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Daily Support Mon. 2/8 thru Sun. 2/14

15 years ago

I'll start us off this week. No school today because the secondary roads are still not clear.

Congratulations to the Saints and all their fans!

2010 Birthday Card Exchange

Tikanis sends to Maddie (10/5)

Maddie sends to NHSuzanne (11/20)

NHSuzanne sends to Milkdud (8/24)

Milkdud sends to Raeanne (3/3)

Raeanne sends to Donna_SouthNJ (4/21)

Donna_SouthNJ sends to DeeMarie (2/18)

DeeMarie sends to Marci (8/11)

Marci sends to Tikanis (8/19)

Comments (34)

  • 15 years ago

    Happy MONDAY!

    Thanks for the exchange setup and for getting us started, Marci.

    Congrats to the new Super Bowl Champs -- the SAINTS! What fun I had watching that game, and QB Drew is such a classy guy and a wonderful dad. Loved when he held up his baby boy at the end.

    Gotta run to a 9am meeting.

    Make this week count!

  • 15 years ago

    Good morning!

    Just got through with walk and all the neighbors are greeting each other with "Who Dat!" I agree, Dee - Drew is a class act - tears in his eyes, holding up his beautiful son. What a wonderful memory. We were season ticket holders for the nine years we lived in New Orleans, but never saw a game or season like this one.

    Now I'm back in the real world and off to Weight Watchers. It will not be fun, since I ate all weekend, but the meeting will do me good, I hope. One of these days I'm going to get re-focused and stay that way. Ya think? Nahhhhh.

    Have a great week.

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    SS Daily- Mon. Feb. 2nd thru Sun. Feb. 8th


    Comments (29)
    I thought I would check in before leaving for the weekend. Yesterday was a day from hell. I am asking you again for prayers and support for my family. What I am going to tell you is almost impossible to believe. It concerns two of my nephews. One is ninth grade, the other away at college, finishing up his senior year. Last week my brother and his wife received a call from the ninth grader's school, saying that he had suffered an "episode" and recommended taking him to the doctor. To make a long story short, he had gotten extremely stressed out at school (he is always on the honors list) and just cracked. They described it as a manic episode. He is seeing several doctors and has gotten better, went back to school yesterday. When talking to my mother yesterday morning, she said she had started receiving some very bizarre emails from our other nephew, who is away at college. She didn't want to bother my brother, because of everything they had been going through with the younger son. I asked her to forward them to me, and gosh almighty, they were more than bizarre, really out of it, almost suicidal. So I told her I was going to track down my brother and/or his wife at their work and let them know. To make a long story short, this nephew has also suffered some sort of manic breakdown - they tested him and did not find drugs or alcohol in his system and will be committing him to a mental hospital for evaluation. My brother is with him, as my sister-in-law had to stay home with the other son. I was hesitant to post this on a forum, but I believe in prayer and that it can help heal, and my poor brother and his family need it in the worst way. They are just stunned and in shock. They are the last family you would think something like this would happen to. Very stable environment, very supportive of their children. Thank you for letting me share.
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    SS Support - Mon. 2/14 thru 2/20


    Comments (20)
    Thank you all so much for your good wishes. I really was in to celebrating my birthday this year (cause the older you get, the less you have to celebrate!). I made my famous crumb coffee cake for the gang at the office, and have managed to stay away from it! DH almost pulled off a huge crumb before I left this morning....just like a child! LOL I tore into that box from Gretchen early this morning before I left for the office! I promise to share the detailed contents (Gretchen, you are tooooo much!), and send a picture to Marci before the day is over. There was lots of Weight Watchers goodies, and aroma bath stuff, and books to read on vacation.....so much fun and so generous!!! DH is taking me to the movies this afternoon....think we'll see 'Sideways' or "The Aviator"....not sure. KY Susie, my gardens grow much better and my hands are much softer thanks to the treats in your box 2 years ago!!! BJ, good for you and good riddance to those 8 lbs!!! Take care, eat healthy, and NEVER NEVER GIVE UP! DeeMarie
    ...See More

