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Glass blocks @ Hobby Lobby -

14 years ago

After reading all the hints and tips provided by the wondeful gang here -- I'm getting ready to make a glass block light .I read on some forum that Hobby Lobby has them - predrilled. Whoa ! PRE - DRILLED --- I'm Off !!! LOL

I got there ..... *sigh* ...... they had 3 sizes ...

$3.99 to $9.99 . Each and every one of them has tons of chips around the hole . They looked awful . The hole was about an inch or more , with a plastic cap .... overpriced and no quality at all . They did sell the white lights -- a strand of 35 white lights with white cord for $3.99 ....that's regular price . They are sure to get cheaper - at least half that price.

****** No surprise -- Hobby Lobby has Christmas stuff out already !

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