New Construction: At what point does the roof stop leaking?
15 years ago
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- 15 years ago
- 15 years ago
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Rastra construction / roof leaks
Comments (6)The best flat roofing material going remains EPDM membranes. If you can get a piece large enough with factory seams (instead of field seams) all the better. EPDM (Firestone is a very big maker) is UV stable, and used on large flat roof projects (stores, warehouses, shopping centers) in preference to the older built up (hot mop with multiple layers and gravel for UV protection). Like any other roofing method, the biggest source of leaks are penetrations through the roof (plumbing vents, air vents, skylights, etc.). The devil really is in the details of sealing penetrations. Uncured EPDM is used, and the UV exposure finishes curing the material (and were not exposed it stays as sticky as anything long term)....See MoreNew construction, AC freezing up/leaking
Comments (10)This is a brand new system, chances to have a leak is very small because the builder does not like that either. any problem with the house will waste their time and money. To find out if there is a leak is not that easy, especilly if the leak is a small one. However, assume you do not have HVAC gauges, but you can do this: watch/check the temperature of the large pipe near outside condenser, should be cold and wet. check it every day at the same time of the day (means at the same outside temp). If it gets warmer, you have a problem, or possible leak. Also check the temp difference between incoming cold air and return air inside your house (again same time of the day,use the same register). they should be the same always(around 16-20). if not, there is a problem....See MoreNew porch roof is leaking the adhesive from ice shield..Help!
Comments (14)it really depends on the installation. If the roofer literally peeled the backing sheet off of the Ice and Water shield and stuck it down to the roof deck (deck boards with joints as opposed to continuous sheathing) then yes, I think there is a potential for the asphalt to flow through the board joints whenever it gets hot enough to melt it. With time it may slow down due to exposure but the good I&W shield material is designed to flow and seal against penentrations to prevent water from getting through the membrane. I would not expect it to be a contant drip like a water leak, but I suspect the potential for it to ooze through the joints (as shown in your photos) and maybe cause an occassional drip in really hot weather would be there for a long time....See MoreLeaking Pella Windows **New Construction** PLEASE HELP!
Comments (54)I thought I would respond to this old thread in case it could help someone. I don't have technical experience in this field... but I did have 3 very large leaking Pella picture windows in a 10 year old house that I purchased. They leaked during heavy windy rains. I had roofers, siding guys, and window guys come out to make flahing and siding repairs w/o any luck. After dealing with this problem for 6 months another contractor sprayed a hose and could determine that the water was coming in at the window seals. It was evident in windy conditions because the water was being blown upwards and coming through the top seals and then running down the window. The contractor applied a bead of silicone along the seal on the exterior of the windows, 30 minutes later the problem was resolved. Had I known, I would have saved thousands and dollars and a lot of headaches. Years later those windows are still fine but I have had to apply that same bead to other leaking windows to resolve the same issue....See MoreRelated Professionals
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