    Daily Support - Mon. February 14th thru Sun. February 20th


    Comments (23)
    Happy Birthday DeeMarie! Tikanis - terrific to know what is going on. My BIL has severe sleep apnea as well. The sleep clinic put him on a device at night that delivers more oxygen and now he is sleeping much better, the snoring has calmed down a lot and my SIL is also enjoying a better nights sleep too. Nwroselady - stay the course. Your body is adjusting to it's new size. You may even hit a plateau. Don't despair, just hang in there. One step forward at a time. Keep the faith! I'm cheering for you. Hi Maddie, you sure are busy. Glad to see you post. How much longer is your course? What am I doing this weekend? Probably more things around the house between cleaning, trying to unpack boxes into totes, plant some more seeds, transplant tomato plants into taller containers and of course laundry. Still trying to train that stuff to jump from the washer to dryer - no luck so far. And the dishes won't play either. I fill the sink and they just sit there too. Bad laundry, bad bad bad dishes. I'm eyeing up the cat - thinking of spraying him with endust and getting him to chase balls under the beds - he's giving me the evil eye...don't think I'll get him to participate on that one either. Rats. Still maintaining. Cheers everyone, Peggy
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    SS Daily Support Mon 8/14 to Sun 8/20


    Comments (31)
    Milkdud! WTG on that weight loss - you go girl!! I'm glad the knee is coming along well. Raeanne - yes, I am still going to Curves. This is my 2nd week and I made a commitment to myself to go Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. I stop on my way home from work. I feel better about me and am actually looking forward to getting measured again, I think in early September. And yes..I am definitely up for the book club. Marci - hard to believe it's time for school again. I saw the spinach squares recipe and will have to give them a try. John - enjoy the trip - the weather sounds promising. Be safe and have fun. Dee - another cruise?! Raeanne is right they will be naming a ship after you. ENJOY. Besh - menopause - I am right there with ya darlin. Zig - where are you - shoe shopping again??? Gotta run - check in later - Donna
    ...See More
  • 15 years ago

    Good morning, friends!

    What a good game last night! Saints Dat!!! I'd been rooting for them since they were first named to the Super Bowl, so I'm happy that they won. Loved the pic of Drew and his son, too.

    Marci, your pics of the snow at your house were great! I really enjoy looking at everyone's snow pictures. Notice I only said I enjoy looking at them! LOL Our temp is 57 and sunny right now. I never realized how affected I obviously am by the lack of sun until this winter. The sun just perks me right up, even if I'm staying inside. I'm sending warming wishes to all those in the snowy north!

    I had a wonderful time with my DGDs this weekend. I also found the photo albums I want so that I can now redo all of my old albums - those magnetic ones that were all the rage 30+ years ago, remember? Ugh! I need to learn how to scan photos so that I can make copies for my sons to have and one for me, plus some of the photos have yellowed, and I understand that this can be fixed somewhat in this modern day of high-tech miracles!

    Wishing everyone a heart-warming day!

  • 15 years ago

    Forgot to say "thanks" to Marci for the card exchange list!

  • 15 years ago

    Happy Monday!

    Thanks for the B-day list Marci. Your photos are amazing. Enjoy your day off!

    I have not been a football fan before, but I really got into it this time. Congrats Saints! What a fun game to watch. I am so glad the underdogs won.

    Dee, I am planning on making this week REALLY count and am off to a great start!

    Milkdud, one of these days I will attack my huge basket of photos....

    Jan, How was WW? I was on the treadmill at the crack of dawn (literally) with radio blasting. I thought of you, the walking ninja, as I ran in my pajamas!

    Suzanne, please check in with a Sweet Pea update!

    Off to do paperwork!


  • 15 years ago

    Hi all!

    Doing the who dat happy dance here! I agree that Drew is a class act, but then I think that Peyton is also. :) I'm so glad to see the Saints win, and boy! do I wish I was in New Orleans this week--:)

    Just checking in--gotta study for another test tomorrow, and hoping that school is canceled due the forecasted snow (ugh!)

