! I almost got up at midnight to type it but was TOO tired!

    This is what is on my keychain: I have a Shitzhu for the one that we had to leave behind in TX, Dave bought me a chapstick holder that goes on a keychain so it is on there, then I have a Kokopelli which also doubles as a bottle opener. I have the car key, the remote, some house keys (not certain if they are all mine or not! lol), a mailbox key, a key to the luggage, & a key to the safety box. Do I take the cake or what? tee hee That is why I had to take time to write it all down.

    Marci~Joanne is such a sweetheart & one of these days I will get to go with all of you & meet you all.

    LOL~BJ~I saw a woman who had redish-pinkish hair on the top half of her head & dark hair on the bottom of her hair. I actually thought about getting a camera & taking her picture to put in an ornament that held pictures. Wouldn't that have been a hoot?

    Lynn~We have to go to Tampa on the 7th @1:00 p.m. The VA got the picture after I wrote to them & told them what I thought about them never having sent Dave to a cardiologist after his heart attack. I think that they should pay for his subsequent doctor bills & I'm going to fight for that. The VA hospital is far enough away from us that they should have to pay anyway.

    Raeanne~I think that I am the only one on here that has gained weight since being here instead of losing it. It all started when we moved to FL. You would have thought that I could have kept it off after moving here.

    Tikanis~Just have fun with your package. I know that I did. I hope that Besh has fun with it.

    DeeMarie~Are you about to embark on another trip or is it Raeanne? I love to hear about the trips & fun that you have.

    NH Suzanne~So we should have asked you about your first name, eh? LMBO

    Shout out to those MIA or lurking! Patti :)

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Fly by here...Marci can you send me Jen's info and address from last year. She hasn't been posting and I would like to get her gifts together soon.

    I don't have a ton of time to post at this time of the year because my work is CRAZY right now.

    I will be back later!


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    DeeMarie --- I checked my e-mail and did not get your address....could you please try again....
    Thank you.....

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey, just quickly to answer all of the QOD's

    Key chain - I just hook all my keys on to the remote car starter. I have my house key, FIL house key, DB house key, yacht club key, car key and 2 store cards and one video store card.

    Middle Name - I don't have one! My name is MaryBeth, so I guess my parents thought that was enough!

    1. Birth date - 7/21/57

    2. Favorite Scent - Arbonne's Citrus Ginger and Victoria Secret, Victoria (even though they don't make it any more)

    3. Favorite Artist - I don't have one, but I admire anyone that is one.

    4. Favorite Type of Book - Anything that grabs me after the first few pages.

    5. Favorite Author - Jodi Picoult. Favorite Young Adult author is Laurie Halse Anderson.

    6. Favorite Online Store -, Spiegel, LL Bean

    7. Favorite National Store Chain - Marshalls, Target

    8. Favorite color or color combination - burgundy, gold

    9. Hobbies or special interests - Reading, boating, fishing,light gardening, decorating

    10. Occupation - Middle School Librarian

    11. Do you collect anything in particular? - Unusual Santas, Swavorski crystal figures, I sold most of my Barbies on eBay, but I still collect the small barbie ornaments from Hallmark

    12. Describe your decorating style. - I decorate for comfort. I want people to be comfortable in my home.

    13. Favorite Season - Summer and fall. Spring around here is just more winter.

    14. Favorite Musician or Musical Group - Norah Jones, Los Lonely Boys, Jimmy Buffett, Boz Scaggs, Pink Floyd. I can usually sing along with anything on the radio.

    15. Is there a new hobby or subject you would like to learn more about? I would like to learn Spanish.

    16. Describe your personality in 10 words or less. Thoughtful, loyal friend, good listener.

    17. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go? Across the USA

    18. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? On the ocean with a private beach.

    19. List anything else your think your partner might want to know about you. I am easy to please!

    I have got to get to bed!

    Love, Besh

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good THURSDAY Morning!

