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SS daily Monday,Oct 4 to Sunday, Oct 10

20 years ago

Hi goils!

Sorry I haven't been here lately--my dad's been in the ICU, a friend's MIL died Fri, another friend's DGM died Fri also, one of mom's friends has had Hospice called in for her, and one of Rog's co-workers only has days left from cancer.

Scheeh---I sound like that guy in MP's Holy Grail: "Bring outcha dead....bring outcha dead". (yes, I know that sounds callous, but after this past week, I have found that humor will keep me from just loosing it completely.)

I'll catch up whn I can--



Comments (56)

  • 20 years ago

    Checkin' in. Mt St Helens is erupting....last time there was a big eruption, we had an earthquake here, so we're waitng for that...epp!

    Back later to read and post. BYE!

  • 20 years ago

    BJ - I will keep you and your family's safety in my thoughts! I have to go turn on CNN now.

    DeeMarie - sounds like you worked off all those points LOL. What a beautiful place - I never heard of that one, thanks for the link. I am going to wedding in November at the Newark Club - never heard of that one either LOL.

    I just realized that I never shared a dream I had the night before BJ arrived. There I was at French Lick in the BAR (of all places - I know that one is hard to imagination) and one by one all these beautiful THIN girls came in and the bartender was telling me who they were and guess what they were all of you!!! So I may bring some Twinkies (thanks Lynn for the tip) to French Lick just in case any of you need them.

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    Comments (35)
    Good (and cold!) afternoon! I've been missing in action while putting into motion plans for my immediate future. I turned in my resignation on Monday. Director refused to accept it. She's telling me that I'll be back. But, I had already decided to take time off from working, period, to finally have my knee replacement surgery. That is now scheduled for March 7th. Only one knee needs it. The other one has a kneecap problem which will be dealt with at another time. I need to drop a few pounds between now and the 7th to make recovery easier for myself. So, I've hit the SS way hard and heavy. I've been invited to a Girls' night out with some of the other teachers tonight at Gloria's, a Salvadoran and Tex-Mex restaurant. Wish me luck SS'ing there! lol Zig, it's so nice to see you here again. Jen, I'm glad your girls are on the mend. Winter is always a rough time on little ones. BJ, I admire you for being able to work in the funeral industry. It takes a very special person. Dee, sounds like you and your dh may have a very special evening coming up! Suzanne, I know the job is still hectic, but isn't it nice to have one you like? Maddie, sorry your dh is under the weather. Hope you manage to enjoy your enforced weekend at home. Raeanne, Marci, Donna, and Besh, it's always a pleasure to read your posts. Oh, Patti, where are you? Well, heading for a quick nap before my big night out on the town. I'll be up past my usual bedtime. LOL Take care and stay warm. It's supposed to drop to the 20's during the night here. Brrrr!
    ...See More

    SS Daily, Monday 8/20 - Sunday 8/26


    Comments (34)
    Good Morning! I am back from the deep south and glad to see that you guys partied hearty without me! LOL Raeanne - Thanks for holding up the birthday traditions while I was gone. (If you want lessons in GIF 101, I can help. LOL) NHSuzanne - Those pictures are gorgeous! I too want to know what kind of camera you have. DH told me that while we were gone the weather turned cold up north. It is back to being hot and humid now though! BJ - So glad to hear that all went well and that you are up and around. (We never doubted for a second that you would come through with flying colors.) Jen - I agree that cleaning closets can be cathartic, but I hope you got to do some other fun things too. Dee's package sounded like fun. She is a great birthday partner! Tikanas - I hope you got to read your birthday wishes, even if you can't post. Email someone in the group and update us on your life. Inquiring minds want to know. Amy - I went to Lafayete, LA to visit my DD for a week, but thanks for missing me. I am glad to hear that you are still painting. I treasure my picture from you and look at it daily. Besh - I too love Heavenly from VS. My DD turned me onto it. I usually buy her some for her birthday and Christmas, but she said she has had to stop wearing scented lotions and sprays because of the bugs in LA. Donna - WTG with WWatchers. Your renovations sound wonderful. Any before and after pictures to show us?? Gretchen - What can I say? What a nice surprise to log on and see a post from you. I thought for a second you had moved to California, since you are now calgret, but I see you are still in Chicago. Please keep posting, we missed you. Patti - I hope you reached Dallas ok. My first Houston experience was WET! On the way to LA, it poured in Houston on my layover and my luggage got soaked. They must have left it out in the open at some point. I had to wash all my clothes when I got to DD's apartment. But my flights weren't delayed, so I got out on time and my return flight was uneventful. I met a really nice lady on my first layover and it turned out we had the same birthday. We chatted and tried not to notice the wind and rain outside! LOL Have with your DGD!!! Magic Kitty - Haven't seen a post from you lately. How are you holding up in the FL heat? DeeMarie - I hope you are having wonderful weather and enjoying every minute of your cruise. And speaking a enjoying every minute, that is exactly what I did in LA. Despite the heat and humidity, DD and I had a wonderful time. We explored the swamps, two plantations homes, went searcing for alligators, ate seafood, sampled Cajun cuisine and music and just spent some Mother/daughter time. The week went fast but I hope to be able to visit her again before they transfer out of the area. I will post a few pictures in the album when I get a chance. Now I have one more trip over Labor Day weekend and then I start back to school on 9/4. Part of me is looking forward to a paycheck, but part of me doesn't want the summer to end! Hi to anyone I missed. Maddie - where are you? Kate - are you sill with us? Joanne - Come back! John - We need you to check in brother! Gotta finish up some laundry and catch up on the mail and bills! UGH. Later, Marci
    ...See More

