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Cover Crop to follow late blighted tomatoes

10 years ago

My paste tomatoes, San Marzano 168, seeds from Johnny's succumbed first to late blight, and then THE SHOVEL. (dire music...) They are currently residing in a black plastic trash bag waiting for next trash day.

Yes, I have read here (Registered forum lurker: #304) that I can compost the remains, but I just don't have that much confidence in my hot composting skills.

My question is what to cover crop for best productivity/ soil fumigation for next year? I have read that mustard can help, but which one, and when? I am thinking of growing flowers in this section next year, and will move tomatoes to another area so I am hoping this is about feeding the soil, and learning better prevention techniques for next year's relocated tomato crop.

I have a friend that swears by blight resistant varieties, but I mostly grow tomatoes to cook with, so paste tomatoes with superior taste are usually my favorites. My favorite has been Amish Paste, which has no resistance to speak of, but tastes great. I grew this San Marzano last year and it was ok for taste... Any info??

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