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Not holiday--but vacation--flags

18 years ago

Sandi, You said you would like to see the little flags I painted to put outside our motorhome. I made them from a canvas table runner and just painted them with a fun pattern to bring a smile to the face of anyone passing our little "patio" area of the motor home. They are just the right size for those little flag holders you push into the ground. Enjoy. Luvs

Comments (10)

  • 18 years ago

    Luvs, Those flags are just so cute! I bet you did get lots of smiles with them. You are just so talented. Thanks for sharing them with us.


  • 18 years ago

    Those are great Luvs like everything you do. How do you have them out in front???

  • 18 years ago

    Minnie, they just slide on one of those small metal flag holders that push into the ground. They have sort of a u shaped bottom, so I can usually just step on it to push it in--couldn't use it on this last trip--the ground was covered with rock and too solid for my metal holder to go in. We usually put out our outdoor carpet and pull the awning down. Set out our barbeque, table and chairs, set up the flag and we are at home away from home! LOL

  • 18 years ago

    Luvs, I think your trips sound like so much fun. Especially one this time of year just to get away after the hectic holidays are over must be so relaxing. I don't know how your flags attach, but could you use a horizontal flag pole type attached to your motor home at times when the ground is too rocky? You can see I know nothing about motor homes.

  • 18 years ago

    I especially like your "Howdy" sign!!

  • 18 years ago

    Me too, they are both adorable. Very creative!

  • 18 years ago

    Minnie, that Howdy sign is not quite a self portrait--Yet! Ha ha I just liked the saying and that funny little old couple.

    Sandi--I could probably just use a couple of clips and attach one to the awning when the ground is too hard like that--just wasn't prepared this time.

    Glad you gals liked them--like I said they were just for fun. Sometimes things like that can be good conversation starters too--I enjoy chatting with the other campers sometimes.


  • 18 years ago

    Luvs, you're so creative! Have you ever thougth of selling them at Quartzsite? They would definitely be a hot seller!! ;o)


  • 18 years ago

    Thanks patty_cakes, I'm afraid I am not very good at making things in quantity! Get bored rather quickly. And there is probably someone else already selling something similar--I just haven't seen them yet. ;o) Luvs

  • 18 years ago

    luvs, those are really cute, what fun to have artistic talent (definately do some wooden chargers) LOL