    SS Daily Support, Mon, Oct. 9 - Sun, Oct. 15, 2006


    Comments (28)
    Brrr is right! I just came back from taking DS to Pittsburgh for a wedding. I went shopping after and I nearly froze! I was thinking of writing to Patti to see how she is. And where is Milkdud? If enough of us write, maybe they will realize how much we miss them. Donna - Have a great trip!!! Jen - Yes, you and Galen continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Haven't done anything worthwhile yet this weekend, so I had better get some stuff done. DS came in last night and we had a nice visit. He bought a townhouse in FL, so I guess he isn't thinking of moving home anytime soon. ((Raeanne)) - I know EXACTLY how you are feeling about DD moving across country. It is possible to be excited for them and secretly wishing they would change their minds at the same time! Marci
    ...See More

    SS Daily - Week of OCT 23rd - Mon-Sun


    Comments (16)
    Good Morning All, DeeMarie, have a great vacation. I don't remember where you are going but have fun! BJ, hope all is well with your DF. I am keeping you and family in my thoughts and prayers. And yes, everything is perfect the way it is. Ohhhmmmmmmmmm The lousy weather just persists here. It's not raining this week but it's raw, gray and windy. Just miserable for outdoor activities. It might be nice on Sunday and I will look forward to that. I am having a hard time concentrating on anything but DH's upcoming surgery this Monday. Before his surgery he has a nuclear medical procdeure that will tell them if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. That's the part that scares me the most. Still, I am trying not to focus on it but it's hard at times. Everything is perfect the way it is and it could be much worse. A good friends 74 year old mother has just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She has some hard choices to make and my friend is agonizing over this. There are so many people I know that are hurting and suffering right now. And so many more that I don't know too! Boy this is cheerful, sorry. I wish I could tell you a beautiful foliage horse ride!! The foliage is just about gone. We didn't get much because of two weeks of rain. Still if the sun comes out I am saddling up ang going out. I will have a wonderful ride.....
    ...See More
  • 20 years ago

    Marci - I have a photo to send you, but need an email address. I forgot you changed your's and the photo was bounced back to me.

  • 20 years ago

    Oh Raeanne, I hope your dreams come true. Especially the one you just described!!! LOL I had a dream about a client and when I was started to share it with her she said "was I skinny?" LOL

  • 20 years ago

    Raeanne, I am fairly certain that I will NOT be getting Twinkies in April. It's a nice thought though!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

    [[[[[[[[[[dear Maddie]]]]]]]]]]] Hope your week improves. You made me laugh out loud at the office this morning with your 'bring out yer dead' memories!! I absolutely LOVE that movie, and brought a coconut on opening night!

    BJ, can you see us through the smoke? Stay safe, sister.

  • 20 years ago

    The restaurant is in the new NJPAC (Performing Arts Center); off the Parkway (not far from your native SI!). I posted a link.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Newark Club

  • 20 years ago

    me, again--

    Well, I got picked to sit on the jury, and now I'm jealous of BJ's hubby who is in law school. Gosh--those guys are something else! Quoting law codes left and right, and all the while making perfect sense (welll-that would leave me out, right there!!! LOL) We recessed, and start tomorrow at 9am.

    Raeanne--thanks, sweetie! Dad is doing better by now, but it was hairy for a bit. He seems to be in good spirits, but I'm staying away from him since I've had that funky-grungy cr@p that is going around. (Yeah, I know--my life sounds like a whiney soap opera lately!) He should be home soon, though.

    Rog's co-worker is soooo bad. Mr. Bill is one of the nicest guys, ever, and it just hurts to know he is like this. His only DD is entering the internship phase of her pharmacy degree, and I feel so sorry for her--she's just as lovely as he is.

