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Hello From Lubbock

22 years ago

We're home, and I'm going through a serious polyclay withdrawal. I missed you all so much! We had quite a series of (mis)adventures during the move from NY to TX, but for the most part, it's over now. (That whistling wind sound you hear is a big sigh of relief LOL)

ArtsyCraftsy- You should have an email from me. Please let me know if you haven't recieved it.

akaLia - I know what you did ie the glass attic. You are the best, you know that?? Look for an email from me, too, and a thousand thank you's aren't enough. I'll build a shrine to you here on Cloud Nine. YOU ARE THE BEST!

It's late and I'm tired so everyting else will have to wait. Good night everyone!

"there's no place like home"

lamb- the frugal crafter

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