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Would you please share names of excellent houseplan sites/sources

10 years ago

There have GOT to be better houseplan websites than what I am finding, please help. I used to love Southern Living, and while I still do, I find their �search� to be almost less than useless. E.g. I searched with ONLY the caveat that the plan include a �walk in pantry��.most of the results contained no pantry. Beyond that, I think they (SL) have changed the houseplan site for the worse.

I would like to find sites which offer something new, not contemporary or �modern�, but rather an aesthetic I see in Colorado (and maybe you see elsewhere) wherein the homes are somewhat traditional, but employ primarily stone, metal, wood. I long to find sites which feature something in this vein. I am not keen to build a mansion, I just want something of high quality and modest size, which to me is 2500-3500 sqft. I do not want to hire an architect, but fear I�ll have to do so) :) lol Thanks in advance if anyone can show me some great search sites.

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