    Dee--I've felt like I ought to be walking around in monk's robes and banging a piece of wood on my head! LOL!! (That would actually explain alot!!) Rog did say that we are going to try to make it to Chicago to see the opening of "Spamalot" next spring. Would *that* be a blast??!! :):)

    Work is the same here--2 good auctions this weekend--we sold a '55 T-Bird, and it was sooo great--I thought I'd look good cruising Louisville in it! :)

    Do you all realize that is about 6 months until French Lick????



  • 20 years ago

    Hi All!!

    Maddie and Jen, nice to "meet you"!

    Maddie, you have a heavy load to bear... My thoughts and prayers are with you!

    Lynn, May I help with that twinkie project? Lol! I have a neighbor like that...

    Raeanne, I could use a bit of meditation myself. You really did a good deed for your friend and it will come back to you. In the meantime, keep your twinkies to yourself! :)

    Dee Marie, you probably danced away all of those champagne calories anyway!

    BJ, I am watching the Mt St. Helen's web cam with bated breath. Keep us posted. I don't like earthquakes either...

    NHSuzanne, I KNEW that you would be out riding this weekend! Wish I was there riding too. Are you having a hard time holding Sweet Pea back? Sounds like she's raring to go!

    Still no word from Patti and Dave (or my Aunt, for that matter). Hope all is well with them and everyone hit by hurricane Jeanne..

    I am starting out my week on the right foot. I am getting my appetite back and along with that, my strength. I can go back to Curves next week and am looking forward to it.

    We are immersed in our homeschool Spanish program, Ds taking level 1, me , the advanced.

    I have some decisions to make about work; do I continue to do this boring paperwork at home or venture out? I guess that meditation will help clarify things for me...

    I hope we all have a great week!


    I have a LOT of work to do in my garden! I'm getting it done little by little with DS help.

  • 20 years ago

    Hi everyone - Just wanted to let you know that I put the picture of Raeanne and BJ and their hubbies in the album. If anyone needs the URL, just email me.

    Great photo girls, but I want to know what was in ALL those glasses!! LOL

    This is an easy week for me at school. The fire trucks are coming to school on Wednesday, we are taking the 3 year olds to the fire hall on Thursday and Friday we are taking a bus to the pumpkin farm. Then I have Monday off for Colombus day. My T-TH morning class continues to be a huge challenge. We all agree that we have never had so many immature kids in one class before. I'll just keep telling myself that it will get better, it will get better, it will get better..............

    I am now on the maintenance level of my Prevention diet. I didn't weigh myself, but all my clothes fit again. I even had to take back a pair of pants I bought this summer and get the next smaller size. (Don't mail me any Twinkies!! lol) I am following the eating plan during the week and then allowing myself an "indulgent treat on Friday night and Saturday. Then I get back on the eating plan on Sunday. I am still walking everyday, and plan to continue while the weather is still nice. Although, I walked in pea soup fog on Sunday morning and was soaking wet when I got home. DH thinks I am nuts, but I haven't felt this good in a long time.

    Maddie - I am posting your birthday gif tonight, since I won't be able to get to the computer in the morning. I hope that you are able to celebrate your birthday and anniversary and that for at least tomorrow, you can put all your troubles aside.

    Hello to everyone. I haven't been on the computer much, but I will try to read and catch up this weekend.

    Marci {{gwi:1504915}}
    Happy Birthday (and Happy Anniversary) Maddie!!

  • 20 years ago



    I wish you a year of wonderful days that get better and better.

    Can't wait until we meet at French Lick(s)


    NH Suzanne

  • 20 years ago

    Good Morning Everyone.

    Well, on the diet front I have been on South Beach for 12 days. I have lost six pounds. Hopefully I can keep it up.

    Happy Birthday Maddie, Hopefully your package will arive on time! Have a great day!

    Well, auditors are still here, so have to run.

    Have a great day.


  • 20 years ago

    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR DEAR SWEET WILD AND CRAZY MADDIE. May all your wishes come true (so be careful what you wish for). I am so glad that you are part of the family - things just wouldn't be the same around here without YOU. Love ya.

    Here is a link that might be useful: For Monty Python Fans Only

  • 20 years ago

    Maddie & Rog - Have a beautiful anniversary celebration!

  • 20 years ago

    Thanks for the link Raeanne, I am a Knight of the Roundtable. How many times have I watched Monty Python in my life??? It's scary to think!!! LOL That was fun.

  • 20 years ago

    Thanks Raeanne, for I am also a Knight of the Roundtable. Most of those questions were easy for me! LMAO!!

    Now on to Maddie:

    da, da, da, da, da, da, da
    They say it's your birthday
    It's my birthday too, yea
    They say it's your birthday
    We're gonna have a good time
    I'm glad it's your birthday
    Happy birthday to you

    Yes we're going to a party, party
    Yes we're going to a party, party
    Yes we're going to a party, party
    I would like you to dance (Birthday)
    Take cha cha cha chance (Birthday)
    I would like you to dance (Birthday)

    you get the picture!!!


