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Bathroom Redo almost complete - Thanks everyone!

10 years ago

Link to orignial thread with before pics.

Thanks to garden web, we completed our redo in our master & guest bathrooms.

After much debate, we kept our tile and vanity, and just replaced our countertop, backsplash, sinks & faucets and paint. It's not my dream bathroom but it sure makes a bid difference! Thank you to everyone!

I'm a little shy to post our pictures, since its such a modest bathroom, and its not stunning like what others have done. But I did want to show what a little bit of paint and pretty minor reno can do. Budget was low... : )

BM Paint - Cinder
Still need to decorate... and adjust height of pictures....

Sorry low quality photo's.

This post was edited by beaches1980 on Sun, Jun 15, 14 at 9:24

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