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six week makeover

23 years ago

I got my kit pronto. I did order it 10 minutes after I saw the info commercial and discovered that if I paid for it all at once, I got it shipped immediately, otherwise it would take 4 weeks. So, I paid for it all at once.

The kit is complex, but that is because you must take the time to custom make your program according to your body type. I have done a lot of programs, and this seems to emcompass all the things that I found good in the others and ties them all together. For example, body types: I do believe one diet can't work on all body types. FOr this, I give the makeover an A + . Smart exercising is another. I don't believe it is necessary, in fact, for me, I know it is counterproductive, to work out at a gym every day. Again, the six weeks program supports that. Only 18 minutes 2-3 times a week in your home. Again, A+ . Eating plan. Well, we had to pay somewhere. It is going to take thought and preparation. I don't think it is user-friendly for a fast-paced lifestyle. However, I've decided that I'm worth the time and effort. I also think that this is a no-nonsense way to get into shape quickly, and once you are there, you can eat things that are not on the program. I have been on the eating portion for 3 days, they say you can go on the eating plan first, then the exercise plan. I have lost 3 lbs. It could be water, but I'm eating so much and drinking so much I wonder. I am not starving that is for sure. They said you'd notice things happening almost immediately. Well, I swear I do. My body is starting to change. I would like to keep in touch with some of you to see how things are going with you. How do I do that? Also, they gave a website address: Also, you might try looking up Michael Thurmond on the net, the creator of the program. I'm from LA and he is real and very effective, but expensive if you go to his place and do it. Anyway, I hope I've been helpful. Be patient and give it a try.

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