    We love ya!

  • 20 years ago

    I am a Knight of the Rountable, TOO! I LOVE Monty Python and have several python videos.

    Happy Birthday and anniversary, Maddie!!

    On a more somber note, I heard from my Aunt in Barefoot Bay Florida. (about 40 miles from Patti, I believe) She has electricity finally, but lost her entire roof and her car in hurricane Jeanne. She says that 900 people in her general vicinity have lost their homes and not all of the damage has been assessed as of yet. My cousin and his son drove a truck full of roofing supplies down from New York and re roofed her house in one day! Now to replace her car...

    Let's keep on sending prayers and good thoughts to these folks down there. They have had ENOUGH!!

    Special (((hugs))) to Patti....


  • 20 years ago

    I have been talking to clients all last week and this week in FL who have similar reports. They are just getting electricity back. No equine losses but the horses are tired of standing in water! Many barns lost and roofs. They really have had enough.

  • 20 years ago

    I'm sorry that I haven't been able to post. We lost electricity AGAIN! LOL

    Happy Birthday & Anniversary, Maddie! We've been through a lot together & we love you. [[[[ H U G S ]]]]

    Tikanas~I was going to call you b/c we went to Vero Beach close to your aunt yesterday & the destruction is SO bad. You cannot imagine unless you have been there. And, we have been hit by all 4 hurricanes. I'm glad that we rent & that our apartments are very secure. The worse that happened to Dave & me personally was that it tossed some of our flowers around & took off some shingles.

    I've been thinking of you too, BJ, with Mt. St. Helen's. I have a great uncle in Seattle. So, we've been trying to keep a close eye on things.

    I wish that I had time to address everyone but we have dr. appts. everyday this week except for today so that takes away from my computer time.

    Marci~I almost forgot to tell you that since school has started here, the students have gone 11 days & been out 14 days. Isn't that wild? They don't know what they are going to do.

    Shouts out to everybody! :) Patti

  • 20 years ago


    Jen- way to go on the 12 pounds.... I am clapping """"". I need to take after you and do the same.

    Maddie - Happy Birthday and Anniversary. Hope they both are fun and exciting.

    Yankandtex - I will be so glad when this season is over. My DH and I took off our hurricane shutters on Saturday and we just kinda looked at eachother and said "Should we really take these off". Our neighborhoods look like crack houses. Most of them boarded up. You cannot drive 1/10 of a mile without seeing blue or green or brown tarps covering the roofs. It is going to be a long time until things look nice again. Sad.

    Tikanas - Sorry about your aunt. But on a ligher note, consider her one of the lucky ones. Especially since she had her roof done already!!!!! That is great!!!!!

    I am going to check out the pic of Raeanne and BJ. Should be a good one. someone else mentioned glasses with liquid in them????? HUMMMMMM....

    Take care -


  • 20 years ago

    Marci - thanks for posting the photo. I just finished watching Jeopardy and thought of you. Ken made me a little nervous the last couple of nights, but he really flew by them in double Jeopardy tonight.

    Patti - thanks for checking in. I was nervous after reading Tikanis post.

    Jen - your loss is an inspiration to me.


  • 20 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    Marci, thank you for posting that great picture of Raeanne, BJ and DH's. It's a nice shot ladies. I also heard that Pittsburgh is still under siege from Ivan with flooding and that things are really bad there. Are you okay? They made it sound like it's a disaster area but I haven't heard much about it on the news. (what little I watch).

    We had a hoar frost this morning. Everything was stark white covered in frost. I forgot to bring in a few plants off the porch and they are toast. I feel like a murderer. I had to wear gloves and a hat in the barn this morning. BRRRRRRR

  • 20 years ago

    NH Suzanne - We didn't have a frost, but I think it went down to 34 last night - I had to walk my dog with damp hair this AM and I was freezing LOL. I can't believe my impatients still look beautiful - but I think today will be their last.

    I had another successful SS day yesterday and looking forward to more of the same. I never weighed in at the beginning, so I don't know if I lost anything, but I feel better. I was too afraid to see what the scale would scream at me - so I will go by my clothes.

    I rushed those stars yesterday again. I am up to 7*.

    Here's to another legal day!

  • 20 years ago

    Good morning!

    Thanks for all of the wishes!!! :):) You all are THE BEST!!!

    I didn't get in until late last night b/c of jury duty. We did go into deliberations and handed down a verdict, so that's over--what an experience though!!!

    On a different note, I lost my job this morning, and I'm not sure what happened. I can't draw unemployment b/c I have no check stubs for the time I worked there. That, and my names on the checks are different from my legal name--spelling, left off hypenation, etc...