    Lynn, I sent my addy again, using the e;mail function attached to here. Do you have more than one e:mail address?-- Perhaps this one is not correct and someone else is getting my address!!! LOL

    QOD: Have far have you gotten with any holiday shopping and/or decorating? I'm about 3/4 through mine, and I know what I need for the rest. In fact, I may run out a lunchtime today to go get some gift certificates at local restaurants. I've got lots of friends/family who love The Outback Steakhouse, and Chilis' Bar & Grill....easy peasy (as BJ says). Decorating is another story; not much completed, and we need to start the Snow Village soon, as that takes days and days to complete and wire up....which reminds me...I need to send Marci a picture of last year's Village in case we don't get the 2004 version up in time! LOL

    Gotta run and do some resource reports....gotta keep this department busy through the rest of the year!

    Take care, eat healthy, and NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    QOD - I am about 1/64 done - no kidding. I bought exactly 5 gifts and that is not for 5 people. $$$$ and gift certificates may have to suffice this year. Unless I bring back tequila for everyone LOL. I am also adopting a local family for Christmas and need to add them to my list. The only thing I did was make a food donation to my local PO.

    I have a list with about 20 errands on it today, so I am off and running. I have to pack tonight, because I may be busy tomorrow.

    Gretchen - stop by when you have more time.

    They finished painting my house yesterday. They came on time and they worked hard and did a fantastic job, it took them the amount of time they said and the price stayed the same. I am totally impressed, unfortunately I don't have enough time to put my house back together.

    Have a great day.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning.

    I have a lot of catching up to do. Things have been really busy around here.

    We got a call at 4:00 a.m. this morning that Galen's Grandma had passed away. She not been well for a while, so it is kinda a blessing that she is no longer suffering.

    Marci, You have me really worried now about what to get Erica's preschool teachers. I had bought them each a set of cookbooks. I know it will be good for one of them because she is getting married next May, I hope it will be ok for the other one. What do you think?

    NH Suzanne, Could you send me your address. I can't wait to go shopping for you. I not sure how creative I will be about the "Tacky" ornaments.

    My coworkers in-laws were killed last Wednesday nite in a car crash. They ran a stop sign and slammed into a semi. Please keep the family in your prayers. They are having a really hard time with it.

    Well, work is busy so better get back to it.

    Have a great day.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    Jen, good to hear from you. ((((((((Hugs))))))) to you and Galen.
    I am worried about the "tacky" ornament myself. As someone here pointed out that "tacky" could be someone elses treasure! Oh well, no worries, it's all in good fun. I will email my address.

    It's deadline day and we are sitting here waiting for our graphics department to start producing the ads we have been submitting all month long! Seems like we always have to wait for the last day!

    QOD: I haven't even begun to shop or decorate. Any shopping I do I do locally at our nice little shops, NO MALLS EVER!!!!!!!!!!! Anything that I would have to go to the mall for I do on line. This year instead of swapping names with in laws, we have decided that we will each take the money that we would spend on needless gifts and donate it to our local charities. DH and I have finally been able to convince his brothers and sister that this is a better use of our money. I am so happy about this because there is no shopping for stuff that nobody needs, we are helping others and it will make us all feel a little better about ourselves. You can't give enough, especially at the holidays. My sister and I are doing the same with each other. I am looking for a family to adopt and I shouldn't have to look to far unfortunately. As far as decorating goes I haven't started but I have started going through my things. I usually put up a small tree, real small and leave it at that. I also decorate the window boxes at my barn with greens and berries and put candles in the windows. It looks nice against my pretty red barn. I put candles in all my windows, I have a cape so it looks sweet, I hang some wreaths on the barn doors and house doors and I will decorate the mantle with greenery. That's about it. It's enough.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    [[[[[[[[[[Jen & Galen]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

    Suzanne, what a wonderful idea! One of my nieces asked "Aunt Dondee, what would you like for Christmas". I answered: "I wish that everyone would stop shopping this year and just enjoy each other's company"!!! LOL That doesn't go over well with children (and some adults; I have a friend who always whines about what she gets and how much she loves presents....BAH HUMBUG!...she needs to 'give' more!!)

