Do YOU Think This House is Ugly? Shocked at responses
16 years ago
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Comments (92)
- 16 years ago
- 16 years ago
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What do you think of home sales parties?
Comments (58)Well, I had a friend who sold Pampered Chef and she talked me into hosting a party after my first kitchen remodel about five years ago -- I think I was vulnerable because I did want to show off the new kitchen. She is someone who has had a lot of bad luck and never seems to have money for the unexpected or sometimes even the necessities, so I was an easy mark and a softy and agreed to do it. BIG MISTAKE!!! She did a fine job with the presentation, and a good number of my friends came and bought stuff. But the processing of the orders was a nightmare, and she messed things up so badly that it took months and months to straighten them out, and was an embarrassment for me with those who had come and made purchases. It definitely affected our friendship, and I was relieved when she moved away because I was always afraid she was going to ask me to do it again. And while I did get some free stuff (which, other than the toast tongs, I don't use very often) I spent a fortune on the ingredients for the food that was prepared. So, be warned, while attending them can be painful and anxiety-producing for some, hosting the party can take you to a whole other level of torture....See MoreIKEA - shocking advertising! what are you thinking?
Comments (33)I have seen far worse than that spaghetti one on tv. Shows like Rock of Love and the Simple Life and the Kardashians. Yes those are all cable tv shows and no I don't watch them but I do watch The Soup, a tv show that makes fun of all these stupid shows. You'd be amazed at what these shows get away with! One of these Ikea commercials during a show like that would be no big deal. Plus, has no one ever had insomnia? Even on normal cable channels like the BBC and HGTV there are ads for phone lines you can call if you're "lonely" if you watch at 3 am. I know because I record a couple of older shows that only come on at 2-3 am, and I'm glad I can fast-forward those commercials! Yes, I do think these commercials are inappropriate for kids, but I do think these were created with a specific audience (probably European) or a specific timeslot in mind. Heck, if you're letting your kids watch anything but Nickelodeon or some of the channels Nicole mentioned, then they already know A LOT more than what you saw in the Ikea ads....See MoreThinking about buying lake house...ugly me for cheap
Comments (26)I would whitewash the brick. You should only have to do it once in your lifetime if it's done right, and it gives style and character to even the most uninspiring builders' bricks. Google "whitewash brick" and look at the images, and then click on askthebuilder for more information. Then I would get rid of the shutters, paint the trim and door a nice soft but rich watery blue or green, like one of the variety of traditional trim colors of Cape Cod shingle cottages. I'd hang deep window boxes in the same blue or green under the windows, and build planter boxes, same color as the boxes, along the perimeter of the terrace. I'd paint the gable end and the columns the same tone as the whitewash. The gable design is more problematic, since it is not centered on the door, and if you add more columns, you need to be sure that they aren't too close together, which can make it hard to get things in and out. The biggest design challenge I see is that the gable end needs an architrave...a horizontal base to the siding...and the columns need to be fatter, correctly tapered, have the proper bases and capitals, and moved in from the edges by a foot or so. Then I'd get on with the pleasure of what looks like a charming getaway!...See MoreDo you think it's creepy to go to the open house to your former place
Comments (64)You all are very kind as're not being blunt, and you're being very helpful (and I'm a psycho-more than usual. But it might be my new usual. Things are moving this way) running, I wonder whether it's one of the approaches I love the was developed by Michael White if I'm not mistaken. It does sound like it. There, one does create a story ..and picks certain bricks to build that house so to say, a house of his story..out of thousand brincks that he has, he picks hundreds -and chooses not to pick others, as to confirm his own story. While other bricks continue to be at his disposal..they don't fit. They don't fit whatever he builds, and thus he never uses them. Maybe he doesn't even see them, at times. Sounds familiar? It might be called a narrative approach, I'm not very sure about English terminology. And I'm desperate to continue to write my story. And I want to have some control over it. Who doesn't. It's damn hard to do. Because my control is getting very small precisely when it had a chance to be bigger, and precisely when I sorely need it. It shrinks by the day. It shrinks and it doesn't depend on me that much already, and will depend less and less. So I have a very little time. I'm revisiting my past a lot, that's true, and I'm bargaining about some of "what ifs"-but I probably think too much about future right now because it comes faster than I thought it would. And future -whatever part of the story I have yet to write-it does include the current house. Say I don't want to sell it, or to rent it, or to get rid of it. I want to keep it in the family and all. I do love it. But it shapes to be my "forever" house too fast. Simply speaking-I don't want to die here. And it's very hard becoming a huge burden to your family. I'll be a very big burden. I already am-bui I didn't imagine the degree of how fast it goes downhill, and what will entail. It'll get worse, and it won't be pretty. It will be ugly, and very.. non-elegant. No white camelias.. And I want to die at home. Well preferably to live and die at home, but if living is impossible then to die. And my home is very very far away. And for millions of people that might be a brick that they wouldn't choose. Where they're'd want to die. It's a kind of a luxury too..I'm not even sure that brick is at my disposal)) I realize all that. Yet to me it's fundamental. It's like to write ..well I don't know.."Wuthering Heights" and leave out Heathcliff. My Heatchcliff is not a person, not a passion for something, not a..I don't know. Everybody and their Heathcliff. My Heathcliff is my land. I spent many years trying to write a different story. But that brick Is too heavy to move, I'm not taking it out.. My house of a story might be a pretty place without it. But it would be a lie. And I want authenticity. As with a house.. And to be a burden here...very practically speaking ..lots of money too. Pain to them and torture to me- and tons of money. I need to start leaving-well partially leaving, I'm not going to leave my family and this country once and for all, I'll have to divide my time between here and there, which will be very hard as well-I need to start leaving much faster than I thought. While l I have a capacity to do so at all. While I have my brain still computating things for me, you know? because it's not a given. I thought whatever happens-at least to the very end I have my dignity. I can be of some minor use to my loved ones. One can still think, talk, be a rock in a sense he's there for them.. That's not how things will work in my case, not neccessarily. One needs to be of a sound mind in order to have be a be anything at all. And mind will most likely crumble as everything else does. I'm so so sorry to bring you into my vortex or how it's called. But there are very few people who know these details-and one of them is my husband, and the rest, I pay them money)) I don't want to make others too sad over things they cannot change-so add to it my huge effort to show everybody a different story that you write only for their sake. A story where everything looks better and holds a promise.. It's too many stories to juggle at once..))) And my fingers loose the capacity to hold a pen. I don't mourn my old place. I mourn my old me. After all I'm to separate from her soon. She's a very questionable person of course-but I didn't have anybody else)) I do want to live in the moment (to that end we yesterday went to the party and had fun)) we'd choose it anyway over open house lol, but you probably convinced me not to go at all. Maybe while I was writing here and reading your answers-I lost the incling to go to. Having this thread was enough ) And I do want to accept things .Desperately so. It's just hard because almost every day brings something else I have to adjust to and thus accept. Gardens and orchids do make me happy:) Believe me I'd rather stop writing where I was at orchids' part. Totally my fault to let it slide like that. I'm sorry about all this oversharing..I think it partially falls on you too because is easier to say certain things in English. It being not my native language. It's liberating, to a degree. Not fair to you of course, but you're too good for your own good ..)) I should probably have to just leave it all unanswered. Yet all of you wrote to me and shared with me your thoughts and stories from the bottom of your heart. I'm giving you back something you don't need. But it's also from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.. You are fascinating people, you opened so many new stories to me, and your existence in my life-virtual or not-is also a brick that I'd rather hold on to....See MoreRelated Professionals
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