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Wall-mount faucet question . . . opinions please!

16 years ago

In our master bath remodel we will have a two handled wall-mount faucet above a stone vanity top with an undermount sink. It's a more contemporary bathroom and we like the clean look. The vanity will be a comfortable (for us) 36" high, and the rough-in for the faucet is currently about 7" above that.

The GC and plumber say that the installation info from the manufacturer recommends this, but our architect's plans show it mounted about 2" lower (so 5" above the counter) and I just think it looks too high where it is. (it doesn't have much of a "drop" or "bend" in the spout to account for, maybe only 1.5 inches?)

The undermount sink is ~6" deep, so my best guess of the distance from the spout edge to the sink is ~12" which seems kind of high. But maybe it just looks high because of the kitchen-height vanity (which isn't in yet, so all you see now is the valve in the stud wall.) If it is helpful, the sink will be about 21"W x 13"D.

Does this seem high to anyone else? Any thoughts? I see a lot of these over vessel-type sinks, but haven't found much info about the recommended height over an undermount.

P.S. while we are on the height issue - our showerhead is at 7ft (84") high which also seems really high to me. Both DH and the plumber say this is the "new standard" but as they are both well over 6ft tall - I suspect they have high standards! (I'm 5'9" so quite tall myself - but don't want to be building our master bath to giant's proportions!)

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