    So, wish me luck, goils--I'm gonna need it!



  • 20 years ago


  • 20 years ago

    ((((((Maddie))))) sending lots of luck and love your way.

  • 20 years ago

    Oh NO Maddie ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) Here we go again! How can this be?

  • 20 years ago


    Happy Birthday! ...and...

    (((((((((((BEAR HUGS, SIS)))))))))))

    Look for the open window offering you a new direction... think bigger and better. Think calling an actual auction. Think of advertising yourself on the web as a paid private auctioneer for charity functions. Think of all the possibilities! And we'll all be here, rooting for you all the way.

    You are a so bright, cheery, and funny. Nothing can stop you, girl! With your flaming hair, bright white smile, & your infectious laugh, you will have the world by the tail in no time.


    ***MAKE*** IT A GOOD DAY!


  • 20 years ago

    Thank, ladies! I am gonna miss the peeps that I've worked with for the past 2 years, them and the folks that I see on a weekly basis at the sales. I truely do not know what happened (well, that's not entirely true--things have went on that I haven't mentioned here just b/c of probably being boring to read), so... life goes on.

    I did forget to mention (DEE!!!!) that Rog got us tickets to see Spamalot in Chicago on New Year's Day. What a great gift!!! :):) I was so shocked!! :):):) (Note to self: try to find a Black Knight's costume!!)

    Anyhoo--I am OK--not happy, but still (as always) standing--



  • 20 years ago

    (((MADDIE))), Hopefully things will look up soon. I wish you lived closer, I would love to have you working in our office. I hope you get your package soon!

    I have only lost 6 pounds in the 12 days of South Beach, but I would love for it to be 12lbs. Maybe soon....I am determined to get this weight off.

    Raeanne, keep up the successful days.

    Better run.


  • 20 years ago

    Hi All!

    Marci, That was a very nice pic of Bj, Raeanne and their DHs. I didn't know that Pittsburgh was getting such a beating from the hurricanes! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

    NHSuzanne, It is 78 degrees and very sunny. I can't IMAGINE having frost here!

    Raeanne, hang in there! You can do it! I am looking forward to being one of the skinny one's in that dream, myself1

    Maddie, ((((HUGS)))))! When one door closes, another door will open... Listen to Bj....

    Jen, 6lbs down!! Way to go! Keep up the good work.

    Feeling better everyday. Looking forward to going back to Curves next week. Still having appetite problems but It's all getting better. I am very thankful. It's amazing how things pile up when you are under the weather! I have a lot of catching up to do. Back to work!

    Everybody have a great day! Keep strong, keep well!


  • 20 years ago

    Hi ladies!

    Tiakanas and NHSuzanne - The city of Pittsburgh (we're affectionately known as the City of Bridges for good reason - over 1900 bridges exist in Allegheny County alone. And where there are bridges, there is water!!)
    and surrounding areas did get hit very hard from flooding. One little town, Carnegie, lost almost their entire business district. It was declared a disaster area and some people are getting federal relief money. But it was on the news last night that so many people are still without heat (furnaces) and/or hot water tanks. There is such a huge demand for contractors and not enough people or parts to get to everyone on a timely basis. But they are trying to get to the elderly and sick first.

    We had a frost last night, but temps are supposed to warm up this weekend. So hopefully that will give people time to get heat before we get a long stretch of cold weather.

    We are taking the 3 year olds to the fire station tomorrow and Friday we are going to the pumpkin patch, so I am glad that Mother Nature is cooperating.

    Patti - I remember one February that we only had 11 days of school. Parents wanted refunds because they missed so many days and there was no way to make them up, since preschool only goes until the end of May. We haven't had a winter that bad since, but I am hearing reports that the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a bad winter this year.

    Raeanne - I have heard so many different reports of when Ken loses, that I was fearful it was this week. He came close on Monday didn't he? You could see the look of relief on his face when his opponent missed the final question. I guess at this point, it is more about going for the longer winning streak than it is the money. He sure does make watching Jeopardy fun though!

    ((Maddie)) - Oh my, that is not news that I expected to hear. I didn't realize that you had been with them for two years. But now that you are an auctioneer, I am betting that you will find another job in no time. Or like BJ said, create your own job and hire yourself out.

    I didn't get much sleep last night, so I am going to put my feet up and rest until it is time to cook dinner.


  • 20 years ago

    OH MY, OH MY, OH MY!!!!

