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If you have small kids, please read this, it could save a life

14 years ago

Eight years ago today, I met one of my best friends on what should have been just an ordinary day. We had just moved in next door, and she was outside with her 2 little boys planting tulips. We introduced ourselves, chatted a bit and her beautiful little 2 year old showed us his two toy buses. We left to clean out our apartment and when we returned there were cops everywhere. Their jackets were still hanging on the stair rail. Our other neighbor was outside and told us their little 2 year old was in his room for a nap when he attempted to climb his dresser, it toppled on to him and he died. Just like that. Their whole world was torn apart, and would never be the same.

Since that terrible day, they have wanted nothing more than to prevent any more children from dying the same way their son did. I see the pain in her eyes every time one of these preventable deaths occurs. It is like she is living that day all over again. They just want to get the word out to please secure all furniture and top heavy televisions to the wall. In their words, "you can fix a hole in the wall, but not a hole in your heart." Please, if you have kids, go through your house and look for any hidden dangers. And please share their story, because if it saves just one little life, then their son did not die in vain.


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