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Hello Clay Creators

22 years ago


I just read all the posts, and looked through the Gallery of Greatness.

Feeling like I need to get up for a run around the house, cause that took a long time !!---too cold here to go outside!!

When I first saw the post go out for anyone interested in this type of forum, I chimed in. I stated that I had some clay, a blade and other goodies I had bought at Joann's and that they were still in the sack. It has been a year. True confessions are embarrassing and painful !!

Anyway--they are still there !!

I am glad you gave ideas to the newbies. I feel I will enjoy doing SOMETHING with the clay.

I will be lurking and complementing as time goes by. Maybe I will get DH to bring home some hex nuts and washers from work and make someting I can put on a string !!

Sculpey Smiles and Fimo Farewells,

Cece from GA

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