    I got Jen's package today, and OH MY!!! What started out to be a rotten day has turned into something so special, and has once again remind me of just really how blessed I am! :):)

    I opened this huge package and found: 2 cute metal snowman ornaments that will look so great on my aluminum tree, the cutest picture frame with a teddy bear on one side in her fishing gear, and a ferocious looking fish on the other side (my pike, mayhaps??), a fabulous cat picture frame that my glowing orange tom will look smashing in, a cute calender, a snowman jinglebell ornament with my name on it, a fishing Santa ornament (which will stay out ALL year!), a stuffed snowman about the size of a baking pumpkin that says "I'm in shape; round's a shape, isn't it?" (LMAO!!), a gorgeous, soft, snuggly blue and white scarf (Jen, did you make that? It's wonderful!! And how did you know that I'm a devout University of Kentucky fan??--this is soooo perfect!!), and Erica picked out an adorable scarecrow door-knob hanger (which is facinating the grandson next door (He's 3), AND pics of our dollbaby nieces, Erica and Tara--my goodness--they are just simply beautiful little girls! :):) WOWSIA!

    Jen--you are so sweet! I will never be able to tell you just how much this means to me, and on today of all days, too. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and everytime I see on of these, I am sure that my heart will smile!

    BJ--I love you, too, my sister and my friend--and thank you--you made me cry today as well! :):):)

    Marci--yep--I've been part time with them since '02, but I just went full time in June. Time flys, huh? And I do think that BJ's idea is where I am going to head. I'm not sure just how I'm going to do it, but I'll figure out someway! :) And thanks for the gif--I love it!!! :):)



  • 20 years ago

    Good Morning,

    Marci, glad to hear that things are okay where you live. I was so surprised to hear about how bad things were.

    Jen, you gifts to Maddie sound perfect. I am sure you made her day.

    It's only 40 here this morning but sure beats yesterdays 30!
    We are going to have an official Indian Summer now and it's supposed to be in the 60's for the weekend! That means camping will be more pleasant.

    I have a ton of stuff do to before I leave for work. Will check in later.

  • 20 years ago

    NH Suzanne - we didn't get the freeze last night we were suppose to. I am hoping I can enjoy my flowers another week or so. I will keep my fingers crossed that the weather holds out for you this weekend - nice campfire weather.

    Going to see Bette Midler tonight!!!

    Did Denise Austin workout this AM.

    8* and feeling strong

  • 20 years ago

    Good Morning,

    Maddie, I am glad you liked everything. I didn't make the scarf, I had a coworkers mom make it. It came out a little long, but I am glad you liked it. I was a little worried about the snowman though.

    Raeanne, you are doing a great job. Keep it up.

    NH Suzanne, Have a great camping trip.

    Better run.


  • 20 years ago

    Happy THURSDAY everyone!

    WOW Jen; that sounds like an awesome package you sent Maddie. I still cherish the ornament exchange items you sent me. :0)

    Another weigh-in at WW and I lost another 2 pounds. That makes 4.8 lbs in 2 weeks. I'm so encouraged by this, because I hit that stinking plateau in June-July-August, but now it's slowing coming off again. I'm fitting in some exercise (never enough), and drinking flavored water all day, along with counting those points. I truly want to get back to my "normal" again when I felt good all the time. (Hey...wait a minute....I was 20 years younger then!) LOL

    Maddie, one foot in front of the other; a tiny step at a time. You will do it, and you have our undying love and support to help you. I'd hire you myself if I could, and I thought for one second that you would move to Joisey. haha

    Gotta run!

  • 20 years ago

    Jen - I forgot to mention what a great job you did on Maddie's birthday gift and what timing! Of course, I still cherish the gifts you sent me too. I still have some bath salts left and I put the butterfly house in my garden this summer.

    Dee - you are on a roll, glad the plateau is over.

    Just got back from having a permanent crown put on the root canal tooth - glad that is over with.

  • 20 years ago

    Good Evening Everyone.

    Congrats on all the weight losses.....I have been inspired.

    Maddie - best wishes all around for you...

    Raeanne - Please tell me how Bette was.... I love her!

    BJ - hope you and family are safe from Mt. St. Helen. I have been watching on the tv and quite a bit of steam. I feel like that some days. lol.

    My DH and I took off this afternoon for Ft. Myers beach.. the first time since hurricane Charley. They have cleaned it up a lot, but have a long way to go. The beach is down to that really hard level of sand. Looks like concrete. You can walk out VERY FAR and still only have the water up to your knees/lower thighs. SAD. Majority of business is back up and running. We took a long stroll down the strip and then on the pier and back to the car. Felt good. I even bought a pressure cooker today. some of SS receipes require one, so I will check it out.

    Now I am sitting here with a home highlighting kit in my hair. UGH. I was feeling brave. It is the loreal chunking one. I look hysterical with the cap on. DH got a good laugh.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.


  • 20 years ago

    Good Morning Everyone,

    Dee, way to go on the loss! Now there's no stopping you.

