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100 year flood zone questions

15 years ago

Yes it's me with a bit of an update and flood zone question. We DID put in an offer on the gorgeous house which I talked about in a previous thread because we found out we could get an additional 10 acres for very little $$ with it but they didn't accept our offer at first. We then went back to talking about building. THEN... weeks later the home owners came back to us with an incredibly good offer. They need to sell because both of their jobs have relocated 2 hours away) and we love the house so with the extra land it would be great. While DH was at the inspection which was a very clean/good inspection he was told by the lender that a small portion of the driveway and a small corner of the land is in the 100 year flood zone and we would be required to carry flood insurance. NO WAY!! So.. we are back to looking at building which DH does'nt want to do. The home owners are working like crazy to fix this so we extended the option period 10 days. The house is WAY out of the flood zone already plus he raised the entire front yard with a gradual 50 tons of dirt. They are getting an elevation test done and some other things to see what can be done.

Does anyone have ideas or suggestions?? I'm getting frustrated and since we closed on our home in mid-November there are 4 of us in our 32 foot travel trailer and it's getting OLD!!! We've actually done much better than I thought and we have enjoyed some fun together but I'm ready to MOVE OUT SOON!

Are there any water guru's out there with advice? We've been told it could take months to remove the zoning with FEMA. The owners have said they would re-survey the property into 2 portions. One would contain the house and land out side the flood zone and they could deed us the rest. Has anyone ever done that? Are there other options?? Or MAYBE it's just not meant to be?? But then why do we compare every other house out there to this one?? :(

Can anyone give some insight into this??

Sorry to keep asking but you all are so helpful,


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