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jen - I am sorry if I made you worry. I think the cookbook idea is great. One of my favorite cookbooks was one I got one year from a preschool parent who belonged to a Mommy & Me group. They had put out a cookbook as a fundraiser and I thought it was a great gift. So go with your idea and don't worry. And hugs to you and Galen. So sorry to hear about his grandmother.

    Raeanne - Have a great time on your trip. Is your whole family going or just you and DH?

    QOD - I am completely decorated and 98% done with my shopping. I am keeping it simple this year. I bought a lot of things on I got gas cards for teenage drivers, restaurant certificates for some people and Mall gift certificates for others. I have to admit it isn't as much fun to watch people open gift certificates, but it is so much less stressful before Christmas. I really feel like I am going to enjoy this holiday instead of fretting about what I didn't get done or what presents I didn't buy.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Evening All,

    Marci, I wish I was as organized as you are. You could make a good living organizing peoples chaotic lives!

    Another birthday package arrived from Raeanne! As if one were not enough! Inside was a pair of funky sandls with sequins............I think they might be spa slippers for French Lick!! LOL also the most beautiful calendar of horse paintings by Lesley Harrison who is a well known equine artist. IN FACT, Lesly did our December 2003 cover and we won an award for it from American Horse Publications! I have attached a link for you to see, the painting on our cover is called Avalanche. Just beautiful. Thank you so much for your overly generous gifts!

    I have just invited 8 nags with hags over for December 10th for a dinner and a sleep over. Only four a actually staying overnight. I am doing stress now because I want to make a big meal which will be stressful, etc. SO, I have decided that I am going to have pizza and wine and let it go at that. We are here to have fun and visit not cook and clean up. There will be enough stress cleaning my house!! and decorating! We are celebrating a friends birthday which is the 13th. I am looking forward to it.

    I have to run I pulled everything out of a closet this morning before work thinking that I would get it organized when I get home. Let's see how I do!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Paintings by Lesley Harrison

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi goils!

    Naw--don't be scared about the tacky part--I was thinking of some of the things that BJ mentioned (gads!! BJ--where were you???), and tacky can be in the eye of the beholder--I found a good one for BJ--it was a hideous beer can that had maribou on it, but I didn't because I thought that might be inappropriate b/c of the kids--it's just a judgement call. I found a pen!s ornamnet, and I thought I was going to ROTF and p on myself. Words can't do that one justice! :) I guess garish maight be a good subsitute for tacky. too! :):)

    Key chain - I have a brass mama cat and kitten, and (from my college days) a "'91" in brass, too. Kinda boring, actually!

    Middle Name - Kim

    1. Birth date - October 5 (our wedding anniversary, too!)

    2. Favorite Scent - I looovvve Creed's Spring Flowers. But I wear Joy for daily. I love the smell of vanilla, cut grass, fireplaces, and autumn leaves.

    3. Favorite Artist - Monet, and our Amy. I have a thing for miniature oil paintings in elaborate frames that are winter scenes with dead trees. Go figure---

    4. Favorite Type of Book - Any, except for sci-fi. And Westerns. I love historical (or is that hysterical???)trashy romance novels. Gotta have them heaving bossoms and thrusting loins----

    5. Favorite Author - Gad. I read so much that I don't have one fav. I like Tom Clancy, though.

    6. Favorite Online Store -, E-bay. AND prejudice here!!! LOL

    7. Favorite National Store Chain - Saks, Lord & Taylor.

    8. Favorite color or color combination - I love orange and hot pink. And blue and yellow.

    9. Hobbies or special interests - Reading, fishing, junk sales, consignment shopping, painting.

    10. Occupation - currently, working like mad on my jewelry. I hope to have my auction barn running this year. By degree, I'm an accountant.

    11. Do you collect anything in particular? - uh--do weird friends count??? LOL!! costume jewelry, Christmas ornaments, old glass shoes, hand vases/jewelry. Oh, and pins that have to do with animals excreting. Don't ask. And Yes, they really do exist. You oughta see one of my dog pins....

    12. Describe your decorating style. - Early American chaos. I think I have a style, except I lost it under all of the clutter.

