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Can you help me ID these silver patterns? (pics!)

17 years ago

A mission for the silver mavens! I have some other pieces that I'd like to identify, whether I decide to keep them or not. I've been busy trying to ID manufacturers' marks, aided by my camera. (Gotta love a closeup lens!)

I'll start with some forks that appear to have been given as gifts to a collector, or acquired on his or her own after visiting various cities. They have the names of cities beautifully engraved on front or back.

This is one is by J.B. and S.M. Knowles. It is also engraved Freeman Jewelry Co.


A closer look at the Knowles:


This is by Whiting, followed by a closeup of the Whiting mark.



The next four are the same fork, by Towle:




See why I love my closeup lens? :-)


This is by the Frank M. Whiting Co.


This is engraved A. B. Griswold & Co., but the mark is Gorham.


And I associate this one with my grandmother and definitely keeping it. I have a bunch of them, actually. It's by Reed & Barton.


Thank you! I'll be back with more.....


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