    Raeanne, can you believe the weather!!! An Indian Summer for us here. Hope you are getting the same. The leaves are turning in a strange but beautiful way. It's supposed to be peak here this weekend.

    I am finishing a few odds and end here at work and then I am on my way to camp. I can't believe my good fortune with the weather. Earlier this week is was below freezing.....burrrrrrrrrrr. The color is glorious and the sky is bluer than blue. I can't wait. I don't get Monday off :( NH is notorious for not having alot of paid holidays. Oh well, that's the price you pay for living here without alot of welfare and unemployment benefits but I will take it because the quality of life here is fantastic.

    I will check in when I get home Sunday. Have a great weekend.

  • 20 years ago

    NH Suzanne - We are suppose to be near peak this weekend too, but I also think it is a strange season. Some areas look like they haven't begun to change and others are at peak. I don't have Monday off either - that's what you get when you work in a real estate office LOL.

    Lynn - the concert was fantastic, she is so talented. We had a blast. We were center stage in the 5th row. Hope your hair came out well. I am so chicken to dye my own hair, but it gets so expensive that I am tempted.

    Patti - people I work with have a winter home in Vero Beach and they said their house is fine, but they said the house they almost bought nearby was totally destroyed.

    Gotta get back to work.

  • 20 years ago

    Hi all!

    NHSuzanne, have a wonderful camping trip. I will be with you in spirit. Take pictures!!

    Jen, that sounds like a fabulous pkg. that you sent Maddie. How thoughtful and just in the nick of time.

    Yeah Dee Marie! 2 more lbs down! Keep up the good work!

    Maddie, my thoughts are with you! Inch by inch....I know that we can expect to hear good news from you very soon. In the meantime, I admire your attitude.

    Lynn, Sounds like you had a nice day out. I received pics from my Aunt in Florida of all the devastation. glad that you and Patti are safe and sound. My Aunt is serving at the Red Cross food kitchen everyday while trying to get her property back in shape.
    Don't you HATE getting caught coloring your hair??? : )

    Hey, Patti! How were all those DRs. appts this week? Do something FUN this weekend!

    Raeanne, Wow! Did you ever have GREAT seats! Glad that you had fun. Bette Midler is always fantastic.

    Lots of running around doing errands, puttering in the garden this weekend. Still trying to take it slow and easy but feeling much better. I have some work related decisions to make soon and I am pondering on my choices...

    I am the head of my church's social committee and am responsible for organizing, coordinating and supervising a catered banquet for 200 on Nov. 7th. I need to do a liitle work on that project tomorrow.

    I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend.

    Be strong, be well!


  • 20 years ago

    Good Saturday morning!!

    I am on the laptop and connected to Bluetooth, so I am posting this on location at a show in beautiful downtown New Albany, IN. NA has a 4 day long outdoor festival, and we're set up for the first time--I love coming to the festival--deep fried cr@p everywhere, so this way, I get to munch and make money at the same time! Life is sweet!! :):)

    Raeanne! I am so green--the Divine Miss M is one of my all time favs, and I would just love to actually see her in person. (I've always thaken it as a complement when my friends would call me that (Divine Miss M)). I love Margaret Cho, too!

    Well, so far, I've seen several peeps from the sales, and I've had to tell them that I won't be there any longer. (Yes, I was graceful, and no, I am not doing a smear campainge. I just thought they should know why I am not able to answer ??s about upcoming sales.) I've even ran into one of the other auctioneers, and he was so sweet, and told me that he and the guys will really miss me, and to please keep in touch. (He really is a good guy--he wife and DDs are just as fab, too.) One customer was not happy, and said she would specifically ask where I was on Sunday. (Yes, I think she really liked me--we would always joke around, and pretend to insult each other--:):)) So, it makes me feel good to know that at least someone will miss me. :):) When I have a bit more time, I will post my thoughts on what my next move will be. I think I know, but I want to put them on paper and think it throught, thoroughtly, before I start yapping.

    Dee--did you see where Rog and I are going to see Spamalot in Chicago on Jan 1st? I am sooooo excited I can hardly wait!!! heehee!!!

    Gotta go--it's starting to get crowded--



    Jen--I **loved** the snowman! What a riot!!! :):):):)

  • 20 years ago

    ok, me again--

    it's almost midnight Saturday, and Rog and I come in to find that there has been a double murder in our backyard. There arer cop cars, tech units, coroner's cars, floodlights, etc... directly out our back windows. Apparently, the 25 yo grandson of the lady and her boyfriend stabbed them to death on Tues, and had been living there in the meantime. Someone got suspicious since the couple had not been seen for a while, and called the police.

    YEEEEEEEe.... ok--I think I'll go hide for a while......

  • 20 years ago

    Maddie: I read about it in the news. ((((((HUGS)))))) Must be terrible to lose your neighbors in such a tragic way. Not to blow sunshine, but really, I'm glad they have a suspect in custody and it's not a random crime. That would be even creepier in a lot of ways.

