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I have been fascinated with WD-40 for over half a century. Here is a list of cleaning uses floating around the internet.

Are you looking for a cheaper cleaning alternative? WD-40 is the answer!

  1. WD-40 can remove ink from a pair of blue jeans instantly, just a little spray should do the trick.
  2. Another amazing WD-40 trick is that it can protect your precious silver jewelry from blackening.
  3. If you ever have gum on wallpaper, spray WD-40 on it, and it will get it clean in no time.
  4. Have you ever had a coffee stain on your favorite cup? Well you can get rid of it with WD-40.
  5. Do you have children who love glue, but get in on furniture? A little WD-40 will get it out in no time.
  6. You a big golf fan? WD-40 will make your golf club shiny like new.
  7. Love to fish? WD-40 polishes fishing lures.
  8. Have bugs been making your windshield dirty? WD-40 will remove all dead bugs on your windshield.
  9. WD-40 can remove tape from a hockey stick.
  10. Love to play pool, but have dirty pool cue sticks? WD-40 will clean them easily.
  11. Do you have a canoe that goes slow? Maybe its from the algae build up on the bottom. WD-40 will clean it off right away.
  12. You a tap dancer? WD-40 will keep tap shoes running smoothly.
  13. Love to hunt? WD-40 will clean and lubricate any firearm.
  14. Love to cheat in games? Spray WD-40 on Twister mats for more fun.
  15. Have a nasty piece of gum on your favorite shoes? WD-40 will clean it right off.

I wouldn't swear to all of them, and the list could probably be extended by a hundred or so.

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