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Question on Tablescapes

16 years ago

I was wondering...dining_delight mentioned that she put her plates back on the table after washing so they could enjoy the Harley-Davidson tablesetting for a bit longer. I've often considered doing this, simply because hubby and I (being just the two of us) don't often actually eat at the table, but I love the way it looks when I have it all "decked out" with dishes and such. I always set it for a "guest meal" the night before, but how long do you all leave your tablescapes up for? Do you leave the dishes on for any length of time, or just for the meal?

And if you do leave them on, do you just wipe them down before using them (ie, do you worry about dust collecting)?

I've often thought that if the table were "perpetually set", it wouldn't get cluttery so much either...then again, I do occasionally use it for projects too, or for a place to sit and chat when someone stops by.

Anyways...just curious. :-)

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