    Suzanne--how's SP?



    PS--where's Beege? Besh? Patti? Other MIAs?

  • 15 years ago

    Tikanis, weight watchers meeting was good, although I had a 1.4 pound weight gain. It truly could have been worse. Several others had the same type weekend, with the Super Bowl and all, some handled it better than others. Good for you doing your treadmill - isn't it great to start out the day doing something good for yourself? I will have to say, as much of a struggle I've had in getting my healthy eating "consistent", exercise has become an important part of my life. Even though this morning I woke up thinking I didn't want to walk or go to WW, I did both, and feel better for doing so.

    Just watched the evening news and they're saying we might have snow Thursday night/Friday a.m. I can't imagine. It was gorgeous today, but the rain and cold front are moving in tonight.

    For those who can't get enough of the Saints, Drew Brees will be on David Letterman tonight.

    Have a good night. I guess I'll watch "The Bachelor" tonight, as awful as it is......

  • 15 years ago

    Happy TUESDAY!

    We are due for about 18 inches of snow between tonight and Thursday morning. Can you say "work from home"? That is where I will be, complete with my laptop, a fire, fuzzy slippers, and a cup of herbal tea. Ohhh, I might help DH for an hour or so while he shovels this "global warming" evidence off our steps, drive, and cars. hehe

    Had the opportunity to join my outreach team members at a charity breakfast that our corporation sponsored this morning. There is such great work going on by folks who just have big hearts; no pay for it....wonderful stories from those whose lives were saved. I wish I could do this full time, but the 'day job' pays the bills.

    Trying to eat healthfully, but yesterday evening, some friends called just as I was beginning to prepare dinner. We met them at Fuddruckers, and I ordered a Philly CheeseSteak; well-done; with a side of cole slaw instead of fries...and diet birch beer soda. OMG, it was to die for! I don't normally eat red meat because I don't like the taste (unless it's an Italian meatball). Once in a great while, I feel like beef, and this just hit the spot. This morning I parked 2 lots away from my office entrance to take away some of the guilt. Tonight we are back to the salad and low-fat meal I planned for yesterday.

    Hope Sweet Pea is doing better, Suzanne.

    Raeanne? BJ? Besh? Patti? Jen? where are the rest of you!


  • 15 years ago

    Good morning!

    Gosh, everyone must be snowed under this morning! No snow here, but was freezing temps on our walk this a.m.

    The Biggest Loser was pre-empted by the Super Bowl victory parade last night, so was wondering if I missed anything?

    The parade was great, the players and coaches rode on Mardi Gras floats, all were dancing, and smiling, and throwing beads. Loved that the kickers/punters rode on a small float that was a giant high-heeled red shoe. Funny to see big manly men sitting in and surrounding a stylish pump - ha!

    Doing better on my eating. I prepared the Chicken Cordon Bleu WW recipe last night. I forget how good that is, and so easy.

    Need to run errands. Hope everyone is safe and warm and has a good one.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi Wodka - I am snowed in here. Got another 6-8" last night and it is still snowing. I just put on a big pot of chili.

    I did watch Biggest Loser. Two people were sent home. I'll email you with the details in case someone hasn't seen it yet and doesn't want to know the outcome.

    This is my 3rd day of no preschool and I am really hoping we have school tomorrow. We are supposed to have our Valentine parties Thursday and Friday. Of course, the kids won't care when we have them, as long as we have them eventually.

    NHSuzanne - I am concerned that we haven't heard from you. Praying that Sweet Pea is doing better and that you are able to get some rest.


  • 15 years ago

    Good WEDNESDAY morning from an extremely snowy North Jersey town.

    What a mess! Expecting a blizzard this afternoon with no end in sight until about 6am tomorrow. Looks like another day working from home. I heard from one of the directors that there are only a few cars in the lot at the office (we have between 400-500 employed at the site)!

    Suzanne, hope everything is OK.

    Raeanne, are you there?

    Besh? Jen? Patti?

    We're gonna come looking for you once the snow melts!


