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Exercise,Nutrition,Weightlifting canon/booklist?

16 years ago

Hey everyone,

I'm new to the forum and to exercising in general, but I've been reading up on weightlifting and nutrition. I try to ask experienced lifters and personal trainers about book recommendations, but haven't had any answers besides the textbooks the trainers studied for their certification with. I'm not really sure where to start.. random books and articles can disagree with each other and they are not very universal(usually cater to a certain group). My goal is really just for general well-being and exercise with proper weightlifting, aerobics, and nutrition like most people.. However- I'd like to really get in depth with the field and know what the professionals know (I cant afford a trainer, so why not know what they know). I'd like to know any resources you guys have found that have been proven to be universally accurate and helpful that provide a good foundation of knowledge. I figure.. after I create this foundation, I can get started and learn more about myself and my goals.. So then the books which are more specialized will be able to be utilized effectively.

To start off, I have here a list of books that some of the various programs use for certification or are recommended by that company:


ACSM's Certification Review

ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription


NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training

NSCA's Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning-2nd Edition


ACE Personal Trainer Manual: The Resource for Fitness Professional

A Fitness ProfessionalÂs Guide to Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Human Movement

ACE's Practical Guide to Functional Anatomy

Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant Manual

Optional Guides (on their websites)

Strength Training Anatomy-2nd Edition

Exercise Physiology

Stretching, 20th Anniversary

The Basics of Strength Training 2nd Edition

Designing Resistance Training Programs - 3rd Edition

The certification textbooks are sure to have sections inside I wont be able to use... but I think it may be the best source for a reliable introduction and base for starting up. Well.. that was a long post- forgive me ;/

So.. whadda ya guys think?

Comments (3)

  • terible
    16 years ago

    Hi, I congratulate you on educating yourself on fitness; it is a long journey with no ending as there is always something new to learn. I started out similar to you (not sure where to start) and after years of being active decided to get more informed about six years ago, I am still learning. With lots of studying, you can be your own fitness instructor. I also worked in a gym for years and have seen first hand that just because someone is a certified instructor does not necessarily make him or her good. The best instructors are multi  dimensional, they are the ones that on top of their ACE and or other studies also have education in Pilates, Functional Movement, Yoga, and Ball workouts ect. Include all the above in your studies. You will also need to read and have as references: Books by Bandine Calis Germain such as Anatomy of Movement, also, The Sports Medicine Bible, Books on Exercise in Disease and Health, Anatomy Coloring Book (good buy), Anatomy wall charts (must have), and books on Fitness Theory and Practice. You may also want to invest in a home blood pressure monitor and a body fat analyzer. I highly recommend doing and studying mat Pilates; it will make learning proper form for all exercises easier and will make beginning ball work easier.
    All my best!

  • devilmaycry
    13 years ago

    Good comprehensive guide to weight training, bodybuilding and
    nutrition for the beginner including photos illustrating proper form for each lift.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Personal Trainer Chicago

  • DietPeon
    13 years ago

    I'm not into weight lifting myself, but it seems like you have a great start here. The best thing to do is get to the gym, make sure you have the right nutrition and see where it takes you.
    If you hit a wall with something that'd be the time to reexamine your regimen.

    Here is a link that might be useful: HCG drops

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