    Hope the show went well for you and Rog. The rest of the day should be filled with interviews, police activity, and neighbors exchanges stories of disbelief.

    Hope your Monday is a LOT better.....

  • 20 years ago

    This doesn't seem to be working for me.

  • 20 years ago

    Okay, now it is. I got an error message the first time I tried to post, but my message showed up later.


    Starting 12 day of South Beach; down 1 pound. Better than gaining and I have more energy and feel better. However, DH is calling it the South Park Diet; he's been swearing at it since he started. Nightmares have slowed down for him---now about 2 a week, but he is still craving carbs like crazy and says he's 80% sure he'd like to stop. Yet he keeps on going...he says, for me. :) Whataguy.

    Attended my 2nd sculpting class yesterday. What a challenge for me. We're making a mask face. Very difficult to wrap my head around the realism of scuplting and what I 'think' something should look like. Eye-opening, really. I'm learning a lot of patience with myself. My mask should come off the mold next week, when I finish the hair, then I'll glaze it and fire it, and then---no matter what it looks like---I'll send a photo to Marci. We're beginning armature next week and will build a very small person out of clay. YIPES! LOOK OUT!

    Enjoy Sunday! Eat right! And...


  • 20 years ago

    Grammer and spellcheck feature please. Too early on Sunday morning for me, but you get the idea! LOL....

  • 20 years ago

    Good SUNDAY morning everyone!

    Maddie, please check in again. I'm so sorry about your neighbors; but I'm with BJ that we are glad they have suspects all locked up.

    Last night we attended another awesome wedding; the entertainment was spectacular. I danced and danced and danced (and watched what I ate, so I'm A-ok with points). Today we are off at Noon to my aunt and uncles 50th Wedding ANniversary party. We have a bag packed so that we can sneak into the rest rooms and change to head out to the Jets-Bills football game which starts at 4:15pm. No sense wasting those tickets, eh? LOL

    Gotta get ready. Good news and bad: Good news; I had a great outfit to wear (bought the pantsuit last year and saved $209). Bad news; I think it's too big for me this year! I may wear it anyway and leave the jacket open.

    Make it a great day!

  • 20 years ago

    Maddie - OMG - I agree with BJ and am relieved that they have the suspect in custody. WOW - what a week for you. Sending many positive thoughts your way.

    BJ - I am very interested in your scultping class. Doesn't it give you a new respect for artists? I just started up my painting again and after the first class I nearly dropped out. I just started a new painting last week and am very excited about it. I love how I approached it this time, very free and not worried about how it looks - which is what the teacher has been trying to drum into me.

    Dee - You have been so busy lately - no wonder that pantsuit doesn't fit you LOL.

    Today is Day 12 for me on SS and I am still doing GREAT. Haven't weighed myself, so I have no clue, but when I put those snug jeans on and they fit, I will no I am on my way.

    My hard work in the basement finally paid off. We had a garage sale this weekend and sold a lot of junk and made a lot of money YIPPPPEEEEE and the best part is my basement is beginning to look almost normal LOL.

  • 20 years ago

    Hi golis!

    Well, alrighty, then.

    The police were over there all night last night and well into the afternoon. Let me explain how the apts are set up: they are like ranch houses that are connected to each other, sorta like a duplex. The immediate next door neighbors were friendly with the lady--I've seen them going back and forth to each other's place, so that makes the next chapter even more bizarre.

    We get home about 6PM tonight, and so help me; my hand up, the murdered lady's immediate next door neighbors were having a loud racous party out in the common area, in front of the victims' apt ***WITH*** the police tape still up, the crime scene techs still running around, the coroner's office there, and several officers present. I thought I had completely lost my mind, but I have 2 fully sober witnesses to it, or even **I** wouldn't have believed it, and I'm standing there with my jaw on my chest. O.M.G. WTF is wrong with peeps now days? There's evidence/biohazard bags all over the place, and the kids are playing within several feet of them. A bloody mattress is (was) standing in the patio area, and peeps are eating and playing cards nearby. I am truly stunned.

    Where is that deserted island?????????

    (2 local TV channels tried to interview me, but I wouldn't, and we're supposed to go down to the police station and give a statement)

    (OH--I almost forgot--I was talking to my next door lady, and she was home on Tues, with her windows open, and she told me that she heard **everything**, but thought it was a screaming match between a couple. She didn't call the police, but did get suspicious when she saw the grandson taking out armloads of 'stuff'. She was bawling this morning b/c she told me that she will forever hear the screams and think that if she had called the police, one of them might have lived. Bless her heart--she's a good lady, and I feel so sorry for her--what a thing to live with.)

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