  • 15 years ago

    Marci, thanks for the email/update on Biggest Loser. Do you have any favorites yet?

    Gosh, the snowstorms are unbelievable! My Washington DC sister is on a month-long seminar in Virginia,so I'm not too worried about her, she's with a group and being taken care of by the hotel/accomodations. However, I imagine her husband, daughter and dog must be miserable in DC! She does so much when she's at home, even with a high-pressured, full time position. I'm kind of happy for her that she's not having to deal with it. Her family will probably all kiss the ground she walks on when she returns - or at least, they should - ha!

    I share your concern about suzanne and sweet pea....hope no news is good news.

  • 15 years ago

    Good Wednesday all,

    Sorry to be MIA. I have been totally and utterly consumed with Sweet Pea's recovery. On Sunday she seemed to take a turn for the worse. I was so frightened. Mark was gone and I was overwhelmed with my fears... Anyway she has turned it around and is continuing to improve little by little. Had vet out again yesterday and she is still in the acute state of laminitis but is moving around more. I am walking her three times a day which means running home at lunch. I am exhausted and I know she is too. I am optimistic that she will make a full recovery but I fear it's going to take some time. In the meantime I have found a place who I think can help thanks my caring and lovely vet who practices holistic medicine when appropriate. She pointed me to a Dr. in Missouri who has been practicing Chinese herbal medicine for 25 years. He has and continues to do extensive research on Equine Metobolic Syndrome (EMS) and he offers great hope for me and Pea. EMS can be likened to diabetes in humans on some levels but it's more complicated. The veterinary world is now starting to put money into researching this condition. ANYWAY, herbs are on the way for Pea and I have great hope that she will start to heal. BTW, for any skeptics regarding this - my vet recommended this doctor because another of her clients, a well known Morgan horse breeder in this area has been using these herbs on his own EMS horses with excellent results. So, I have been reading and studying and trying to understand exactly what EMS is all about. Consumed...

    In the meantime I have other animals at my farm who all need their share of my attention and then there is this full time job... why can't I be a trust fund kid??? LOL

    I had an egg bound hen yesterday that needed serious tending to and this morning we have a happy ending with her. Thank God.

    Nothing else new here. It is snowing here and everywhere else I hear. I am happy to get some as it is making a nicer footing for Pea to walk on. Poor girl is so brave and so kind.

    I really wish I were snowed in on some levels!!

  • 15 years ago

    Suzanne - (((((HUGS))))) I am glad to hear that SP is showing signs of improvement, but I could feel your fear when you thought things were bad. I continue to hold Sweet Pea in my thoughts, prayers and reiki. Then the hen to top things off! You really have 2 full time jobs.

    Dee - how deep is it? We have no snow and the ground is practically bare from the previous small snows we have had. It has definitely been a very interesting winter. I know it kills you to work from home haha.

    Jan - A month is a long time to be away. I am sure your sister's family will show their gratitude for her when she returns.

    Nothing new to report here. I am actually still recovering from hitting my head. The Dr. says what I feel is just normal after the impact my head took.

    Stay warm and safe.

  • 15 years ago

    Hello from a snowy South Jersey!

    The snow started last night, about 6 inches by this morning, not too bad. Then it rained, then it sleeted and now it's been snowing since early afternoon and is supposed to go through until very late tonight or early tomorrow. What joy! Forecast is 12-15 inches. I went to work this morning and they sent us home around 2pm. The drive this morning was fine but the one home was slippery and messy. I cannot believe the amount of ice melt we are going through! I hope all in this blizzard's path are warm and safe. Some folks in Cape May have been without power since the blizzard on Saturday - I am so grateful to have power and 4 wheel drive.

    Marci, thanks for doing the card exchange. Dee's day is coming up soon so I better get moving! I hope you can go to school tomorrow too.

    Suzanne, I too have been praying for SP and am glad she is turning around. I will continue with prayers for her and you.

    Dee, working from home is great and I may very well be doing that myself tomorrow.

