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Good stand mixer? Hate my Kitchen Aid!

15 years ago

After 25 years of faithful service, my Sunbeam Mixmaster gave out. When I replaced it with another of the same brand, I quickly found out that they just don't make things like they used to! So I purchased a KA, like everyone else. This has been a few years ago now and I still hate, hate, hate that Kitchen Aid! I don't like that you can't add ingredients easily while mixing without putting the collar and chute on the bowl, you can't scrape the bowl while the beater is running, it's very messy (something always manages to fly out the bowl, no matter how careful I am), I can't seem to get it set right so that the ingredients in the bottom of the bowl get incorporated into the batter, and it's just too big and heavy!

Is there a better alternative? I'm not a professional, but I'd like to have z mixer that doesn't discourage me from baking!

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