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Bill V, Mongo--Can I extend an existing tile floor by adding tile

11 years ago

I'm hoping to add a second sink/vanity to our only second floor bathroom serving 3 bedrooms. We'd have to remove the wall behind the existing vanity that's opposite the bath entry door, and push that wall back 3' into a storage area. Then we'd put 2 vanities (27" & 42") along the left wall. This part of the bathroom is 54" wide; the part of the wall that the vanities will be on is about 6'. The tub & toilet room (5' x 8') is separated from the vanity area by a wall and connecting door to the right.

Plan B would be to push the wall back only 2' and have the vanities in an L configuation, with the 27" one on the left, a 15" wide set of drawers on the left, the corner covered with the counter, and the other 36" vanity opposite the main door. We wouldn't get a towel closet or access to the remainder of the storage area, but maybe with less floor to tile this version might work out better?

The 2" x 2" tile was set in a mud base 6 years ago. Is it possible to successfully extend the mud base back 3 or 4' and lay new tile in that area? Or do we need to tear out all of the tile in that part of the bathroom and put a sill between it and the tub/toilet part of the bathroom?

If neither is possible (I know it wouldn't look great, since I can't match the tile), is there anything else we can do short of retiling both parts of the bathroom? I hate to think of the cost of tearing out almost new tile and redoing it all. Would the mud base have to be torn out also?

Any suggestions and help are greatly appreciated!


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