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Venetian plaster diary entry with photos

17 years ago

Some of you might remember my moving in diary from a couple years back. I thought I'd do an update from a recent failed and then rescued venetian plaster project for my powder room.

7/15/2007: In a fit of enthusiasm, decide to DIY Venetian plaster in the powder room.

7/16/2007: Buy plaster and lots of manly tools. Feeling productive.

7/28/2007: Start project. Slap on mud. This is too easy.

7/29/2007: Slap on plaster. Still easy. Start burnishing plaster. Uh oh. Not so easy. Exert copious amounts of effort, sweat, and swearing - in that order - to finish puny 3x3Â section of wall.

7/30/2007: Ridiculously lame repeat of yesterdayÂs efforts. Console myself with the fact that IÂm getting a good workout and will have arms like The Rock in no time.

7/31/2007: Wicked sore muscles. Making muscles is hard.

8/1/2007: Still with the sore muscles. Making muscles is really hard.

8/5/2007: Excruciating repeat of the previous weekend. Swearing getting repetitive. Results suck. Arms still puny. Am plunged into despair. Note to self: you suck at Venetian plaster.

8/12/2007: Take a break from evil plaster project. Not feeling productive. Note to self: YouÂre a nerd with skinny arms and proud of it. Well, the skinny arms and nerd part are true, at least.

8/15/2007: Waiting for nerdly inspiration on how to get myself out of this crazy project.

8/19/2007: Still waiting for inspiration. Feeling like Tim "The Toolman" Taylor. WhereÂs Al when you need him? DW asks when sheÂs getting her powder room back. Reply that IÂm working on it.

8/25/2007: Powder room is gathering dust. Unmistakable air of abandoned project setting in.

8/27/2007: While in cleaning, housekeeperÂs assistant tells DW that her husband works for Venetian plaster company, does work on the side. Asks if we want him to give an estimate. Hell yes! I knew if I waited long enough the problem would solve itself. Am amazed at my remarkable powers of foresight. Must be GodÂs compensation for the skinny arms. DW queues it up.

8/28/2007: Plaster guy comes by for estimate. Am surprised he doesnÂt fall over laughing at my work. Discuss work to be done, plaster guy seems surprised that I actually know what IÂm talking about. Or maybe heÂs humoring me. Says heÂll call later with estimate. Tell DW IÂll be happy if itÂs under $1000.

8/29/2007: Plaster guy calls with estimate - $350. Am glad weÂre having the conversation over the phone as my poker face would have him going all-in. Play it cool and repeat in incredulous voice "$350"?!? Plaster guy starts to give me materials cost breakdown to justify the price. Give grudging acceptance. DW later asks why I gave him a hard time. Tell her that itÂs the principle of the thing.

8/29/2007: Plaster guy actually shows up on time, thinks so highly of my work that he completely covers it with joint compound and primer. Derive guilty pleasure from sitting on my butt surfing web while listening to him finish the evil plaster project. Almost feel bad that I wonÂt have The RockÂs arms. Eat Haagan Dazs to assuage my guilt.

9/5/2007: Plaster guy finishes project, looks fantastic. Happily fork over $350. Notice plaster guy has arms like The Rock. Realize that in a movie IÂd be the rich but nerdy city slicker villain. Tell myself thatÂs better than being the poor noble guy with arms like The Rock. Resolve to tell visitors that I started the project but got too busy to finish it. Haagen Dazs makes me feel better.

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