    13. Favorite Season - As I get older, I find that they all are precious. I would pick fall if I had to.

    14. Favorite Musician or Musical Group - depends. I go from Pavorotti to Hank, Jr. I detest country, though.

    15. Is there a new hobby or subject you would like to learn more about? to learn Spanish. And photography.

    16. Describe your personality in 10 words or less. Oy vey. (it that considered 2??) A male frinds described me once as a "WOW!! Whatta broad!!" person. Although, i can not articulate what he meant, I understood what he was saying, and took it as a deep compliment. Another one one said I was an "aristrocrat". Angain, coming from him, it was meant as a deep compliment, and one that I will always treasure in my heart. :)

    17. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go? Engalnd.

    18. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? In the Yorkshire Dales. Or on a beach.

    19. List anything else your think your partner might want to know about you. I am opinionated, mouthy, loyal, caring, and as fierce a friend as anyone will find. I enjoy good food, good tea, and good conversations. Likewise, when i have nothing intelligent to contribute to the conversation, I will just sit and listen, and enjoy the voices of those I love. I am a devout optimist, with a good bit of realist thrown in for good measure. I can walk with my feet 10 feet off of the ground, and realize that when I do hit the ground, it was worth it. I've decided what I want my tombstome to have on it: a small, brass rollercoaster, with an empthy car on it, and I want "WOW!!! Whatta ride" for my marker. I think that sums me up--

    Love to you all--


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Guys:
    Just checking in quickly from DB computer.
    It was just wonderful meeting Patti and Dave. They are just the most adorable couple and had these great T shirts that had all the hurricanes for 2004 that they had survived.
    Patti is just as lovely as I imagined her to be. I'm so glad we finally got to meet - we will do it again!
    Patti - your tacky ornament was attached to the box. I collect those (I love them, but some people think they are tacky)- that one matched the box so it became yours!

    Just wanted to check in and say hi - I love Florida, we are looking at property here and might buy something in the next year here.

    Take care to all - Joanne

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good FRIDAY Morning!!

    Wonderful to hear from Joanne and Maddie!

    Suzanne, looks like you got some very nice gifts from Raeanne. Looking forward to seeing those slippers in April 2005! Was thinking about you this morning...I just had to turn Howard off and listen to some old fogies on a local NYC station. Howard just goes on and on and on about his new gig and how much "injustice" he's suffering. I tried to call up and say "shut up and make me laugh"!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...but the phones were busy. LOL By the time I got to within a mile of the office, he was on to funny stuff, but geez, do I need another year of his whining for the first hour? MAKE ME LAUGH!!! LMAO (Hey, I made myself laugh!)

    OK, another evening and no decorations. I got home after my yogilates class, and DSD was at my house. DH had finished putting new locks on two of our outside doors. Why? I've no idea. On our list of things to-do, it was probably #35, but he was so proud of himself. This evening, we are going shopping and picking up a tree on the way home. I went over this carefully with him before he left the house this morning! LOL

    Gotta run; I'm working on finishing up my 2004 report on how I accomplished my development and objectives...what corporate BS !! Got to get the wording 'just right' so you get a bigger bonus than the next guy. Ah, what I endure for great vacations! LOL

    Take care, eat healthy, and NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    Thank God, it's Friday. Deadline is over and there is always such a sense of serenity the day after! It's almost like goofing off on Friday after deadline! I have done some online shopping, returned some of an order that I bought on line, and I really wish I were out and about getting a ride in today. I am so sick of seeing my horses in the dark!

    DeeMarie, you are so right about Howard. Somedays I want to reach through the radio and strangle him!! Thank God the elections are over. That was getting really old. And Robin is getting on my nerves too ! This morning while I was listening it was funny. I listen from 6am until just about 8am when I get to work. The were goofing on Nichole Bass and Fred is so funny with his Herman Munster voice! Hope you caught some of that!

    I got some decorating done last night. Just a little but enough to inspire me some more! I miss Martha for inspiration this year.

    QOD: What is everyone up to this weekend?

