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Halloween Comes Early

It occurred to me that I HAVE been thinking holidays just a teensy bit. Really, it's due to the strange time warp I experience every time I go into Michaels.

Not long ago, I was looking for some summery hydrangea swags for my friends bridal shower decor, and they were pretty hard to find...

Because Michael's had already decided it was, if not October, possibly Labor Day.

All the swags were in fall colors, with leaves and nuts. But then I stumbled on the Halloween section and I found something I couldn't resist.

It's this cute little wooden dimensional sign, which reads, "The Thrifty Witch" and discusses the wares offered in the establishment. It was entirely too entertaining.

So at the very least, it will go on my front door, and maybe on my blog for the holiday. I picked up some funny potions bottles last year, so I plan to get them out this year as well.

I KNOW, I have some time to plan, though, don't I? (ha... only, what, three months?? :-) )


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