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Open burner range

13 years ago

Cany anyone help? We are about to start remodelling our kitchen and are looking for a 30" open burner range.

Thanks to the detailed posts on the forum I think I have narrowed my choice down to the following:

1) Bluestar RNB

2) Capital Cullinarian Manual clean

3) American Range Performer series

I thinkt he Bluestar is currently the closest fit, but have the following concerns:

1) Bluestar reputedly runs hot (but really how hot?) and has some sharp edges (I have three small kids)

2) Oven size of the CC is the smallest - I do a lot of roast dinners for family of 5 and often more.

3) I have not seen the American Range in action, and the grates seem to be very high above the burners. However the price point is very attractive.

If anyone can offer me any advice or alleviate any of my concerns I'd be eternally grateful.

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