    Jan, what a wonderful thing to have a show pre-empted for! I know this was a very happy house on Sunday when the Saints pulled it out. That small weight gain is not a big deal - you have so much to be proud of.

    Tikanis - good for you on the treadmill!

    I am off to have a glass of wine and sit in front of the fireplace and watch the snowflakes fall.

    Take care - be good and be safe!

    Question - I have a slide show on photobucket of the renovation. How do I make it so you can see it? It's password protected because I have a private account and really don't want to share the password with the world, just you guys! Any pointers much apprciated. Marci, thanks for the offer to post my snow pics - I have to download them from the camera.


  • 15 years ago

    Donna - I think you can email the people you want to share your photo album with and they can clink on the link to see the pictures. There should be instructions on the Photobucket site for sharing pictures.

    Deemarie - Good to know you have the option of working from home. Our school is cancelled again tomorrow. I just read that the kids may not have to make up the snow days since PA was declared a state of emergency.

    Raeanne -I am glad you checked with a doctor about your head injury.

    NHSuzanne - Also glad to hear that SP is doing better. Thanks for checking in.

    Wodka - I am not sure who I am rooting for on BL. Like Melissa said last night, so many of them have serious medical issues to deal with, so that it is a matter of more than just the weight for almost everyone. So I want everyone to be successful. But if I am being honest, I think I was rooting for Melissa the most, because I liked her spunk. Now maybe I will root for Lance.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi All,

    Raeanne, I wish I could do a crash course in Reiki or some other kind of energy healing. I have a book that I wish I'd read much sooner. So hard to think about much else but SP and her recovery.

    I had a funny thought about myself the other day. Do you all remember that wonderful movie, Terms of Endearment with Shirley McClain and Debra Winger? I looked in the mirror at some point last Sunday and immediately thought of her (Shirley) at the funeral scene... where she's let everything go on herself - like her hair! LOL It really made me laugh in a sick sort of way. I guess it's good to find the humor in everything.

    Just back from last call at the barn and dear Casey is standing on the outside of SP's stall on watch! It's so wonderful in many ways.

    Please keep your positive thoughts and prayers coming SP's way. I am sorry that I cannot focus on much more than what's on my plate right now. I think of you all fondly.

    Have a good night all. xxx...ooo

  • 15 years ago

    Good THURSDAY morning to everyone!

    We are climbing out of about 18 inches of snow. Decided to work from home again, but my corporation is having difficulty with many of our servers, so it's frustrating. DH has work 'down the shore' so he's trying to get out on the road soon. I'm going to wait for him to leave and then start a fire with some of my old files (he hates when I do that!)

    [[[[[[[[[[[Suzanne]]]]]]]]]] wish we could help you. I would help you in the house and at your day job, of course, so you could spend more time with your 'family'. Don't worry about your hair; you are perfect to us! ;)

    Marci, sorry you aren't back at work.

    Donna, it's such a mess here, and they are predicting yet another storm on Monday night into Tuesday. I've already blocked my electronic calendar for that day so no one can get in there and plan an office meeting without asking me!

    SURVIVOR is on tonight! Yeah!


  • 15 years ago

    Good morning!

    Donna, I feel like I just had my coffee in your kitchen! Thanks for sharing your renovation slideshow! It turned out beautifully! Love your countertops and island, the color of your cabinets, your beautiful new fireplace - such a warm feeling. Which I guess you really appreciate now, with all of that snow!

    They're still predicting rain, sleet and snow here tonight and tomorrow. Which is just crazy for down here. Nothing like what most of y'all are experiencing, but still a rare occurence for here.

    Suzanne, I can understand your love for your animals - I feel like I know Casey and Sweet Pea, just by your beautiful photos and loving words. I hope today is a good day for you all.

    I definitely can relate to the Shirley McClain look from Terms of Endearment. I've had it several times over the last few years - I see pictures of me after Katrina, and I wonder why I even allowed someone to take my picture?! Picture a fat woman, short hair sticking out in all directions, floral SKORT from Walmart (why I packed that to evacuate with is also a mystery - or why I even bought it in the first place?)

