I came home from the Dr. looking for the weekly weigh in thread and it's not there. Did I miss silversword's announcement of going on vacation or not feeling well? I hope all is well.
I missed her too. She will likely be back when she can be. Feel free to post on the support roup. I did yesterday, but will do it here again to-day and you do the same thing, please. This weigh in is such a help, in my opinion - whether it is here ,or on the support postings. If I have some place to report, I'm far more likely to behave myself. Expect others are the same.
tikanis, where are you?
Yesterday : start - 192, goal - 145, but may change it to 140. Last week, I lost 1/2 pound. total lost 44 and 1/2
Thanks Iva. I am, but my daughter has been out of school all week, I've been working from home and taking her to the office. Trying to get work done with an 8 year old throwing fits about math homework is a joke :)
blitzyblond_protegeOriginal Author
blitzyblond_protegeOriginal Author