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Legit from yahoo?

14 years ago

Received this in my yahoo mail:

Verify this email address

You recently added a new email address to your Yahoo! account, or initiated verification of an existing email address. To verify that you own this email address, simply click on the link below.

Verifying your email address ensures that you can securely retrieve your account information if your password is lost or stolen. You must verify your email address before you can use it on Yahoo! services that require an email address.

For your security, please keep your email address information up-to-date. If this information changes, you can always update it by signing in to your Yahoo! account and changing it from the "My Account" area.

Verify "****"

If you can't click the sign in button, you can verify your email address by cutting and pasting (or typing) the following address into your browser:

Not your account?

Your email address was added to the Yahoo! ID: aa****. If this Yahoo! ID does not belong to you, or you did not recently add your email address to this Yahoo! ID, you may permanently stop receiving messages for this Yahoo! ID at this email address. Please let us know.

When I click the Verify button, a page comes up stating:

Oops, looks like you're logged into another account.

To complete the verification, you need to sign out from your current account **** and sign into aa**** Click on the "Sign Out & Continue" button to continue with the verification process.

(I'm not logged into any other account)

I don't want to do anything to screw up my mail.


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