    Do any of you watch "Friday Night Lights?" Direct TV, which we have, runs it without commercials, and last night was the finale. They will be airing it soon on regular tv. If you are a fan, you will love this season. If you are not, it's worth your while to watch. Excellent acting!

  • 15 years ago

    Good morning all,

    Jan, you just made me laugh really hard and it felt really good! Thanks. I have many of those "what was I thinking" moments myself. Remember stirrup pants???? OMG, WHAT WAS I THINKING! LOL

    Dee that's a sweet offer but you would hate in my house too...there are animals (cats) in there too! LOL

    Biggest Loser people I was very happy about the person in red that went home! Is it safe to talk about this yet?

  • 15 years ago

    Suzanne, glad you are laughing this morning! And yes, I do remember stirrup pants - for some reason, they never were quite long enough on me, or the stirrup part would slip and then everything would go haywire?!!

    I think it's safe to talk about Biggest Loser. I didn't see the last episode, but know all about it. I still don't have any real favorites yet, but so far like the cousins - Sam and Koli, Daris, Michael, and Darrell. I get tickled that Darrell is so quiet, he lets all the others do the talking. I could not stand the mom and daughter, Migliaga and Migi (sp?) Such nasty attitudes.

    Looking foward to the Olympics. Also, Drew Brees will be on Ellen Degeneres show today - still can't get enough of the Saints - ha!

  • 15 years ago

    Brrrr! Good morning from cold and rainy Texas. The temp is dropping like a bomb today. When I awoke at 7:30, it was 47, now it's 38. We'll have a real mess if it reaches freezing because of all the rain we're getting. And, we're never prepared for driving on ice here.

    Donna, I also enjoyed your slideshow. How much fun to create a whole new look and yet remain in your own home! I really like all your changes. I could be very comfortable living there, too. Thanks for sending me the link!

    I've already been up and out to a community council meeting at 9, but our shut-in visitation for 10 was cancelled because of the messy weather. Some of our callers are in their 80's and 90's, and it could be risky for them navigating through the rain. I'm grateful to be back home where it's nice and warm and dry.

    I'm watching my recording of BL, and when I read here that it was someone in a red shirt, that witchy woman was just stepping on the scale. I hope she goes home because she just seems to give off negative vibes.

    I'm thawing very lean ground beef right now, and I'll be making chili to go along with this yucky weather. Ooooh, I just remembered that I also have ground venison, so I'll make a double batch and have lovely leftovers for anymore chilly days. Yum!

    Suzanne, I think about you and Sweet Pea often. I hope you get some rest soon and that Sweet Pea heals quickly once those herbs arrive. I like to take the holistic approach where I can, too. I'm a believer!

    Time for a cup of hot tea, so I'll send warming wishes to all!

  • 15 years ago

    Dee, we have a mess down here too AND server issues at work. I was a trooper (maybe I should change that to idiot)and went in but it was a very nasty ride. There was a huge improvement noticed on the ride home tonight. The biggest challenge remains getting out of my development - oh well. I also heard about the Monday night storm....I can't even think about that yet!

    Suzanne and Jan, I know those what was I thinking moments...they happen more often than I would like! Continuing good thoughts and prayers for SP.

    Raeanne, I'm glad too that you got checked out by a doctor.

    Jan and Milkdud, I'm glad you enjoyed the slide show. I probably could have put a better one together because I have lots of pictures but considering I did it fast it gives a pretty good idea of what we went to to where we are now. Of course, lots of the junky boxes and bags are now gone. I emailed the link to all who had an email address. If you want it and I didn't send it just send me an email.

    Be good, stay warm and stay safe!


  • 15 years ago

    Good Friday evening! Is everybody too busy enjoying Friday to post?

    I think where I live is about the only area in the state that didn't get snow this week. Up in the Dallas area, they received a foot of snow - the most since 1964! They've had quite a few snowfalls this year. We've had one, but that's pretty unique for the coastal areas.

    I'm watching all the opening ceremony coverage on NBC this evening. So sad about that young man's death this morning on a speeding luge.

