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Help! messed up the bronze finish on my Rohl faucet

17 years ago

I really screwed up. I used a stainless cleaner on my new Rohl Faucet with a Tuscan Bronze finish. I noticed there were water marks that were bothering me, and after rubbing the cleaner on, it took the finish off where the water mark was down to the brass. Really stupid, and very noticeable. Do you know of any products that I could rub on the faucet to somewhat mask the spot? Something like the products they use to give copper a patina? Of course, it will be in a wet enviroment. I am really sick because it was an expensive faucet and was installed less than a year ago. I will call Rohl tomorrow for suggestions, but they don't warranty that finish. (probably for this exact reason) Any suggestions besides a light whipping?

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