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Lurking Coopers Hawk

I had a Coopers Hawk lurking around my yard yesterday. It was unfortunate for a downy woodpecker I tried to rescue. A downy woodpecker knocked itself out on my sliding glass door yesterday. At first I thought it was dead, but after I picked it up it started to revive.

I wrapped it up in a towel and put it in a box but it didn't revive right away, so I brought it in the house. The warmth of my house revived it and I decided to take the box outside. I opened the box to see what would happen and the downy flew off right away. Unfortunately there was a Coopers Hawk lurking some where in the vicinity, which swooped down and snatched the woodpecker right out of the air. I had been looking around the yard for hawks suspecting that maybe a hawk had frightened the woodpecker into crashing into the yard, but I hadn't seen any. I guess it came back and I just didn't see it.


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