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Queen Anne (?) Ladie's Secretary

18 years ago

well, I don't know if this will do much good, but I'm going to ask anyway since there are a lot of really knowlegeable people here!

I have a little secretary desk that belonged to my grandmother. She said that she'd "inherited" it when it was found (in the 1970s) in a long abandoned log cabin in remote Washington State. All I know is the cabin it was found in was built somewhere around 1890.

I'm hoping someone can tell me who the craftsman might be. If that's even possible to tell. I've put a detailed description below the sample photo.

The desk looks to be a Queen Anne style and looks in shape and size to the one I've posted below. But that's about where the similarites end. (I'm also posting a REALLY bad photo of mine, my camera is DOA right now--eventually I'll get some better pics of mine.) Again, this is NOT my desk, this is only a picture of one that's similar.


  • Mine is Cherry

  • There is no top section with drawers, instead it has a delicate brass rail on three sides.
  • The drop front has an inset carved scallop design, similar to fish scales.
  • Mine has a bottom shelf
  • The wood appears to have been hand cut with a hand saw, you can see the close together straight hatch cuts
  • Mine has some intricate brass hardware. The three locks are stamped "Corbin" with the first Corbin hardware tradmark, which means the hardware was made somewhere between 1830 and 1890. The pull hardware is unstamped.
  • The only other possibly identifying mark I can find is on the back of the piece, roughly near the top, is a row of uneven number 3's (maybe a 1/2" tall) that stretch horizonally across the back. They appear to have been tapped one at a time into the wood with a die of some sort.

Here is a picture of my desk, what you can see of it! The prom queens are just slightly prettier than the desk is! haha.

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