    We still have rain and temps in the 30's, but not cold enough for anything to freeze. DH said that he heard on the radio tonight that we're supposed to reach the 60's tomorrow. Welcome to SE Texas!

    Wishing everyone a warm and relaxing evening!

  • 15 years ago

    milkdud, same here. My mother, my sister, my niece and nephew, my pre-Katrina neighbor - all called to tell me how beautiful their snowfall was. I have eyestrain from looking for flurries......we had "nothing." Just rain, maybe a spit of sleet, that's it.

    I am watching the Olympics, too. Terribly sad about the luge death - how horrible for the victim's family, especially that their loved one's death is on the internet, for everyone to see. There needs to be boundaries, as far as media coverage goes.

    Did anyone see Drew Brees on Oprah today? Gosh, what a beautiful family - Drew, his wife, his son. Did anyone else see where Oprah thought he had lipstick on his cheek (where he has an apparent birthmark or scar of somekind) - very awkward. Oprah, being the professional that she claims to be, should have known better. At least, that's my two cents.

  • 15 years ago

    Jan, I've seen Drew on several shows this week, and I actually thought that mark on his right cheek was a bruise from the game. How lame of Oprah to not have checked that out before she made something of it on the air.

    Back to Drew, I just love that guy because he seems so down to earth and in love with his wife and little boy. I like a humble hero!

  • 15 years ago

    I agree, milkdud.

    Did any of you catch k.d. lang's performance tonight at the Olympics? WOW. I love that song, anyway, but hers is one of the best renditions of it I've ever heard.

    It is a beautiful night - tons of stars out. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • 15 years ago

    Tikanis here reporting from So. Cal where it is slightly overcast and cool this morning : )

    This has been a great week. My DS has found a way to computerize ALL of my paperwork and if accepted by the agencies I contract with, will save me HOURS and HOURS each and every week! I am so excited that I can hardly stand it!

    Today was my check in and I am now just under 16 lbs from my goal! I have added biking to my work out, something that I really enjoy, so it won't be long now...

    I am preparing a few meals today for a church member who just had surgery. This afternoon DS and I are doing a bit of shopping and getting our nails done.

    Tonight I have my first "Date" since the wheel was invented ha ha! That's right, I am going to see if there is life out there after 5 years of widowhood. I am scared to death. Please send good thought. I need them. : )


  • 15 years ago

    Jan - That is my all time favorite song. However, I am true to the original by Leonard Cohen. There are some others that are great including Jeff Buckley, RufuIs Wainwright and I actually love Jason Castro from a couple years ago on Idol and even Bon Jovi does a decent rendition.

    Tikanis - I am so excited for you. Just go and have fun, but you must report back with more details hahaha.

    Donna - When you get a chance email your link. Congrats it sounds lovely and worth the wait.

    Suzanne - hope SP is markedly improved by now. Constantly thinking of the two of you.

    I enjoyed the Opening Ceremonies too, that snowboarder in the beginning was unbelievable. How sad for that young luger that had a such a future ahead of himself.

    In case I am not back tomorrow - enjoy your Valentine's Day.

  • 15 years ago

    Happy Saturday!!

    Actually it was as it wasn't a blizzard (like the past 2 Saturdays) and I could get out and get my nails and errands one.

    Dee, I am so proud of myself! I have a small package ready to ship to you for your "unbirthday card."

    More snow Monday - yuck.

    Tikanis, just under 16 lbs from goal you go girl!! I am waiting for Fat Tuesday and will begin, for real, on Wednesday. I am giving up chocolate for Lent. A co-worker said to me why not give up something easier like men :-)

    I also like Drew Brees - he seems real.

    Take care all and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  • 15 years ago

    Happy Valentines Day!

  • 15 years ago

    Happy Valentine's Day to all my Daily Support friends! You're the best!

  • 15 years ago

    Happy Happy Valentine's Day to all my sisters here!

  • 15 years ago

    Happy Valentine's Day to all of you sweeties!! : )


Best of Houzz 2025: The results are in!