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    QOD: Saturday: decorating, shopping, another batch or two of cookie dough for the freezer. Sunday: The Jets play home (against Texans, I think) Got to get up early to dress in layers for that one! LOL

    Raeanne, have fun!! Have a martini or two for me!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    DeeMarie - yes, I have also turned Howard off when he goes off on a rant, or sometimes when he picks on Bababooie or when he used to pick on Stuttering John - I just want to laugh. They must've aired a rerun a couple weeks ago and it was a Mike Tyson interview - I thought I was going to wet my pants. Good luck on the report.

    NH Suzanne - I love Artie, I think he's a great addition.

    Joanne & Patti - glad you were able to get together, sounds like you had a nice time.

    Joanne - I put your package in the mail this morning. I think that should be plenty of time to have it by the 20th.

    Maddie - I had fun looking at tacky ornaments, but was very surprised by how many there are LOL.

    Jen - I love getting cookbooks as gifts, so I think you did good. So sorry about DH's grandmother, sending prayers.

    Marci - We are going to Cancun with 2 other couples. In February we are going away with DD's to Costa Rica. My dog should get together with your cat - she's afraid of her own shadow and I'm not kidding.

    Everyone have a great week, I will be thinking of you as I'm floating around the pool with my Margarita LOL. Stay safe and warm!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jen~We will keep you & your friends in our prayers.

    Joanne~I was glad to see you post. I would love it if you moved here! I know--you like the snow!

    This weekend we were invited to some lawnmower races--I'm not kidding here--but I don't know if we are going to go or not. If not, we are supposed to get together with some friends on Sunday. We were supposed to go to a dance tonight but both of us are pretty tired. Dave has all of the Christmas decorating done! Hooray for wonderful husbands! And, I just have a few more things to get him before I'm through with my shopping list. Then we will be through.

    Shout out to everyone! I hope to be able to get back on later today. Caio! (Did I spell that wrong? LOL) Patti :)

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    It's quite frosty here this morning in the teens...........The vet is coming to xray Sweet Pea's feet to monitor progress and to check something that is going on in the outer corner of her right eye. It looks very oddly like the same affliction my mare, Casey had. A flat sarcoid. Totally harmless but hard to get rid of. I am pleased to say that Casey has fully recovered but the needles so close to her eye was hard to watch. Sweet Pea does not like needles and she is very leary of the vet. Oh no.

    I am hoping to get a ride in after that and hopefully it will have warmed up a bit!

    I am going to try to get the bulk of my decorating in today. Window boxes at the barn too. Then,if I still have any energy I am going to run over to Home Goods (which is an hour away) and see what new over there. Do any of you have Home Goods in your area? It's a great store. It's kind of like the Bed and Bath stores only 10 times better and prices are better too.

    Okay, I hope everyone can take the time to check in over the weekend. Gretchen, you tease us so with your short notes! Remember to be good to yourself girl, you should come first.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning!

    Qod: Cleaning, shopping and decorating today and hopefully will get some time out in the garden too. Tomorrow, church then a late lunch with some friends.

    Suzanne, I hope Sweet Pea will be okay...

    Raeanne, I'll have that margarita with you! Have a wonderful time!

    Everybody have a great weekend!


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    GREAT NEWS! Sweet Pea got a clean bill of health from the vet on her feet! The rotation in her coffin bone is back to normal and everything looks good! I know some of you don't understand exactly what that means but it's GREAT NEWS. I knew it in my heart but it's good to have it confirmed via xrays. Vet did a biopsy on her eye thing and won't know about that a for a week or more. I am not worried about it.

    This news just made my entire year and I am walking on cloud nine today!!

    It's very cold here this morning and only supposed to sqeak up to the high 30's. But it's going to be sunny so I am going to go for a ride. This is the last day of hunting season too so I am looking forward to having the woods to myself again - so to speak.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good evening.....

    We had a busy weekend. We got our boat on friday and went out on Friday and Saturday. Today we pulled it and we are going over it with a good cleaning and took the old name off and will be putting a new one on.

    I got hypnotized today for weight loss. I have my fingers crossed that it helps. I have a couple tapes also.

    Dee Marie - I still did not get your address. I am receiving e-mails from BJ and Tikanas so I beleive the link to correct from here. Try again...third time is a charm.

    Take Care....Lynn
